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CEC Strategic Plan Vision Strategy Working GroupSpring/Summer 2010.

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1 CEC Strategic Plan Vision Strategy Working GroupSpring/Summer 2010

2 Core Values  We at Christ Church Dearborn affirm our identity as Episcopalians, living our relationship with God in mind, body and spirit, through tradition, scripture and reason. We journey together asserting the following core values:  Acceptance  Worship  Outreach  Education  Social Conscience  Interfaith  Fellowship  Sanctuary

3 Core Values Acceptance  Christ Episcopal Church opens its doors to all, encouraging open- mindedness, celebrating diversity, embracing reason and nourishing the spirit. Worship  CEC offers a traditional liturgy, with beautiful ritual, scripture and music, honoring each individual’s devotion to God and the experience of multiple pathways to spiritual fulfillment.

4 Core Values Outreach  Seeking to do God’s work in our community and the world, Christ Church serves others by sharing our time, talent and treasure. Education  Education at CEC is a life- long journey that helps us grow spiritually, expand our minds and experience spiritual challenge and affirmation.

5 Core Values Social Conscience  We seek to be faithful stewards of all that we are given by God, consistently mindful of our use of valuable resources and conscious of our responsibility regarding injustice and worldly struggles. Interfaith  Recognizing that we live in a religiously ‐ diverse community and respecting the mysteries of all faiths, Christ Church nurtures relationships with all people and faiths to promote peace and harmony.

6 Core Values Sanctuary  CEC strives to be a safe, spiritual place, where diverse people feel welcome to seek God and feel comfortable to open their hearts and minds. Fellowship  We gather in joyful communion, giving thanks for all that is and will be, offering and accepting hospitality, support and care which nurtures our relationship with God and one another.

7 Mission Statement  Christ Episcopal Church welcomes, inspires, nurtures and replenishes through worship, fellowship and education. We seek to live a Christ-like life by embracing our broader, diverse community and serving others.

8 Strategy  Following the work completed at the spring Visioning workshops, these assumptions were made:  Strategic closure and dramatic change in the physical plant should not be considered.  Changing nothing will result in closure.  Strategies should be pursued in combination – no strategy stands alone.  Six possible strategies emerged during these workshops.  Additional information needs to be gathered to discern the strategy that best appeals to the members of Christ Church.  The six strategies need to be presented to the Charrette Committee:  Some key (easy) questions should be answered for each strategy.  The list of strategies may be pared down.  A feasibility study should be conducted for each remaining strategy.  Continue the Charrette process.  Is this before or after the new rector?  What strategies can be implemented and measured in the next 3-5 years to allow for existence beyond that time frame?

9 Monetization Leveraging assets to raise money from outside the parish, including charging rent or fundraising events  Strengths  Physical plant  Weaknesses  Initial capital outlay  Additional staff hours required to manage  Might detract from facility  Might limit CEC program opportunities  Questions  Could we raise enough to make a difference?  Could we sell some of the land?  How do we publicize?  Is this an ethical issue – are we for sale? Needs Addressed Money

10 Stewardship Increasing time and money contributions from inside the parish  Strengths  Talented and generous parishioners  Weaknesses  Relies on other strategies (Growth)  Requires pushing current limits  Questions  Do we want to be a tithing parish?  Would we consider on-line giving?  What additional money and time commitments do we need to raise?  How do we measure our time contributions? Needs Addressed Money Time

11 Growth Increasing Sunday attendance, number of pledging units, and participation on committees  Strengths  Desire to grow  Unique Christian experience  Strong programs  Weaknesses  Lack of desire to evangelize  Only one style of worship service  Community demographics  Questions  How do we market ourselves to diverse populations  How much of growth is priest-centered?  How do we cultivate an instructive and joyous worship experience? Needs Addressed Money Time

12 Merger Combining two or more congregations to share space with one service and one staff  Strengths  Willing, in theory  Weaknesses  Possible loss of physical plant  Loss of identity as Episcopalians  Questions  Are we willing to move to another building?  Are we willing to compromise on our traditional practices?  What denominations might be a good fit?  What local parishes might be interested? Needs Addressed Money Time

13 Shared Resources Sharing services and/or programs with a nearby congregation  Strengths  Adaptable and flexible parish  Weaknesses  Relies on strong connection with others  Questions  Could this save enough money?  Would the time required to develop and implement a connection be worthwhile? Needs Addressed Money

14 Optimization/ Reorganization Consolidating what already exists without bringing in any new resources  Strengths  Current commitments of time and money  Strong interest in maintaining status quo  Weaknesses  Just cutting programs and expenses may not be enough  Questions  What core values and programs do we eliminate or reduce?  How much would have be to cut to balance the budget?  What do smaller parishes do to survive as smaller parishes?  Could we sustain the physical plant under this strategy? Needs Addressed Money Time

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