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Memory Management and Parallelization Paul Arthur Navrátil The University of Texas at Austin.

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Presentation on theme: "Memory Management and Parallelization Paul Arthur Navrátil The University of Texas at Austin."— Presentation transcript:

1 Memory Management and Parallelization Paul Arthur Navrátil The University of Texas at Austin

2 Overview Uniprocessor Coherent Ray Tracing –Pharr et al., 1997 Parallel Ray Tracing Summary –Chalmers, et al. 2002 Demand-Driven Ray Tracing –Wald, et al. 2001 Hybrid Scheduling –Reinhard, et al. 1999

3 Background: Reyes [Cook et al. 87] Inspirations –Texture cache, CATs –Programmable shader –Single primitive type –Dicing –Memory effects of scan-line architecture

4 Pharr: System Use both texture and geometry ‘cache’ –Lazy loading, LRU replacement One internal primitive – triangles –Optimize ray intersection calculation –Known space requirements to represent –Tessellation of other primitives increases space reqs –Procedurally generated geometry

5 Pharr: Geometry Cache Geometry grids – regular grid of voxels –Few thousand triangles per voxel –Acceleration grid of few hundred triangles for ray intersection calculation –All geometry of voxel stored in contiguous block of memory, independent of geometry in other voxels spatial locality in scene tied to spatial locality in mem –Different voxel sizes causes memory fragmentation –Adaptive voxel sizes? Voxel size bounded by cache size for hardware impl?

6 Pharr: Ray Grouping Scheduling grid -- Queue all rays inside voxel –Dependencies in ray tree prevent perfect scheduling –Store all information needed for computation with ray each ray can be independently calculated (parallelism!) –Exploits coherence from beam of rays, disparate rays that move through same space –Superior to: fixed-order traversal of ray tree; ray clustering

7 Pharr: Radiance Calculation Outgoing radiance is emitted radiance plus weighted average of incoming radiances f r is bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) At intersection, weights calculated for each spawned secondary ray Final weight is product of all BRDF values of all surfaces on path from point on ray to the image plane

8 Pharr: Voxel Scheduling Naïve – iterate across voxels Better – weight voxels by cost and benefit –Cost: how expensive to process the rays in the voxel? High geometry in voxel has higher cost Much voxel geometry not in memory has higher cost –Benefit: how much progress to completion from voxel? Many rays in voxel yields more benefit Large weights on rays yields more benefit

9 Pharr: System Summary

10 Pharr: Lazy Loading Results

11 Pharr: Reordering Results

12 Pharr: Scheduling Results

13 Pharr: Discussion Parallelization –Ray independence, load balanced geometry, lazy geometry loading helps –Will cache results hold in distributed model? Modern architecture –Testing on 190 MHz MIPS R 10000 w/ 1GB RAM –Can modern arch hold scenes in memory (no secondary storage usage) Hardware Acceleration –Use memory/cache/GPU rather than disk/memory/CPU

14 Chalmers: Parallel Ray Tracing Demand Driven –Scene divided into subregions, or tasks –Processors given tasks statically or by a master –Balance with task balancing or adaptive regions [Fig 3.4] Data Parallel –Object data distributed across processors –Distribute objects according to spatial locality; a hierarchical spatial subdivision; or randomly [Fig 3.7] Hybrid Scheduling –Run demand-driven and data-parallel tasks on same processors –DD ray traversal/DP ray-object intersect [Scherson and Caspary 88] –DD intersection/DP ray generation [Jevans 89] –Ray coherence [Reinhard and Jansen 99]

15 Wald: Demand Driven Ray Tracing [Wald et al. 01] Exploit cache and space coherence with modern processors (Dual Pentium III 800 MHz, 256 MB) Use SIMD instruction set to achieve data- parallelism (e.g., Barycentric coordinate test)

16 Wald: Performance [Wald et al. 01]


18 Reinhard: Hybrid Scheduling [Reinhard et al. 99] Data-parallel approach with demand-driven subtasks to load balance –Data-parallel tasks preferred, DD subtasks requested from master when no DP tasks are available

19 Reinhard: Hybrid Scheduling [Reinhard et al. 99]

20 Reinhard: Performance [Reinhard et al. 99]

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