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Welcome to UMSC University Medical Student Council

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1 Welcome to UMSC University Medical Student Council

2 One Voice A single entity composed of students to represent all four campuses at the University of Illinois College of Medicine (UICOM).

3 Mission The University Medical Student Council (UMSC) is established with the intent of supporting and promoting the collective interests of the medical students of the University of Illinois College of Medicine. This mission shall be achieved through fostering communication and cooperation among the four campuses of the University of Illinois College of Medicine.

4 Membership UMSC is made up of: –Executive Board President, VP, Secretary, Treasurer, Historian, OSR (Organization of Student Representatives to AAMC) Rep. –General Representatives 9 from Chicago, 3 from Rockford, 3 from Peoria, 5 from Urbana. –Special Representatives College Committee Student Reps HPSC (Health Professions Student Council) Reps –Faculty Advisor

5 Membership in Detail General Representatives UMSC Executive Board President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Historian OSR Representative College Committee (CC) Reps 9 from Chicago –Student Govt President or delegate. –2 reps from each class 3 from Rockford –Student Govt President or delegate. –2 reps from student body. 3 from Peoria –Student Govt President or delegate. –2 reps from student body. 5 from Urbana –Student Govt President or delegate. –2 reps from student body. –2 reps from Medical Scholars Program Advisory Council. CCSP (Student Promotions) –4 members (one from each site) CCIA (Instruction + Appraisal) CCA (Admission) CCR (Research) CCSAS (Student Awards + Scholarship) FEC (Foreign Exchange) –4 members (one from each site) –1 alternate (from any site) Special Representatives HPSC Reps 2 reps (only have one vote at UMSC meetings). Faculty Advisor

6 Meetings UMSC meets four times a year. First meeting –Held in Chicago (to facilitate attendance by Dean of the College of Medicine) –Attended by ALL UMSC members. –Traditionally held before or on Oct 1 st. Remaining three meetings –Will attempt to utilize Webex video conferencing this year

7 More Meeting Info Other 3 meetings “hosts” (Rockford, Peoria, Urbana) –Mandatory attendance UMSC Exec Board General Representatives to UMSC College Committee Reps (from campus where mtg is “held”) At least one HPSC rep Faculty Advisor –Voluntary attendance Dean of student affairs at campus where meeting is held. Guest speakers. Any student who wishes to attend.

8 College Committees (CC) There are six College Committees at UICOM covering: –Admissions –Student Promotions –Instruction and Appraisal –Research –Student Awards and Scholarship –Foreign Exchange Committee Each CC makes critical policy decisions pertaining to their area of focus.

9 College Committee Chain of Command Each campus has its own local committee that reports to its equivalent CC. Each CC reports to the CEC (College Executive Committee) which makes the final decision on policy changes. –UMSC President has one vote at the CEC meeting.

10 Representation on CC’s. Each college committee has student representation from all four campuses which is provided through UMSC. Students representatives play a critical role in their committee and each student has a vote.

11 Becoming a CC Student Representative Representatives are traditionally selected midway through the fall semester for the following academic year. Currently available positions in: –Chicago –Urbana

12 CC Expectations Representatives are responsible for: –Attending 2/3 of all committee meetings –Notifying the VP if you will be absent –Attending your “host” campus UMSC meeting Submitting a site report to the secretary in a timely fashion (>7 days before the meeting) Attendance is strictly enforced!

13 The Grand Scheme Each campus has its own local student government. UMSC represents all four campuses. –Representatives to UMSC and College Committees are selected through an application (+/- interview) process. HPSC represents all health profession schools at the University of Illinois.

14 Organizational Chart

15 College Executive Committee College of Medicine College Committees University Medical Student Council [UMSC] U of I Health Professions Student Council [HPSC] Chicago Medical Student Council [CMSC] Peoria Medical Student Council [PMSC] Rockford Medical Student Council [RMSC] Urbana Medical Student Government [UMSG] Representatives Funding U of I Student Fee Committee (ideal scenario)

16 Need more info Visit the UMSC web-site Contains information regarding: –UMSC Constitution –Members –Meetings –Minutes + Agendas (old and new) –Policies + position documents –College Committees –Historical Match Lists (for all four campuses)

17 Abbreviations OSROrganization of Student Representatives to AAMC. CCSPCollege Committee on Student Promotions CCACollege Committee on Admissions CCIACollege Committee on Instruction and Appraisal CCRCollege Committee on Research CCSASCollege Committee on Student Awards and Scholarships HPSCHealth Professions Student Council UICOMUniversity of Illinois College of Medicine CCCollege Committee UMSCUniversity Medical Student Council CECCollege Executive Committee

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