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PrayerSongsOfferingSong Bible StudyCommunionAnnouncementsPrayer.

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Presentation on theme: "PrayerSongsOfferingSong Bible StudyCommunionAnnouncementsPrayer."— Presentation transcript:

1 PrayerSongsOfferingSong Bible StudyCommunionAnnouncementsPrayer

2 Messages for skeptics  Abundance of evidence for existence of Jesus  Actions, words of Jesus historically verifiable  Skeptics must decide: mad man, con man or God-man?

3 What impact did Jesus have upon those exposed to His life and teaching?

4 Jesus’ impact upon the Jews  Sought opportunity to kill Jesus, 5:18; 7:1; 19:7  Tried to stone Him, 8:59; 10:31; 11:8  Crucified HIm, Acts 2:36

5 Jesus’ impact upon His first followers  They followed Jesus immediately, 1:37, 43  They wanted to get to know Jesus, 1:38-39  They brought others to Jesus, 1:40-42, 45  They encouraged others to investigate, 1:46

6 Jesus’ impact upon Thomas  Refused testimony of others, demanded better evidence 20:24-25  Acknowledged Jesus as Lord when faced with irrefutable evidence 20:26-29


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