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Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations That will Help Mount Moriah Church Grow and Thrive.

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1 Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations That will Help Mount Moriah Church Grow and Thrive



4 YOU CAN NOT GIVE WHAT YOU DON’T HAVE RECONCILIATION IS KEY Romans 5:10 – 10 For if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, now that we are reconciled, shall we be saved by his life.

5 2 Corinthians 5:18 – All this is from God, who through Christ reconciled us to himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation

6 MOUNT MORIAH’S CORE BELIEFS ARE: 1. Radical Hospitality 2. Passionate Worship 3. Faith-forming Relationships 4. Risk-taking Mission 5. Extravagant Generosity 6. Connectional Ministry 7. Fervent Prayer 8. Diligent Study of Scripture

7 THE KEY DRIVERS SHALL 1. Be Spirit-led Life 2. Exhibition of Excellence in All Aspects of Life 3. Endeavoring for Fruitfulness in All Aspects of Life 4. Embracing Accountability to God and Each Other

8 QUESTION? How do we as Mount Moriah make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world?

9 By being sensitive to the Person of the Holy Spirit The Holy Spirit is always reforming, conforming, and transforming believers. 2 Corinthians 3:18 is a case in point: "But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord."


11 WE SHALL HAVE THE FOLLOWING AS OUR CORE PRACTICES 1. Radical Hospitality 2. Passionate Worship 3. Faith-forming Relationships 4. Intentional Faith Development 5. Risk-taking Mission and Service 6. Extravagant Generosity to all God’s Children

12 Radical Hospitality 1. We Shall be Looking Outward even as We Shall be Looking Inward 2. We Shall be Shall be Offering the Embrace of Jesus Christ

13 We Shall be Having Passionate Worship That Connects People to God Purpose: Help in the Deepening of Our Relationship With God and One Another.

14 We Shall Have Faith- Forming Relationships And Intentional Faith Development 1. Pedagogy/Learning Shall be the Main Conduit 2. We Shall encourage Learning in the community that is relevant and intentional in practical ways

15 We shall Prudent Missions and Services In Order to Make a difference in Our Community and the world

16 We Shall Practice Extravagant Generosity 1. We shall Practice What the Bibles Teaches About Tithing 2. We Shall Not be Afraid to Talk About Money 3. We shall always Put God first

17 These Core Practice are: Fundamental Activities are so Critical to Church Mission. Failure to Perform them has Lead to Deterioration and Decline of Churches Worldwide.

18 Key Words Here Are 1. Critical 2. Excellence 3. Adjectives a. Intense practice b. Resonate with the Wesleyan means of grace 4. Fruitful: Plants can not be fruitful unless they are Cultivated and prune

19 Accountable 1. God’s expectations 2. Making public what we do as a Church 3. Requires us to mature in word and deed 4. Acts 2

20 Advantages 1. Effective in relating to each other as a congregation, conferences, congregations and with other pastors 2. Clear, understandable, doable 3. Focuses on practices —what congregations can do 4. Provides common language

21 Changing language without changing practices makes no difference.

22 How we act shapes 1. Congregations 2. Individuals 3. Groups

23 Children of God Congregation Radical Hospitality Faith-Forming Relationships Passionate Worship Risk-taking Mission and Service Extravagant Generosity Disciples of Jesus Mount Moriah

24 Radical Hospitality

25 1. This the way to Demonstrate the Genuine love for Christ 2. To Show Genuine love for one another 3. Our Desire to help others grow in faith as they become a part of the Body of Christ. Why?

26 How Shall we do this:? 1. We Shall Focus on Those Who are Outside Our Congregation with as much Passion as we do to those Who are inside our Congregation. 2. We Shall Apply Utmost Creativity, Energy, Effectiveness to Mentor and Shape each Other. 3. We Shall Exceed all Expectations.

27 Christian Hospitality 1. We Shall have Active Desire to: 2. Invite 3. Welcome 4. Receive Care for Strangers so that they find a Spiritual Home 5. Discover the Unending Richness of Life in Christ.

28 Christian Hospitality We Shall Cultivate and Nature Genuine love for Those Outside Our Congregation We Shall Employ the Practices of the Gracious love of Christ We Shall Endeavor to have the Marks of Christian discipleship We Shall Express our Commitment to Grow into Likeness of Christ

29 God reminds Israel to welcome Strangers. Why? “For you were once strangers in the land of Egypt.” Deuteronomy 10:19 Our Foundation Shall be the Scripture

30 Jesus: “I was a stranger and you welcomed me.” Matthew 25:35 Jesus: “Whoever welcomes one such a Child Welcomes me.” Matthew 18:5 Foundation Shall be Scripture

31 Jesus: “Go therefore into the streets and invite everyone you find to the wedding banquet.” Matthew 22:8-9 Foundation Shall be Scripture

32 Paul Says: “Welcome one another just as Christ has Welcomed You for the Glory of God.” Romans 15:7 Foundation Shall be Scripture

33 John Wesley and Early Methodists Our Tradition Teaches Us:

34 Recognize Prevenient Grace 1. That Preparing Grace that Draws People to God. 2. Sometimes It Works through Stranger to Move Closer to God 3. Works through Church as we Offer Inviting Love.

35 Questions 1. Who Invited You? 2. Where did You Become Involved? 3. Why? 4. What and Who Made You Feel Welcome? 5. What Difficulties did You have to Overcome?

36 However Techniques are Important BUT Motivation is the Key Mount Moriah Shall practice Radical Hospitality

37 Three Questions Every Member of Mount Moriah Needs to be able to answer clearly are: 1. Why do People Need Christ? 2. Why do People Need Church? 3. Why do People Need this Church?

38 A Caution “We’re a warm, friendly, caring church.”


40 What is RADICAL Hospitality? 1. Arising from the Source; Jesus Christ 2. Drastically Different from Ordinary Practice 3. Exceeds Expectations 4. Goes to Extreme Joyfully 5. Excellence is the Standard

41 Mount Mariah Church Shall Practice Radical Hospitality by: 1. Offering Surprising and Unexpected Depth and Authenticity in Caring for Strangers 2. Surprising Newcomers with Glimpse of Unmerited Gracious Love of God 3. Constantly Learn on how to do Better

42 1. Encouraging everyone to take it as his/her ministry 2. Every committee to take their Departments Seriously. We Shall Show Radical Hospitality by

43 1. Vibrant 2. Growing 3. Fruitful Congregation 4. but it will Requires Us to Change Attitudes, Practices and Values. Radical Hospitality Shall be the Vehicle to Help Us:

44 Good Intentions are not Good Enough. Radical Hospitality Dictates that:

45 Questions 1. Does Mount Moriah Have a Good Media to Show How People Hear About Our Church? 2. Do We Have a Consistent Plan for Welcoming Visitors Who Attend Any Church Ministry.

46 Questions 1. When and Where Does Our Congregation Train people? 2. What is One activity You or Your Group Can do Which will Foster a Culture of Radical Hospitality?

47 Passionate Worship

48 Passionate Worship is Very Important 1. It Connects People to God and One Another 2. It Must be Authentic 3. Alive 4. Creative 5. Comprehensible

49 Passionate Worship 1. Brings Experience that is life-changing Presence of God in the Presence of others 2. Brings Extra-ordinary Warmth, Genuineness, and Belonging

50 We Must Take Worship Seriously 1. Worship is a Daily Practice 2. Times When We Gather Deliberately Seeking to Encounter God in Christ and Fellowship with Each other 3. Times When We Cultivate Our Relationship with God and with One Another as People of God

51 Worship 1. When We Seek Fresh Vision of God’s Reality in Christ so that God can Change Us 2. It is Not Just We do, but what God Does

52 Synagogue and Church 1. Synagogue means “to Bring Together” 2. Ecclesia means “Called Out of the World”

53 “How lovely is your dwelling place, O Lord of hosts! My soul longs, faints for the courts of the Lord.” Psalm 84:1-2 “Let my people go so they can worship me.” Exodus 8:1 Scripture Says:

54 Jesus Tax collector in the temple: “This man went home justified.” Luke 18:14

55 Jesus “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and mind and soul and strength and your neighbor as yourself.” Luke 10:27 “I am the vine and you are the branches.” John 15:5

56 Early Church “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, to breaking of bread and prayers.” Acts 2:42 “Awe came upon everyone because many wonders and signs were done by believers.” Acts 2:43

57 Early Methodists Prevenient Grace or Convicting Grace “Justification” “New Birth”

58 1. Worship is church’s optimum environment for conversion. 2. God expects lives to change in worship. 3. Attendees become disciples of Jesus Christ 4. Crowd becomes Body of Christ Passionate Worship

59 How? 1. Engage the heart 2. Engage the mind 3. Engage the body with a practical challenge

60 Passionate Worship 1. Without passion, worship becomes dry, dull, routine, boring, keeping the form while lacking the spirit 2. Manifestations: insufficient planning by leaders, apathy of worshippers, poor quality music, unkempt facilities

61 Passionate Worship Obligation rather than joy Performance rather than authentic

62 Passionate Worship 1. Intense desire, ardent spirit, strong feelings, heightened importance 2. Emotional connection beyond intellectual consent 3. Anticipation, eagerness, expectancy

63 Passionate Worship 1. Offering our best 2. Honoring God with excellence 3. Unusual clarity about purpose of connecting people to God 4. Give with love of God

64 We Must Pay Attention to Details 1. Pastor 2. Worship Leaders 3. Musicians 4. Ushers 5. Greeters 6. Bulletin 7. Visuals and Audios All Spirit-led, Expectant

65 Passionate Worship Must be Contextual 1. Must Have Many Shapes, Styles, and Forms 2. It Must Always Be Life-changing 3. It Must Always Leading People to Experience the Presence of God 4. It Must Be a A-Ha moments

66 There Must No Worship Wars or Conflicts 1. If There Need to be a Change it Must Come gradually 2. There is No One Specific Way of worship and Therefore Reverence Must blessing Accorded All Efforts 3. Flexibility to Change is Wesleyan and is Biblical that Why We Need Repentance

67 Passionate worship make Makes All Difference 1. It Enables all Leaders put their best efforts into worship 2. Motivates pastor to continually improve preaching and leading

68 Passionate Worship Makes 1. Leaders Pray to Open Themselves to God 2. Music which is Good and Excellent, never mediocre Relaxes and Enables People to Concentrate

69 A Word for The Pastor 1. Actively Nourish His own spiritual life 2. Demonstrate Adaptability, Willingness to Learn New Ways

70 A Word for The Pastor 1. Enable Him Worship with the Congregation 2. He Knows that the Focus of Worship is God and His Task is to Create An Environment for People to Experience the Presence of God

71 Sacraments They are Means of grace The Ways by which God Forms Disciples and Builds Body of Christ – Two in Number: Baptism Holy Communion


73 Everyone Has a Role in Fostering Passionate Worship. Passionate Worship

74 Questions How Does the Congregation Encourage Pastor, Staff, Laity and Musicians who Lead Worship to Give Adequate Time to Preparation of Sermons and Music so as to Enhance Excellence?

75 Questions 1. How does Congregation Make Children Feel Welcome in Worship? 2. Youth Feel Needed and Appreciated? 3. How does Our Congregation Teach and Practice Prayer? How do you Pray for One Another, the Church, Community, Community Leaders, Businesses and the world?

76 Questions 1. What practices shape Own Personal Devotional Life? 2. How do You Prepare for Worship?

77 Faith-forming Relationships or Intentional Faith Development

78 Followers of Jesus Mature in faith by Learning Together in Community

79 Learning in Community or a Community of Learning Replicates the Way Jesus Taught His Disciples.

80 Scripture “Jesus was teaching his disciples.” Mark 5:31 “Lord, teach us to pray.” Luke 11:1

81 Scripture “Where two or three are gathered together in my name, I am among them.” Matthew 18:20 “They (apostles) did not cease to teach and proclaim Jesus as the Messiah.” Acts 5:3

82 Paul “So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation; the old has passed away, the new has come.” 2 Corinthians 5:17 All Bondages are Broken All Bad Habits are Crocified

83 Paul “Maturing in Christ, God cultivates the fruits of the spirit: “Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Gentleness, Faithfulness, Self-control, Generosity.” Galatians 5:22-23

84 Faith Development Radically Relational Congregation is a “School of Love”

85 John Wesley & Early Methodists 1. Sanctification 2. Perfection in Love 3. Takes a Lifetime 4. Classes, Bands, Societies Cells 5. Maturing in the fullness of faith

86 Wesleyan Practices 1. Private 2. Family 3. Public prayers 4. Searching Scriptures 5. Practicing Mercy 6. All in Community

87 Learning in Community Gives Disciples a Network of Support, Encouragement, Direction as we Seek to Grow in Christ Faith Forming Relationship

88 1. Provides Accountability for Our Faith Journey 2. Faith is too Demanding Without Support From Others Faith Forming Relationship

89 1. Requires Deliberate Effort; Purposeful Action 2. High Prioritization or Ranking 3. There is a Big Contrasts Between Congregations Who Take faith Development Seriously With those Who Don’t

90 Intentional Faith Development 1. Takes Place Through Ministries of Christian Education and formation 2. Small groups 3. Confirmation 4. Bible Study 5. It is Critical to Mission of Church

91 1. Bible Study is High Priority for Pastors, Lay Leaders 2. Pre-packaged, high-commitment Learning Experiences 3. Retreats, Walk to Emmaus, Kairos 4. Men Groups, Women Groups There are Many Forms Examples Are:

92 1. Lenten Studies 2. AA, OE, NA, etc. Groups 3. Support Groups 4. Learning Academies 5. High Quality Sunday School Many Forms

93 Pastors 1. Publicly Support and Lead Bible Studies and Classes 2. Teach Teachers 3. Explore New Learning Communities

94 Task-oriented Groups can Practice Faith Development Faith Forming Relationship

95 Churches that practice intentional Faith Development are not afraid of failure. Faith Forming Relationship

96 Content and Relationship 1. Ideas Change People 2. People Change People

97 Questions List all weekly small group ministries and activities that occur outside of worship as a means of helping people study, learn, experience and practice faith development. How is faith nurtured for children? Youth? Young adults? Older adults?

98 Questions 1. How does Our Congregation Start New Groups? 2. Does the Number of Participants total at Least 50% of Our Worship Attendance?

99 Risk-Taking Mission & Service

100 Why? 1. Mission Initiatives Changes Lives 2. Those Who Receive Help 3. Those Who Give Help 4. Changes Churches

101 Never Underestimate the Transforming Power of Small Actions. Risk-Taking Mission and Service

102 Mission Initiatives Make a Difference for the Purposes of Christ. Risk-Taking Mission and Service

103 Is So Critical to Life of Church that Failure to Practice Results in Deterioration of Church’s Life. Risk-Taking Mission and Service

104 Service: Internal to Congregation Mission: External to Congregation Risk-Taking Mission and Service

105 Rooted in Scripture 1. Nearly Every Page of Bible Shows God’s People Serving Others. 2. Consistent Emphasis on Justice (Mishpat), Compassion, Respect, and Love of Ones Neighbor.

106 Scriptures About God 1. Lover of Justice(Mishpat) (Psalm 99:4) 2. Loves Righteousness and Justice (Mishpat) (Psalm 33:5) 3. People of God to do Justice(Mishpat) for Orphan and Oppressed (Psalms 10:18)

107 Scriptures about God 1. Gives Justice(Mishpat) to the Weak and Orphan (Psalm 82:3) 2. Do Justice (Mishpat), Love Mercy, Walk kindly and Humbly with God. (Micah 6:8)

108 Jesus The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to Preach the Gospel to the Poor; he had Sent me to Heal the Brokenhearted, to Preach Deliverance to the Captives, and Recovering of Sight to the Blind, to Set at Liberty Them that are Bruised. (Luke 4:18-19) Releases bent-over woman

109 Jesus 1. Eats with Tax Collectors 2. Risks Violence of Mob to Intervene with Woman Caught in Adultery 3. Good Samaritan 4. Last Judgment

110 Early Church I Corinthians 13 Love Incarnate

111 Why Risk-Taking?

112 1. Greater Uncertainty 2. Higher Possibility of Discomfort 3. Sacrifice 4. Extraordinary Opportunities for Life-changing Engagement with People

113 Why Risk-Taking? Loving those for whom it is not Convenient, Automatic, Accepted.

114 Why Risk-Taking? Stretches people – causes us to do something good for others that we wouldn’t consider except for love of Christ and desire to serve.

115 Why Risk-Taking? Most urgent ministries often have Uncertain, Unpredictable Quality.

116 Starting Risk-taking Mission & Service 1. Individuals 2. Men’s groups 3. Classes 4. Committees 5. Bible studies 6. Women’s groups

117 How does Our church Cultivate the Practice of Risk-taking Mission and Service? Risk-Taking Mission and Service

118 Not only Give Money Value Contact, Engagement, Long- term Relationships Measure Impact by lives Changed Globalize by Forming Partnerships with Sister Churches, Conferences.

119 Risk-Taking Mission and Service 1. Give people Multiple opportunities 2. Do Mission with People not Familiar to them 3. Sharpen Sensitivities to Inequalities of Power and Wealth 4. Learn as Much as They Teach

120 Questions What outreach Ministries in Our Church Push People out of Their Comfort Zones? How has a Mission Initiative changed Our Church? List Our church’s Outreach Program that Changed lives.

121 Extravagant Generosity

122 Why do people give Generously? 1. Make a Positive Difference for Purposes of Christ 2. Response to Spirit’s Urging 3. Response to God’s Extravagant Love 4. Feel Sense of Satisfaction, Meaning in Aligning with Higher Purpose

123 Vibrant, Fruitful, Growing Congregations Practice Extravagant Generosity. Preach and Teach Proportional Giving and Tithe Practice Extraordinary Support for Missions, Connectional Ministries, Organization that Change People’s Lives.

124 Scripture God is a Generous giver.

125 Tithing 1. Abram Gave Tenth (Genesis 14:20) 2. Honor the Lord with First Fruits (Proverbs 3:9) 3. Offer the Tithe (Malachi 3:8-10)

126 Material Giving not Enough God’s Reign Requires Justice(Mishpat), Righteousness (Amos 5, Micah 6) Extravagant Generosity

127 Jesus 1. Farmer who built Bigger barns 2. (Luke 12) 3. Parable of Three Stewards (Matthew 25) 4. Zacchaeus (Luke 19) 5. Good Samaritan (Luke 10)

128 Paul Fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22) Church in Macedonia (2 Corinthians 8)

129 Giving is Always Extravagant, Life- Changing, Joyous. Extravagant Generosity

130 John Wesley 1. Gain all you can 2. Save all you can, 3. Give all you can “Use of Money,” 1844

131 Sanctifying Grace

132 Generosity Unselfish Willingness to give in order to make a Positive difference for purposes of Christ.

133 Extravagant Generosity 1. Exceeds expectations 2. Extends to unexpected measures 3. Lavish sharing, sacrifice and giving in service to God and neighbor.

134 Extravagant Generosity Focus on Christian’s need to give.

135 Benefits of Proportional Giving & Tithe 1. Ultimate worth from God 2. Offers a new perspective on consumerism 3. Teaches all things belong to God What Christians earn. What Christians spend. What Christians give.

136 Extravagant Generosity Changes Churches

137 Extravagant Generosity Have the Fruit of the Spirit

138 1. Speak confidently about money 2. Speak confidently about the difference giving makes 3. Pledge campaigns about mission, spiritual growth, relationship Characteristics of Churches that Practice Extravagant Generosity

139 Extravagant Generosity Changes Giver and Church

140 1. Connect money with mission 2. Year-round generosity 3. Express appreciation to people who give 4. Keep members informed Characteristics of Churches that Practice Extravagant Generosity

141 Protect integrity of financial systems. Stress giving beyond the walls. Encourage legacy gifts. Characteristics of Churches that Practice Extravagant Generosity

142 1. Help people cope with consumer society. 2. Pastor Tithes 3. Lay Leaders Tithe or There is a proportional giving leading to Tithing. Characteristics of Churches that Practice Extravagant Generosity

143 Questions What values guides our church’s efforts to encourage giving and tithing? How has someone else’s generosity touched you? From whom did you learn generosity?

144 Questions What’s the most fun you’ve had giving money?

145 1. Excellence 2. Fruitfulness 3. Accountability

146 Excellence “And I will show you a more excellent way.” I Corinthians 12:31

147 Excellence Greatest threat to Mount Moriah is: Failure to perform the basic activities of congregational ministry in an exemplary way.

148 Excellence Excellence requires profound change. 1. Adequate is not enough 2. The Five Practices are so critical to achieve excellence.

149 Fruitfulness “My Father is glorified by this, that you bear much fruit and become my disciples.” John 15:8

150 Fruitfulness Wesley 1. Is there faith? 2. Is there fire? 3. Are there fruits?

151 Fruitfulness Numbers are important

152 Fruitfulness Faithfulness and fruitfulness are not mutually exclusive.

153 Fruitfulness 1. Focus on fruitfulness causes congregations to be clearer about outcomes. 2. Focus on fruitfulness helps align resources.

154 Fruitfulness Outcomes 1. More people 2. More diverse people 3. Younger people Dr. Lovett Weems

155 Questions How would Our church look if Our Congregation committed to Performing these Practices with Excellence?

156 Questions What excites you? What scares you?

157 Accountability

158 Questions How Might you Personally Practice these Five Activities of Disciple- Making?

159 Children of God Congregation Radical Hospitality Faith-Forming Relationships Passionate Worship Risk-taking Mission and Service Extravagant Generosity Disciples of Jesus Mount Moriah

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