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Action to promote community cohesion

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1 Action to promote community cohesion
Date: Tuesday, 25 April 2017 Action to promote community cohesion Explain the difference between multi-faith & multi-ethnic societies To analyse whether the government is doing enough to promote community cohesion To synthesise knowledge of religious and non-religious views and apply to exam questions Multi-ethnic society = where many different races and cultures live together in one society. Multi-faith society = where many different religious groups live together in one society Starter: Which pictures might match up with a multi-faith society and which might match up with a multi-ethnic society?

2 What do we mean by community cohesion?
= different communities living together and sharing four things in common: A common vision and sense of belonging Appreciating and valuing the differences between people of different cultures Ensuring equal opportunities for all in the community Making strong and positive relationships with people of different races This would apply to both multi-faith and multi-ethnic societies…

3 1. Give two reasons why religious people should fight racism.
Malcolm X Muslim Martin Luther King Christian 1. Give two reasons why religious people should fight racism. 2. Give two reasons why religious people might not want to fight against racism. The minimum tariff for an adult convicted of murder is 15 years, which automatically doubles to 30 years when it is racially aggravated. For juveniles, the starting tariff is 12 years, there is no automatic doubling for racially aggravated crimes. Is this fair?

4 Divide the class into 2 halves.
Half answer question 1 in pairs & half answer question 2. Swap answer with a pair from the other side of the room to mark. Remember 2 developed reasons Question 1 Do you think multi-faith societies cause problems for religious families? Give two reasons for your point of view. (4 marks) Question 2 Do you think that living in a multi-ethnic society helps to reduce racism? Give two reasons for your point of view.

5 Vote with your RAG cards
Do you think the government is doing enough to tackle racism and promote community cohesion? I have arguments on both sides Yes No What are they actually doing? Think: Pair: Share

6 Read page 97 In your own words summarise what measures the government has taken to combat racial discrimination. Why are racial discrimination and prejudice still problems in the UK? TIF – What measures would you bring in if you were in charge?

7 Complete the grid to help structure your answer.
“The government alone cannot achieve community cohesion.” In your answer you should refer to at least one religion. Do you agree? (3) Give reasons why some people may disagree with you. (3) Best answers will bring together (synthesise) your knowledge on government actions, Christian & Muslim views on community cohesion Complete the grid to help structure your answer. Write out your answer in full sentences.

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