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Summary of Ga.1-2 SourceChapter 1: Source of the gospel: independent of other apostles –Answers Judaizers: “Paul was not an original apostle” ContentsChapter.

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Presentation on theme: "Summary of Ga.1-2 SourceChapter 1: Source of the gospel: independent of other apostles –Answers Judaizers: “Paul was not an original apostle” ContentsChapter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Summary of Ga.1-2 SourceChapter 1: Source of the gospel: independent of other apostles –Answers Judaizers: “Paul was not an original apostle” ContentsChapter 2: Contents of the gospel: identical to other apostles –Answers Judaizers: “Paul’s message conflicts w. message of real apostles”


3 No compromise (Ga.2:5) Paul cannot compromise to keep peace –Circumcision for salvation (Titus) –Dietary laws –Association w. Gentiles –Full-fledged Judaism Ga.5:3, if part of law is necessary, all is At stake: “the truth of the gospel”

4 Harmony, Ga.2:9 James, Peter, John, and Paul wrote at least 21 of 27 NT books –The NT is harmonious agreementRight hand of fellowship: agreement –Devastating blow to Judaizers Charged Paul w. preaching different gospel than apostles in Jerusalem

5 The Jerusalem meeting (Ac.15) 1. The meeting cannot be duplicated –The principles must be repeated –Some confer to decide / invent doctrine. NT already decided it 2. There is only one gospel –Many demand new gospel for new time. Ga.1-2 condemns this concept 3. The gospel message is uniform –Not Paul against Peter –Doctrine matters – Ga.1:6-9

6 The Jerusalem meeting (Ac.15) 4. Ignorance does not remove account- ability, Ga.1:13 5. Sincerity does not cancel our need for truth, Ga.1:13 6. Zeal is good only when guided by facts, Ga.1:14; Ro.10 7. True conversion involves a “before and after” picture, Ga.1:24; Ga.5:16

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