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Week 28 The Bunyans Day 2. (Thanks to Clare Pechon, Independence, Lousiana) for voc slides.

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Presentation on theme: "Week 28 The Bunyans Day 2. (Thanks to Clare Pechon, Independence, Lousiana) for voc slides."— Presentation transcript:

1 Week 28 The Bunyans Day 2

2 (Thanks to Clare Pechon, Independence, Lousiana) for voc slides.

3 Question of the Day What do you think is the most amazing event in “The Bunyans”? Why?

4 Read Aloud Today you will be listening to a tall tale about Paul Bunyan and the Mississippi River. A tall tale is a humorous story that usually includes: Events that could not happen in real life. Exaggerations about strength and abilities of the main character. As I continue to read “The Six Mississippis” listen to find out what brilliant idea Paul had when he saw the two Mississippis joined together.

5 Focus Skill: Figurative Language Page 722

6 ~Authors use phrases that make their writing more interesting and help readers picture the events. *These phrases often include figurative language.* ~In figurative language, the meaning of a group of words may be different from the words’ individual meanings. Page 722

7 A simile is a comparison that uses like or as. The man is as strong as an ox. Page 722

8 A metaphor describes a thing as something else. The rainbow was a bright ribbon across the sky.

9 An idiom is a word group with a special meaning. Jen spilled the beans about the surprise party.

10 Personification gives human qualities to an animal or object. The marbles tried to escape. Page 722

11 Hyperbole is an obvious exaggeration. I must have seen a million birds that day.

12 Page 723 **Copy the following chart in to your Reading notes

13 Comprehension Strategy !! All readers come across some things as they read that are unclear to them !! ~~Good readers pay attention to how well they are understanding what they read, and when they realize they are not comprehending something, they pause to clear up their confusion. Rereading is one way of clearing up confusion.

14 Open your Reading book to page 729. What does the idiom love at first sight mean? One person became very fond of another person when first seeing that person.

15 Now look on page 733 in your Reading book. What does “tongue-tied” say about Paul Bunyan? His tongue had gotten tied in a knot.

16 What does the idiom “tongue-tied” mean? Temporarily unable to speak words normally.

17 Practice book page 165


19 Comprehension Strategy !! All readers come across some things as they read that are unclear to them !! ~~Good readers pay attention to how well they are understanding what they read, and when they realize they are not comprehending something, they pause to clear up their confusion. Rereading is one way of clearing up confusion.

20 Lesson 28 Vocabulary



23 Spelling Words : Homophones There They’re Their Sent Scent Hour Our Seam Seem Plain Plane piece peace Two Too To Whole Hole Pail Pale Challenge Words: Chord Cord Heir Morning Mourning

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