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Developing and maintaining a clearance plan including determining priorities Mr Tim Horner Mine Action Advisor, Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery,

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Presentation on theme: "Developing and maintaining a clearance plan including determining priorities Mr Tim Horner Mine Action Advisor, Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Developing and maintaining a clearance plan including determining priorities Mr Tim Horner Mine Action Advisor, Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery, UNDP New York March 2013 Addis Abbba March 2013

2 What is prioritisation? Prioritisation is a decision making process to identify what receives recourses It needs: 1.Decisions being made by the right people in the right places 2.Information 3.Implementation

3 Why prioritise? Prioritise to optimize effectiveness To harmonise political direction, operational issues and technical parameters To create a complementary structure High level political plans Operational and technical plans at all levels – Cllear criteria and indicators

4 Top down ? High level National Plans National Mine Action Strategy >What are national priorities >What are provincial priorities >Town priorities >Village priorities >Household priorities

5 Bottom up? High level National Plans National Mine Action Strategy <What are national priorities <What are provincial priorities <Town priorities <Village priorities <Household priorities

6 High level plans Are strategic in nature Usually inter-ministerial Follow greater development plans for the country. Not task specific Deal with broad priorities.

7 A National Mine Action Strategy Context What is the post conflict position – Emergency – Stabalisation – Humanitarian – Development

8 A National Mine Action Strategy Must: Fit in with National Plans Comply with international legal obligations Be built on realistic aims, objectives and timing Give broad direction and criteria for a national priority list (clearance and other activities)

9 For example PRIORITY I: Agricultural tasks, roving tasks, public service utilities (medical/public health, water points, etc.), educational facilities. PRIORITY II: Grazing land and forested areas, communal facilities (religious/cultural sites, markets, recreational areas, etc.), Government facilities and offices. PRIORITY III: Public infrastructure work, communal “profit- making” areas, tourism sites, commercial/private business sites.

10 Humanitarian UXO/mine clearance operations will focus strictly on Priorities I and II, with a marked preference for Priority I tasks. Few, if any, of Priority III tasks will be addressed in the context of this plan by operators funded through humanitarian assistance programmes. These will be dealt primarily by commercial operators. For example

11 How to implement the strategy Operationally focused Work-plans Priorities based on strategic criteria and principles Driven from the bottom up Measureable and monitored top down

12 Review and Revise for Relevance A good prioritisation is an agreed national system that works both top-down and bottom up It is an ongoing cycle to remain relevant and realistic

13 Affected community District Government/Task Force Regional Government Task Force NMA/inter- ministerial body Mine Action Centre Regional Mine Action Centres Political Priorities Operational Priorities

14 Affected communities priorities Consolidation + District Priorities Consolidation + Regional Priorities NMA / Inter- ministerial body / Government priorities / Resources MAC Operational Plan / Costing / Ranking MAC regional Operational Plans Implementing agencies Operational Priorities Political Priorities

15 Thank you


17 2010 VILLAGERS submit requests for clearance to VILLAGE AUTHORITIES VILLAGE AUTHORITIES discuss with villagers clearance priorities FINAL VILLAGE CLEARANCE REQUEST submitted to DISTRICT AUTHORITIES 1 2 General criteria for prioritization: 1.UXO contamination in the area 2.Socio-economic status of the family requesting clearance 3.Village development plans Gender perspective: 1. Females main priorities: increasing the amount of safe agricultural land and ensuring safety within immediate home vicinity 2. Male main priorities: increasing the amount of safe agricultural land but would be in agreement with the need for broader local government priorities. Jul to Aug

18 2010 DIFFERENT VILLAGE CLEARANCE REQUESTS received and evaluated by DISTRICT AUTHORITIES 3 FINAL DISTRICT CLEARANCE REQUEST submitted to PROVINCIAL AUTHORITIES DIFFERENT CLEARANCE REQUESTS received and evaluated by PROVINCIAL AUTHORITIES 4 DEVELOPMENT AGENCY REQUESTS General criteria for prioritization: 1.UXO contamination in the area 2.Socio-economic status of the district (poor or very poor) 3.District and provincial development plans Aug to Sep

19 2010 Provincial authorities include representatives from: 1.Labour and Social Welfare 2.Planning and Investment 3.Agriculture 4.Lao Women’s Union 5.Education 6.Health PROVINCIAL CLEARANCE REQUEST discussed with UXO LAO 5 Responding to requests: UXO LAO is limited by its own clearance capacity DIFFERENT PROVINCIAL CLEARANCE REQUESTS submitted and evaluated to UXO LAO National Office and Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare 6 Nov to Dec APPROVED ANNUAL WORK PLAN 7 Dec to Jan

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