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Published byCharles Price Modified over 9 years ago
ISOLDE Workshop and Users Meeting, 12 – 14 February 2007H.-Jürgen Kluge 1 H.-Jürgen Kluge GSI Darmstadt and University of Heidelberg Atomic Physics Goes Online: the Role of ISOLDE in the Past and in the Future ISOLDE Workshop and Users Meeting
ISOLDE Workshop and Users Meeting, 12 – 14 February 2007H.-Jürgen Kluge 2 A View of our Friends Across the Atlantic December 2006
ISOLDE Workshop and Users Meeting, 12 – 14 February 2007H.-Jürgen Kluge 3 NRC: “Major Events in the History of Rare-Isotope Science” Achievements in Physics Applications Development of Techniques and Facilities
ISOLDE Workshop and Users Meeting, 12 – 14 February 2007H.-Jürgen Kluge 4 NRC: “Major Events in the History of ISOLDE” Achievements in Physics Applications Development of Techniques and Facilities I would add the following milestones for important achievements by atomic physics techniques: - on-line laser experiments (Hg isotopes, alkali elements) - on-line high-accuracy mass measurements (alkali elements) - on- line ABMR (atomic beam magnetic resonance) experiments (alkali elements) - atomic energy levels of francium - ground state properties of the halo nucleus 11 Li (mass, spin, moments, charge radius) - beam accumulation, cooling and bunching in a segmented gas-filled Paul trap - absolute mass measurements with the carbon cluster comb
ISOLDE Workshop and Users Meeting, 12 – 14 February 2007H.-Jürgen Kluge 5 Atomic Physics Techniques for Nuclear Physics Nuclear Ground state Properties - laser spectroscopy Maxim Seliverstov, D.T. Yordanov, Kieran Flanagan - mass spectrometry Chabouh Yazidjian Ion Beam Manipulation - ionization & charge breeding Mariano Menna, Melanie Marie-Anne - accumulation, cooling and bunching Ernesto Mane - polarization Bradley Cheal - in and post-trap decay Jyväskylä Fundamental Interactions & Symmetries - weak interaction experiments Valentin Kozlov, Bertram Blank The Ultimate Goals: ultra-fast (millisecond) ultra-resolving (hyperfine splitting, ground and isomeric state) ultra-accurate (statistical error only) ultra-sensitive (one-ion experiment)
ISOLDE Workshop and Users Meeting, 12 – 14 February 2007H.-Jürgen Kluge 6 Nuclear Ground State Properties by Atomic Physics Techniques * MASS nuclear binding energy * NUCLEAR HALF-LIFE decay rates *HYPERFINE STRUCTURE 1. Hyperfine Interaction J + = Fnuclear spin 2. Magnetic Dipole HFS A = /I Jnuclear magnetic moment 3. Electric Quadrupole HFS B = e 0 Q s spectroscopic quadrupole moment *ISOTOPE SHIFT Finite Size Effect A,A´ change of ms charge radius
ISOLDE Workshop and Users Meeting, 12 – 14 February 2007H.-Jürgen Kluge 7 Rb Hg D. Lunney et al. Rev. Mod. Phys. 75 (2003) 1021 Is the mass more sensitive to nuclear structure effects than the information obtained by optical techniques (spin, moments, charge radii)? Examples : Charge radii of Rb and Hg isotopes versus mass information Is the mass more sensitive to nuclear structure effects than the information obtained by optical techniques (spin, moments, charge radii)? Examples : Charge radii of Rb and Hg isotopes versus mass information Comparison: Charge Radii – Nuclear Binding Energies
ISOLDE Workshop and Users Meeting, 12 – 14 February 2007H.-Jürgen Kluge 8 11 Li Lifetime 8 ms 30,000 Atoms/s Novel technique developed at GSI by Wilfried Nörtershäuser, Andreas Dax et al. 8,9 Li at GSI 11 Li at TRIUMF Relative Accuracy better than 10 -5 in IS measurement and mass shift calculation required. Mass shift calculation by G. Drake, Z.-C. Yan, K. Pachucki et al. 11 Li Lifetime 8 ms 30,000 Atoms/s Novel technique developed at GSI by Wilfried Nörtershäuser, Andreas Dax et al. 8,9 Li at GSI 11 Li at TRIUMF Relative Accuracy better than 10 -5 in IS measurement and mass shift calculation required. Mass shift calculation by G. Drake, Z.-C. Yan, K. Pachucki et al. Doppler-Free Resonance Ionization Mass Spectroscopy of Lithium
ISOLDE Workshop and Users Meeting, 12 – 14 February 2007H.-Jürgen Kluge 9 R. Sánchez et al., PRL 96, 033002 (2006) Nature Physics 2, 145 (2006) M. Puchalski et al., PRL 97, 133001 (2006) R. Sánchez et al., PRL 96, 033002 (2006) Nature Physics 2, 145 (2006) M. Puchalski et al., PRL 97, 133001 (2006) Nuclear Charge Radii of Lithium Isotopes
ISOLDE Workshop and Users Meeting, 12 – 14 February 2007H.-Jürgen Kluge 10 Collinear Spectroscopy of 33 Mg with β - Asymmetry Detection 33 Mg: determination of a negative parity intruder ground state via nuclear moments D. T. Yordanov, M. Kowalska, K. Blaum, M. De Rydt, K. Flanagan, P. Lievens, R. Neugart, W. Nörtershäuser, H. H. Stroke, and G. Neyens The measured spin and magnetic moment are respectively I = 3/2 and µ = −0.7456(5)µ n. The latter was found to have a negative sign, requiring a large 2p2h intruder component of the ground state wavefunction and correspondingly a negative parity. The result is consistent with a large prolate deformation, based on the 3/2 [321] Nilsson orbital.
