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Unit 4 – Cell Energetics Exploration and Introduction to Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 4 – Cell Energetics Exploration and Introduction to Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 4 – Cell Energetics Exploration and Introduction to Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration

2 POGIL #3 – Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration
Work in Groups of 3. Complete all questions and tasks. All people will have a “Role” I will collect 1 POGIL from each group to grade (it will be random) 20 points for completion 30 points for correct answers to 5 selected questions.

3 Today’s POGIL ROLES: MANAGER - Manages the group.
Ensures individuals are doing their job. Makes sure all members are on task and participating The only member that may speak/ask the teacher questions (must raise his or her hand to be recognized.) READER Reads the activity out loud to the group. Speaks at a volume that only their group can hear. Helps to keep everyone in the group together. RECORDER Writes down the names and roles of everyone in the group on the sticky note Turns in sticky note with the POGIL

4 POGIL Get into groups of 3 people. Select a READER, MANAGER, and a RECORDER. RECORDER  write down all group member names on the sticky note.


6 Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration
NCSCOS Objective 4.2.1

CO H2O + Sunlight Energy  C6H12O O2

C6H12O6 + O  CO2 + H2O + Energy What do you notice about the 2 equations?

9 Photosynthesis Cellular Respiration
CHLOROPLAST (Found in ______________ and _______________) Cellular Respiration MITOCHONDRIA (Found in all __________________________ cells)

10 Organelle: ______________: Organism: _________________:
WHERE does PHOTOSYNTHESIS Occur? Organism: _________________: Organ: _______________________:

11 Questions to Consider How does the plant obtain reactants (materials) for Photosynthesis? What does the plant do with the products it makes?

12 CO2 enters the ____________ of a plant through small openings called ______________ (by ____________) Water enters the ____________ of a plant using properties of ___________

13 O2 exits through the ______________ pores by the process of ____________
Glucose is either immediately used as chemical energy during cellular ___________________ or stored in _____________ as the complex polysaccharide ____________


15 How does the plant regulate reactants entering and products leaving?
Question: How does the plant regulate reactants entering and products leaving? 15

16 STOMATA – pores in the leaves of plants that regulate _____ exchange and water loss
When stomata (stoma) pores are open, CO2 enters and O2 and water exit.

17 Question: How does the plant move the water and sugars around to the other parts of the plant? 17

18 Vascular tissue Found in ___________, leaves, ___________!
Plants have VASCULAR tissue that is similar in function to arteries and veins in humans. 1. Vascular tissue contains 2 main transporting structures: XYLEM and PHLOEM. . The xylem (pronounced “zylum”) transports water up from the roots to the other parts of a plant. . The phloem (pronounced “flow-um”) transports water and food (sugar) in two directions. Found in ___________, leaves, ___________!

19 Extra Credit Question:
During the fall, what causes the leaves to change colors? Research this answer and submit a 1 paragraph response in your own words for an extra 100% Quiz Grade. Due Friday!

20 Photosynthesis and Respiration Demo Lab – Elodea & Bromothymol Blue

21 Observation of Demonstration
BTB in + NO CO2 (BTB + O2) BTB in + Some CO2 BTB + lots of CO2 Starting Color Ending Color

22 (Covered) (Uncovered)
Test Tube 1 Yellow/Dark (Covered) Test Tube 2 Yellow/Light (Uncovered) Test Tube 3 Blue/Dark Test Tube 4 Blue/Light Prediction Actual Which reaction, PHOTOSYNTHESIS or RESPIRATION, is mostly occuring in the test tube? Is carbon dioxide (CO2) being USED or PRODUCED? (or BOTH) What color will the bromothymol blue (BTB) turn overnight? BLUE, YELLOW, GREEN


24 Cellular Respiration Definition: Converting _______________________________ into ________________ with the exchange of _____________(CO2 and O2) Organelle: _______________

25 2 Types of Cellular Respiration
AEROBIC RESPIRATION ANAEROBIC RESPIRATION Requires ___________ Occurs in _____________ (organelle) Makes ____ ATP Types of Cells/Organisms that use it: ____________________ __________________________ Does NOT Require ___________ Occurs in _____________ (organelle) Makes ____ ATP Types of Cells/Organisms that use it: ____________________ __________________________

ALCOHOLIC FERMENTATION LATIC ACID FERMENTATION When would YEAST switch from aerobic to alcoholic fermentation? What makes bread rise? Why doesn’t bread taste like alcohol? Why must BACTERIA rely on alcoholic fermentation? When would MUSCLE CELLS switch from aerobic to lactic acid fermentation? Why does yogurt taste sour?


28 Factors that Affect Bioenergetic Reaction Rates (Rates of Photosynthesis and Respiration)
Factors that AFFECT RATES of PHOTOSYNTHESIS Factors that AFFECT RATES of CELLULAR RESPIRATION _______________________ _______________________ ________________________


30 Factors Affecting Respiration Lab
Objective: To investigate factors affecting respiration in an organism. Background: Living things depend on various nonliving components of their environments to survive and grow. These abiotic factors include sunlight, oxygen, carbon dioxide, availability of water, and temperature. In this experiment, we will be dealing with several abiotic factors: temperature, pH, and availability of food (sugar). Organisms need cellular respiration to get energy their cells can use from their food. This chemical reaction (cellular respiration) requires sugar and (if aerobic respiration) oxygen. Cellular respiration is also controlled by enzymes, which can be affected by the environment. Cellular respiration produces ATP, and two waste products (carbon dioxide and water). We will measure the carbon dioxide production to determine the effect of different factors on cellular respiration.

31 Pre-lab Questions: What is the purpose of cellular respiration?
What form of energy, produced by cellular respiration, can cells easily use? What does aerobic respiration need to occur? What waste products are produced by cellular respiration?

32 Procedure: Your group will be assigned ONE factor. ONLY do the procedure for THAT factor! My Group # ______ My Factor (Independent Variable): ____________________________

33 Move to your lab group! GROUP 7 is at lab table 2!
As a group, discuss YOUR TASK. Individually, write a HYPOTHESIS. Write a hypothesis predicting the effect of the factor your group was assigned on the rate of cellular respiration: If __________________________, then________________________.

34 Once your group has set up the lab, come back to your seats.
Procedure: Follow the directions on your colored sheet. Materials are at your station unless otherwise indicated. Warm water is at the front lab bench. GRADING: At the end of this lab, I will collect one paper from each lab group to score. So….WORK TOGETHER! Once your group has set up the lab, come back to your seats.

35 Photosynthesis Lab – Elodea & Bromothymol Blue

36 No Elodea + Tinfoil (control)
Data Table Sample No Elodea + Tinfoil (control) