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Department of International Law work related to people of African descent in the Americas "We will step up our work in the fight against racial discrimination...

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Presentation on theme: "Department of International Law work related to people of African descent in the Americas "We will step up our work in the fight against racial discrimination..."— Presentation transcript:

1 Department of International Law work related to people of African descent in the Americas "We will step up our work in the fight against racial discrimination... and in promoting the rights of people of African descent as well..." Dr. José Miguel Insulza OAS Secretary General Roberto Rojas Dávila Department of International Law Secretariat for Legal Affairs Organization of American States

2 Basic Analysis 200 million people of African descent in the Americas They are mostly living in vulnerable situations Invisibility Hemispheric networks of organizations of people of African descent Lack of research from an international legal perspective

3 Objectives To bring visibility to the problems facing people of African descent in the region and to sensitize the general public about the reality for that group To promote and disseminate information about international protection standards for people of African descent in the region To encourage people of African descent to participate in and influence the processes of the inter-American system, especially through ​​the OAS and the Summits of the Americas Process To help strengthen and build more inclusive and pluralistic democracies in the region

4 Activities Promotion and publicity on the issue of people of African descent in the OAS and the inter-American system through various events Training and empowerment for civil society of people of African descent Establishment of forums for discussion of issues of people of African descent Publications on legal issues related to people of African descent Scholarships for young students and representatives of organizations of people of African descent in the Americas

5 Harmonization of international, government, and local efforts with regional initiatives related to people of African descent Mainstreaming of issues related to people of African descent in OAS General Secretariat technical cooperation projects

6 Results More than 2,000 leaders and representatives of civil society organizations of people of African descent in different countries in the region have been trained in such issues as: – Regional standards and universal framework for protection of people of African descent and against racial discrimination – Participation and influence in the inter-American system's institutions and other forums – Process of inclusion on the OAS Register of Civil Society Organizations Through our advisory services, 18 civil society organizations for people of African descent have begun or completed their registration process

7 Two expert workshops on the issue of people of African descent to foster debate, address technical issues, and make recommendations 1 Workshop on Mainstreaming of the issue of people of African descent 1 Workshop on Empowerment of Civil Society for people of African descent in the inter-American system 1 Training Workshop for Trainers of Leaders of African Descent 13 Workshops Replicating the Training Workshop for Trainers of Leaders of African Descent 3 books and 2 manuals on the subject of people of African descent, and 6 articles in the Department's periodicals on international law. A comprehensive website on the issue of people of African descent

8 Our results with regard to the promotion of the issue as part of this Department's activities to promote and disseminate international law, under the Inter-American Program for the Development of International Law, are as follows: – Inclusion of the issue of people of African descent in international law courses as a specific subject area, for the first time in the history of the course – Participation of 4 professors who are experts in the field – 8 scholarships awarded to young people of African descent for them to participate in the Course on International Law – Inclusion of a panel discussion devoted to international law and people of African descent in the International Law Symposium held in San José, Costa Rica – 25 professors of international law trained in issues relating to international law and people of African descent

9 With respect to OAS policy and legal issues: 4 resolutions on people of African descent – Recognition of the International Year for People of African Descent - AG/RES. 2550 (XL-O/10) – Recognition and Promotion of the Rights of People of African Descent in the Americas - AG/RES. 2693 (XLI-O/11) – Recognition and Promotion of the Rights of People of African Descent in the Americas - AG/RES. 2708 (XLII-O/12) – Recognition and Promotion of the Rights of People of African Descent in the Americas - AG/RES. 2784 (XLIII-O/13)

10 Inclusion of the issue of people of African descent on the agenda of the OAS Permanent Council's Committee on Juridical and Political Affairs Adoption of the Inter-American Convention against Racism, Racial Discrimination, and Related Forms of Intolerance; and of the Inter-American Convention against All Forms of Discrimination and Intolerance

11 With regard to inter-institutional relations: – A network of collaborators involving academia, governments, civil society, and community organizations – Collaboration with other international players (UN, UNHCR, SEGIB, etc.)

12 Training Activities

13 Expert Workshops

14 Training Workshops

15 Replication

16 Promotional Activities

17 Publications

18 Thank you very much! E-mail:

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