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FSUTMS Model Status and Standardization Florida Model Task Force Meeting Tampa, FL December 13, 2006 Developments and Future Directions.

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Presentation on theme: "FSUTMS Model Status and Standardization Florida Model Task Force Meeting Tampa, FL December 13, 2006 Developments and Future Directions."— Presentation transcript:

1 FSUTMS Model Status and Standardization Florida Model Task Force Meeting Tampa, FL December 13, 2006 Developments and Future Directions

2 2 Content  Model Conversion  Application of Converted Models  FSUTMS Framework  Future Directions

3 3  Model Conversion Steps  Citilabs/consultants convert the model  Districts/MPOs review the converted model  Citilabs/Consultants make changes  FDOT/Citilabs provide model specific training  Model Conversion Approach  Cube TRANPLAN as interim  Full Cube Voyager Model Conversion Process

4 4 Model Conversion Training  Model Specific Trainings Provided /Assisted by Citilabs/Central Office  NERPM  TBRPM  CFRPM  Miami-Dade  Lee/Collier  Sarasota/Manatee

5 5 Model Conversion Status Model Name Conversion Status QA Status 1 Bay County TPO ModelCube VoyagerIn Process 2 Broward County MPO ModelCube Voyager Complete 3 Collier/Lee County MPO ModelCube Voyager In Process 4 D-1 Districtwide Model Pending 5 D-5 Districtwide Model (CFRPM)Cube/TRANPLAN Complete 6 Desoto County ModelCube Voyager In Process 7 Florida-Alabama TPO ModelCube Voyager In Process 8 Alachua County MPO ModelCube Voyager Complete 9 Glades County ModelCube Voyager In Process 10 Hardee County ModelCube Voyager In Process 11 Hendry County ModelCube Voyager In Process 12 Highlands County ModelCube Voyager In Process 13 Miami-Dade MPO ModelCube/TRANPLAN In Process

6 6 Model Conversion Status Model Name Conversion Status QA Status 14 Northeast Regional Planning ModelCube Voyager Complete 15 Okaloosa-Walton TPO ModelCube Voyager In Process 16 Orlando (Metroplan) MPO ModelCube/TRANPLAN Complete 17 Palm Beach MPO ModelCube Voyager Complete 18 Polk County TPO ModelCube Voyager In Process 19 Putnam County ModelCube Voyager In Process 20 Sarasota/Manatee MPO ModelCube Voyager In Process 21 Southeast Regional Planning ModelCube/TRANPLAN Complete 22 Tallahassee-Leon QRS ModelPending 23 Capital Region MPO ModelCube Voyager In Process 24 Tampa Bay Regional Planning ModelCube/TRANPLAN Complete 25 Treasure Coast Regional ModelCube Voyager Complete 26 Florida Statewide ModelCube Voyager Complete

7 7 Use of Converted Models  Converted Models Being Used  NERPM, Alachua, SERPM, Treasure Coast, CFRPM, TBRPM, Statewide models  Engineering and Planning Studies  Corridor Studies, Master Plans, DRI, PD&E

8 8  White Paper  Data Dictionary  Standard Reporting Templates  Review of FSUTMS Default Coefficients and Parameters  New Transit Modeling Framework Completed and On-Going Studies

9 9 FSUTMS Launcher/Interface

10 10 FSUTMS Launcher/Interface

11 11 FSUTMS Web Portal  Launched on 08/01/2006  Objectives  Open a communication channel between Model Task Force (MTF), Systems Planning Office (SPO), and Florida modeling/planning community  Build an information and data repository for model developers  Provide a discussion forum for model developers and users


13 13 New Training Model - Olympus

14 14 Olympus Model File Structure

15 15 Olympus Model User Interface

16 16 Olympus Special Applications

17 17 Transit Modeling Framework  Why…  Outdated existing model system and new challenges  FTA regulations on travel forecasts and new QA guidelines  The industry moving towards multi-path modeling  Cube PT provides the tools  Implications to other model components

18 18 Transit Modeling Framework  What’s new …  PT “best path”  Two levels– general and New Starts areas  Affected transit modules  Transit access  Network coding  Path building  Mode Choice  Highway modules  Calibration and validation

19 19 Transit Modeling Framework  What’s new …(continued)  More focus on observed data  Consistently good transit coding practice  Relies on good highway practice  Highway network coding  Trip distribution  Auto speeds

20 20 Transit Modeling Framework  What does it mean …  Decide what area you belong to based on your local transit services and future growth  Modeling needs  Large areas – implementing the new framework immediately  Small areas – wait until next LRTP cycle

21 21 Transit Modeling Framework  What does it mean… (continued)  Immediate actions for all areas  Review/Split zones  Update highway network  Centroid connectors  Include required transit related attributes  Standardize field names  Revise transit modal numbers  Collect transit service data

22 22 Transit Modeling Framework  What will we do …  Develop required procedures and programs  Walk- and Auto- access connector programs  Path building scripting templates  Transit assignment reporting scripts  Revised mode choice model  Provide guidelines and documentation  Theoretical framework  Applications framework  Transit model validation guidelines

23 23 Transit Modeling Framework  What will we do … (continued)  Develop prototype model  Replace the current Olympus model components  Provide samples for network coding and templates  Conduct training workshop  June 06  More early next fiscal year (Sept/Oct 07)  Provide on-time update on web portal  Documentation, programs, and prototype model  Technical Support (FAQs and online Q/As)

24 24 Future Directions  Short Term  Finalize transit modeling framework  Revisit the White Paper and Data Dictionary  Incorporate latest developments  Make more user friendly  Work with districts and MPO to implement the FSUTMS standards

25 25 Future Directions  Short Term (continued)  Implement FSUTMS reporting templates  Develop transportation network coding standards  Trip generation model  Comprehensive review of current models  Pursue income based trip generation model  Develop new structure and coefficients if necessary

26 26 Future Directions  Short Term (continued)  Model development & application guidelines  Best practice  Model calibration and validation guidelines  Calibration and Validation standards based on Review of Default Parameters Study  Model Applications  Work with Citilabs to provide customized FSUTMS CUBE software

27 27 FSUTMS CUBE Menu System

28 28 Future Directions  Continuing Efforts  Model training workshops  Improve existing workshops  Develop new workshops as necessary  Assist model specific training  Online education/training  Technical support  Improve and enhance web portal

29 29 Future Directions  Long Term  Five-Year Model Development Plan

30 30 Questions

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