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EDU 225: Instructional Technology Week 4 Last week  We explored Live Binders and some Educational Software  We shared some resources you found for.

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2 EDU 225: Instructional Technology Week 4

3 Last week  We explored Live Binders and some Educational Software  We shared some resources you found for the classroom  We discussed some issues of digital safety and shared some approaches  We talked about harnessing the positive aspects of technology  We watched a video on an Australian classroom using innovative technology for learning  We began the Classroom Technology Plan, drafting our mission/vision  We discussed basics of slide shows and some options for creating them  We paired up to plan for slide shows this week

4 Technology Planning for the Classroom and Beyond  Describe an appropriate mission and vision for a classroom technology plan  Identify the key components of a classroom technology plan and its relationship to the school and district technology plan Weeks 3 and 4

5 Partner Presentations  Present your slide show to the class.  Evaluate using a rubric.

6 Paired Prior Knowledge  What do you know about a teacher’s role in communication?  What strategies for communication have you seen K-12 teacher use for both inside and outside of the classroom? Activating Prior Knowledge

7 Mini Debates  Do you feel that technology helps or hinders parents in becoming more involved in their students’ education? Why?  Are technology assisted approaches (website/blog posting, texting, apps) appropriate for teachers to use to contact parents?  Are these approaches appropriate for parents to use to contact the teacher? Discuss

8 Break Ten minutes

9 Communication  Sample Teacher Communication Plan  Read the plan in LC  Identify 3 strategies you like  Think of a way to improve each strategy and make it your own  Communication With Parents  Read the tips in LC  Identify 3 strategies you like  Think of a way to improve each strategy and make it your own LoudCloud Resources

10 Aspects of teacher communications Communication Purposes Graphic Organizer

11 4 corners  Thinking from a parent’s perspective, how would you like to receive information from your school?  School Website  Classroom site/blog  Classroom newsletter  Text messages  Students will go to the corner of their choice  Discuss with others in your corner why you have chosen your answer Corners- Parent Perspective

12 4 corners  Thinking from a teacher’s perspective, how would you like to provide information to parents?  School Website  Classroom site/blog  Classroom newsletter  Text messages/apps  Students will go to the corner of their choice  Discuss with others in your corner why you have chosen your answer Corners- Teacher perspective

13 Parent Communication Why a parent communicatesHow you can be proactive Understanding Parent Concerns

14 Communication Apps  life/blogs/main/100-apps-for-teachers/ life/blogs/main/100-apps-for-teachers/  Communication Tools

15 21 st Century Mindset  wl8WGtl0 wl8WGtl0

16 Are you thinking globally?  Communication for student learning  Authentic applications of technology   Find a project that you could use CIESE

17 A Digital Future: K-12 Technology by 2018 1 year Mobile Learning- Increase classroom use of tablets and phones Cloud Computing- Educational collaboration through one common location 2-3 years Learning Analytics- Teachers tracking student achievement and goals for differentiated learning Open Content- Shared content available to teachers and students 4-5 years 3D Printing- Prototyping, students create models for their ideas, will foster innovative ideas in science and math Virtual laboratories- Web applications allow students to perform experiments over the interne, virtual science Lynch, M (2013) A Digital Future: K-12 Technology by 2018. The Huffington Post. Retrieved from On the horizon

18 Cloud Computing  Screen Cast o Matic   Google Hangouts   -ways-teachers-can-use-google- hangouts.aspx -ways-teachers-can-use-google- hangouts.aspx Technology for today’s classroom

19 District/School Technology Plans  _2014.pdf _2014.pdf   How will your plan fit into a district/school plan someday? Examples

20  and-Vision.php and-Vision.php GCU Mission & Vision

21 Mission/Vision Statement  A Classroom Technology Mission Statement is a short paragraph written by the teacher that reflects the teacher’s purpose of implementing technology, the students’ use for technology, and the core purpose of utilizing technology in the classroom.  Include information about the school  Include information about the students  A Classroom Technology Vision Statement is a short paragraph that looks to the future. This statement remarks at how technology can be used to facilitate what outcomes we seek.  Include how the class will apply the technology  Include details about how technology will support outcomes  Include details about the students’ futures Who we are/ What we do

22 Comprehensive Classroom Technology Plan Section Two: Communications Plan  How can technology be used to communicate in a classroom setting? Consider communication and collaboration with students, parents, the community, and the global community.  Develop a draft for your first year of teaching, detailing how you will communicate with all engaged groups in the educational community. Items you may consider incorporating into the plan include:  A class Web site  Emergency contact list  Alternative methods of communications  Critical communications links  e-mail  VOIP  Student Web sites  Partnerships with other schools  e-pals  Others  How will you address Internet security and safety in this plan?  Support your choices with evidence from your required readings, and two- three peer-reviewed articles from the GCU eLibrary. Benchmark

23 Discuss  Discuss elements of your communications plan at your table  Take notes and make revisions Pair Share

24 LoudCloud  Go to the Student Portal:  Log in to the portal and log into LoudCloud  Syllabus and Benchmark Assessment Rubric  Access course materials  See assignments  Due October 3rd:  Communication Technology: Create a classroom website, blog, or other communication technology approved by the instructor, to communicate with either parents, students, or both. The website must include at least 4 tabs, and the blog must include at least 7 entries of about a paragraph each.

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