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TRANCAT Fifth Framework Programme 1998 - 2002 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT TRANSCAT project Project, 2.-3.10 2003 SRI PAS; Warsaw, Poland.

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1 TRANCAT Fifth Framework Programme 1998 - 2002 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT TRANSCAT project Project, 2.-3.10 2003 SRI PAS; Warsaw, Poland TRANSCAT project Project Meeting, 2.-3.10 2003 SRI PAS; Warsaw, Poland WP1 - AWARENESS CREATION Presented by Jitka Kubešová GEO Group a.s., CZECH REPUBLIC

2 TRANCAT Fifth Framework Programme 1998 - 2002 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT WP 1 in the project: Designed as horizontal WP. Lasting over the whole project time. With strong dependencies to WP3 (Requirement specifications) and WP5 (System architecture design. DSS model formulation) performance and results.

3 TRANCAT Fifth Framework Programme 1998 - 2002 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Main objectives: Analysis of the existing framework related to trans-boundary water resources systems and management. Analysis of the historical, political and economical roles of trans- boundary regions/countries, identification of motives to the raising of conflicts and problems. Identification of relevant existing and potential conflicts in trans- boundary water areas of all categories. Identification of new concepts, proposals and strategies for evolution trends within the Pan European framework. Identification of the policy factors, which influence a country's position about international catchment.

4 TRANCAT Fifth Framework Programme 1998 - 2002 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Further objectives Finding the most important interest groups and activating their involvement; constituting the Local Steering Committee (LSC). Providing information to public by organising information events and discussion groups. Presentation and discussion of possible scenarios and strategies for the derived recommendations for optimal trans-boundary water management.

5 TRANCAT Fifth Framework Programme 1998 - 2002 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Legal and institutional framework Council Directive 76/464/EEC concerning certain harmful substances discharged into aquatic environment Directive 80/68/EEC concerning protection of groundwater’s against pollution with specified dangerous substances Directive 91/271/EEC concerning the treatment of waste waters Directive 91/676/EEC concerning the protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources (the so-called Nitrate Directive) Directive 98/83/EC concerning quality of water intended for human consumption (the so-called Drinking water Directive) Directive 2000/60/EC concerning the water policy

6 TRANCAT Fifth Framework Programme 1998 - 2002 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Historical, political and economical roles of transboundary region Jeseníky (Bela river) 3 historical milestones Division of Silesie (1742) Expulsion of Germans after the WW II Normalisation (1950)

7 TRANCAT Fifth Framework Programme 1998 - 2002 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Historical, political and economical roles of transboundary regions Current problems: up to 30% rate of unemploymentup to 30% rate of unemployment low economic standardlow economic standard migration young people to the towns (population in the villages grows older)migration young people to the towns (population in the villages grows older) bad infrastructurebad infrastructure co-operation with the polish site is not on the best levelco-operation with the polish site is not on the best level low donations from EU to Czech-Polish borderlow donations from EU to Czech-Polish border

8 TRANCAT Fifth Framework Programme 1998 - 2002 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Historical, political and economical roles of transboundary regions Conflict of interest Wastewater treatment plant Mikulovice -x- drinking water for GlucholazyWastewater treatment plant Mikulovice -x- drinking water for Glucholazy Monitoring of ground water quality in this area (Internationally Shared Transboundary Aquifer Resource Management)Monitoring of ground water quality in this area (Internationally Shared Transboundary Aquifer Resource Management) Floods-channel above Jeseník is still being repaired after the floods of the year 1997Floods-channel above Jeseník is still being repaired after the floods of the year 1997

9 TRANCAT Fifth Framework Programme 1998 - 2002 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Historical, political and economical roles of transboundary regions Czech part of Bela river Numerous settlements with population exceeding 2000 people do not have central sewerage (RA)Numerous settlements with population exceeding 2000 people do not have central sewerage (RA) Town Jesenik and vicinity villages established incorporated company VAK (Water Supply and Sewerage of Jesenicko) which provide water management infrastructures in this localityTown Jesenik and vicinity villages established incorporated company VAK (Water Supply and Sewerage of Jesenicko) which provide water management infrastructures in this locality Within programme ISPA – protection of Bela River: Reconstruction and completion of the sewerage network (management of the water treatment and drinking water supply in the region Jesenicko)Within programme ISPA – protection of Bela River: Reconstruction and completion of the sewerage network (management of the water treatment and drinking water supply in the region Jesenicko)

