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SNIFFER’S ROLE IN FLOOD RISK MANAGEMENT Fiona Mactaggart Research Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "SNIFFER’S ROLE IN FLOOD RISK MANAGEMENT Fiona Mactaggart Research Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 SNIFFER’S ROLE IN FLOOD RISK MANAGEMENT Fiona Mactaggart Research Manager

2 SNIFFER: background SNIFFER aims to improve knowledge to protect our environment Funded by five members: oScottish Executive oScottish Environment Protection Agency oScottish Natural Heritage oEnvironment and Heritage Service oForestry Commission Additional collaborative income at a topic and project level

3 Current topic areas Implementation of Water Framework Directive Urban environment Land quality Air quality Programme of UK environmental regulation research Climate change Flood risk management

4 FRM service: background Scottish Executive’s Environment Group commissioned SNIFFER to provide a research and knowledge management service in relation to flood risk management (FRM). Funding from August 2004 to August 2006. On behalf of Scottish stakeholders.

5 FRM service: aims 1.Develop knowledge, understanding and awareness of flood risk management research programmes and initiatives in the UK and EU; 2.Develop a flood risk management research agenda for Scotland; 3.Ensure that Scotland’s research agenda and priorities are represented within UK and EU research programmes and initiatives through communication with key research funders; 4.Provide a knowledge management service with a policy focus; 5.Commission and effectively manage flood risk management research; and 6.Interpret, disseminate and communicate flood risk management research findings to the Scottish Executive and within Scotland.

6 FRM service: delivery mechanisms RISE website Steering group. Research programme. Liaison and potential future collaboration with other research funders. Providing support to the Scottish Executive’s input to the Flood Risk Management Consortium (FRMC) & CRUE ERA-NET.

7 RISE website Research Information Service for Flood Risk Management (RISE)

8 FRM steering group: membership David Seaman, Scottish Executive David Faichney, SEPA David Howell, SNH Alasdair Smith, Aberdeenshire Council (to be confirmed) Mike Donaghy / Andrea Johnstonov, Scottish Environment Link Alistair Dyer, Scottish Water John Clarke, Rivers Agency Fiona Mactaggart, SNIFFER

9 FRM steering group: remit To provide strategic direction and advice to SNIFFER’s Research Manager to ensure that: the developing Scottish FRM research agenda reflects and addresses the needs of Scottish stakeholders; and SNIFFER effectively communicates FRM research findings and information to Scottish stakeholders.

10 FRM steering group: next steps Initial FRM steering group meeting on 27 April to : oagree terms of reference, and oapproach to development of Scottish FRM research agenda. Development of research agenda : owill build on recommendations from existing documents and ois likely to include stakeholder workshops to identify research needs/gaps. Limited core funding available – aim to secure collaborative income from stakeholders.

11 FRM research programme Programme will deliver the research agenda identified under the FRM steering group. To include seminars and workshops as well as commissioning research. Already two SNIFFER projects:  Broad scale ecosystem impact modelling (BSEIM) toolbox Scotland  Assessing the benefits of flood warning

12 BSEIM toolbox Scotland project Aims to develop a ‘toolbox’ containing best practice guidance in data collation and ecosystem impact prediction using current available techniques. Toolbox will assist with ensuring that those involved in flood management, river basin and development planning in Scotland adopt a consistent approach when assessing and considering ecosystem impacts.

13 Flood warning project Review and assessment of available methods for assessing the socio-economic and environmental benefits of flood warning operations generally, and of specific schemes. If existing methods are unsatisfactory/ insufficient, a new method may be developed.

14 Support: Flood Risk Management Research Consortium (FRMRC) EPSRC funded Consortium. Collaborative income from Scottish Executive, Defra, Environment Agency, Rivers Agency, NERC & UKWIR. 4 year programme of research (2004- 2008) worth over £5 million. Over 70 individuals involved in different university departments.

15 Support: Flood Risk Management Research Consortium (FRMRC) To combine the strengths of blue skies and targeted end-user research, delivering outputs which will result in a reduction of flood risk in the UK.

16 Support:CRUE ERA-NET Co-ordination of FRM research in the EU Scottish Executive part funding. Aims to: oDevelop strategic integration of FRM research at the national funding and policy development levels within Europe. oProvide knowledge and understanding for the sustainable management of flooding risks at the river basin and coastal process cell scale.

17 FIAC and SNIFFER FIAC: offer advice on taking forward the National Flooding Framework SNIFFER: research and knowledge management SNIFFER can support the work of FIAC by: oProviding knowledge on the EU and UK research agendas; oManaging research to address any identified knowledge gaps.

18 Further information SNIFFER’s research manager, Fiona Mactaggart ( RISE website

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