ISOLDE Workshop and Users Meeting, 12 – 14 February 2007H.-Jürgen Kluge 11 A 20,000 fold Improvement in the Signal-to-Noise Ratio 40 kV Ion beam cooler Light collection region (Laser resonance fluorescence) Now: Application to isotopes of refractory elements: Zr, Y, Hf,.... at Jyväskylä
ISOLDE Workshop and Users Meeting, 12 – 14 February 2007H.-Jürgen Kluge 12 M. Seliverstov, A. Andreyev, N. Barré, H. De Witte, D. Fedorov, V. Fedoseyev, S. Franchoo, J. Genevey, G. Huber, M. Huyse, U. Köster, P. Kunz, S. Lesher, B. Marsh, B. Roussière, J. Sauvage, P. Van Duppen, Yu. Volkov Laser Spectroscopy of 182-190 Pb by Resonance Ionization in the Laser Ion Source
ISOLDE Workshop and Users Meeting, 12 – 14 February 2007H.-Jürgen Kluge 13 Fighting Isobaric Contamination with LIST (Laser Ion Source Trap) Electron Repeller Ion Repeller Z Release 10 mm End Plate Laser Ions Surface Ions U DC Atomizer Electrons Laser Beams Atoms Ions Switchable Electrodes RFQ Segments Accumulate Buffer Gas K. Blaum et al., NIM 2003
ISOLDE Workshop and Users Meeting, 12 – 14 February 2007H.-Jürgen Kluge 14 Ionization of Gallium Atoms in the LIST K. Brück, C. Geppert, F. Schwellnus, K. Wies, K. Wendt First off-line demonstration at Mainz (Klaus Wendt et al., ) Development going on at Mainz, Jyväskylä and TRIUMF Efficient and highly selective ionization Suppression of isobars DC and bunched beams with low emittance Polarized radioactive ion beams by optical pumping First off-line demonstration at Mainz (Klaus Wendt et al., ) Development going on at Mainz, Jyväskylä and TRIUMF Efficient and highly selective ionization Suppression of isobars DC and bunched beams with low emittance Polarized radioactive ion beams by optical pumping
ISOLDE Workshop and Users Meeting, 12 – 14 February 2007H.-Jürgen Kluge 15 Summary 1: Laser Spectroscopy at RIB Facilities ISOL facilities are ideally suited for laser spectroscopy of radioactive beams. ISOLDE has pioneered most on-line laser spectroscopic techniques. TRENDS: Investigation of isotopes of light elements or simple systems (H, Anti-H), He, Li, Be +,...... Ne, Na, Mg,...... U 91+ Towards isobarically clean beams High-Resolution mass Separator, laser ion source trap (LIST) Towards higher sensitivity cooled, stored and bunched beams, spectroscopy in the laser ion source (trap), magneto-optical trap ( 6 He, 8 He, Lu & Mueller et al.) Towards higher resolution cooled and stored beams, magneto-optical trap Towards isotopes of refractory elements IGISOL, in-flight (fragmentation) facilities with a gas cell (LASPEC)
ISOLDE Workshop and Users Meeting, 12 – 14 February 2007H.-Jürgen Kluge 16 The Importance of Atomic Masses
ISOLDE Workshop and Users Meeting, 12 – 14 February 2007H.-Jürgen Kluge 17 Penning Traps and Storage Rings at Accelerators for Nuclear Physics TRIUMF Argonne MSU Jyväskylä GSI Stockholm LBL ESR SHIPTRAP HITRAP FAIR ISOLTRAP REXTRAP ATHENA ATRAP WITCH JYFL TRAP SMILETRAP CPT LEBIT RETRAP TITAN MAFF TRAP Munich Munich CERN RIKEN TRAP operating facilities facilities underconstruction or test planned facilities operating facilities facilities underconstruction or test planned facilities Lanzhou SR ● RIKEN Lanzhou
ISOLDE Workshop and Users Meeting, 12 – 14 February 2007H.-Jürgen Kluge 18 Penning Traps for Mass Spectrometry at Accelerators – World-Wide Type of reaction or facility ISOL- TRAP CERN CPT Argo. SHIP- TRAP GSI JYFL- TRAP Jyvä. LEBIT MSU MAFF- TRAP Munich TITAN TRIUM F SMILE- TRAP MSL HITRAP GSI ISOL xx fusion xx IGISOL x fragmen- tation xx fission by neutrons x highly- charged ions xxxx stable isotopes xx operating facilities facilities under planned facilities construction or test
ISOLDE Workshop and Users Meeting, 12 – 14 February 2007H.-Jürgen Kluge 19 compiled by Dave Lunney – published data until January 2007 Accuracy of Mass Measurements versus Exoticism