10 TRANCAT Fifth Framework Programme 1998 - 2002 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Historical, political and economical roles of transboundary regions Polish part of Bela river Establishing of indirect protection zones of the water uptake from the river Biala for the town and commune of Glucholazy.Establishing of indirect protection zones of the water uptake from the river Biala for the town and commune of Glucholazy. Protection of the waters of Biala Glucholazka against pollutant discharges or pollution events => decision making system and co-ordination of the preventive measures.Protection of the waters of Biala Glucholazka against pollutant discharges or pollution events => decision making system and co-ordination of the preventive measures. Improve co-operation of the services in the border - adjacent region. Increased understanding of the behaviour and initiatives of the foreign partner - signing of appropriate international agreement.Improve co-operation of the services in the border - adjacent region. Increased understanding of the behaviour and initiatives of the foreign partner - signing of appropriate international agreement.

11 TRANCAT Fifth Framework Programme 1998 - 2002 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Finding the most important interested groups The Local Steering Committee (LCE) Key stakeholders : MinistriesKey stakeholders : Ministries Primary stakeholders : Regional Authority of the Olomouc Region, Municipal authorities, CitizensPrimary stakeholders : Regional Authority of the Olomouc Region, Municipal authorities, Citizens Secondary stakeholders : Protected Landscape Area Jeseníky, Privat company VAK (Water Supply and Sewerage of Jesenicko), PoliceSecondary stakeholders : Protected Landscape Area Jeseníky, Privat company VAK (Water Supply and Sewerage of Jesenicko), Police

12 TRANCAT Fifth Framework Programme 1998 - 2002 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT TASKS (I.) Task 1.1 Inform interested parties, local representatives and public about project intentions and anticipated results and seek their active involvement by organising public meetings, workshops and seminars based on an awareness creation concept prepared by reference area prime movers and defining the local strategies for performance

13 TRANCAT Fifth Framework Programme 1998 - 2002 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT TASKS (I.) Workshop for potential end users at Maltesian Palace in Prague on 21th May 2003 active involvement of interested parties (representatives of NUTS 2, NUTS 3 and local representatives). actual contacts with potential Czech members of the cross border steering committees

14 TRANCAT Fifth Framework Programme 1998 - 2002 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT TASKS (II.) Task 1.2 Setup of a cross border Steering Committee in the respective reference areas, define committee members role in the project and find their active cooperation and substantial project support by discussing existing and potential trans-boundary problems especially in the light of different legal provisions and administrative resistance.

15 TRANCAT Fifth Framework Programme 1998 - 2002 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT TASKS (II.) personal meetings with local representatives on both sites, Šumava and Běla river catchment The outcome of this meetings requirement specification and system development of the TRANSCAT will be supported by the demo/prototype launching on the catchment river Bela site prototype will be created for public administration (regional/local authority) personal completion of questionnaires

16 TRANCAT Fifth Framework Programme 1998 - 2002 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Contribution by other WP WP3 - In co-operation with VSB-TUO we prepared Czech/English version of the questionnaire for end users WP3 - Recognition and identification of relevant data sources WP4 - Review of the parameters influencing the collection of data WP5 - We prepared mailing-list targeted to academics, research institutes, policy makers, decision makers, and stakeholders from Czech Republic for conference in Venice WP6 - We prepared summary about CZ/PL and CZ/G pilot sites WP9 - We made a Czech version about project TRANSCAT for VSB-TUO who prepared and organised the project own website.

17 TRANCAT Fifth Framework Programme 1998 - 2002 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT MILESTONES AND DELIVERABLES M1.1 - Establishment of Local Steering Committees in pilot areas (month 3) M1.2 - Awareness creation concept/strategy and project information/promotion material prepared (month 3)

18 TRANCAT Fifth Framework Programme 1998 - 2002 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Thanks for your attention !!! Kontakt: Jitka Kubešová GEO Group a.s., E-mail:

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