ISOLDE Workshop and Users Meeting, 12 – 14 February 2007H.-Jürgen Kluge 20 ISOLTRAP: Mg-22, Ar-34, Ca-38, Rb-74 F. Herfurth et al., Eur. Phys. J. A 15, 17 (2002) A. Kellerbauer et al., Phys. Rev. Lett.93, 072502 (2004) M. Mukherjee et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 150801 (2004) S. George et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2006 (submitted) An accuracy of the Q-value by some few 100 eV is reached by mass measurements. In addition required: Half life Branching ratio Mass Measurements for CVC Hypothesis JVL-TRAP: Al-26m, Sc-42, Ga-62 T. Eronen et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 97 (2006) 232501 T. Eronen et al., Phys. Lett. B 636 (2006) 191; B. Hyland et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 97(2006) 102501 CPT: Mg-22, V-46 G. Savard et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 102501 (2005) Phys. Rec. C 70, 042501(R) (2004) ● ● ● LEBIT: Ca-38 G. Bollen et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 96 (2006) 152501
ISOLDE Workshop and Users Meeting, 12 – 14 February 2007H.-Jürgen Kluge 21 Summary 2: Mass Spectrometry at RIB Facilities ISOLDE has pioneered non-nuclear mass measurements for ISOL facilities (Mattauch-Herzog, RF-Smith (MISTRAL), Penning trap (ISOLTRAP). Presently, high-accuracy mass measurements ( m/m ≤ 10 -8 ) are only possible by use of Penning traps. TRENDS: Towards isobarically clean beams High-Resolution mass Separator, laser ion source trap (LIST) Towards single-ion sensitivity non-destructive ion detection (FT-ICR), single-ion detection for RIB Towards higher resolving power and isomer separation higher charge states, higher magnetic field Towards shorter-lived nuclides higher intensities, higher charge states, higher efficiencies, higher mag. field Towards extreme accuracy higher charge states, higher and more stable magnetic field, carbon cluster
ISOLDE Workshop and Users Meeting, 12 – 14 February 2007H.-Jürgen Kluge 22 H.-J. Kluge, W. Nörtershäuser Spectrochimica Acta 2003 K. Blaum, Phys. Rep. 425 (2006) 1 Optical spectroscopy Mass spectrometry Conclusion Atomic physics techniques have contributed in the past very vitally to the present understanding of nuclear systems. Their model independence, accuracy and sensitivity as well as new techniques for ionization and manipulation of radioactive ion beams will also be essential in the future at ISOLDE and other radioactive-beam facilities. A Final Conclusion: It is easier, of course cheaper (and much more fun) to improve the performance (efficiency, SNR, resolution, accuracy,...) of a method or technique hundred-fold than to in increase the yield of radioactive beams by two orders of magnitude. Of course, if possible, you should do both.
ISOLDE Workshop and Users Meeting, 12 – 14 February 2007H.-Jürgen Kluge 23
ISOLDE Workshop and Users Meeting, 12 – 14 February 2007H.-Jürgen Kluge 24 NRC: “Timeline for Global Development of Dedicated Rare- Isotope Beam Facilities”
ISOLDE Workshop and Users Meeting, 12 – 14 February 2007H.-Jürgen Kluge 25 NRC: “Projected Major Facilities for Rare-Isotope Beams” Where is the RIB facility of Lanzhou? What is the role of ISOLDE in the future?
ISOLDE Workshop and Users Meeting, 12 – 14 February 2007H.-Jürgen Kluge 26 H.-J. Kluge. W. Nörtershäuser Spectrochimica Acta 2003 Laser Spectroscopy in Long Isotopic Chains not accessible at usual ISOL facilities mainly determined at ISOL facilities refractory elements: IGISOL or in-flight separation Such measurements fix single-particle as well as collective nuclear properties in a model-independent way Such measurements fix single-particle as well as collective nuclear properties in a model-independent way
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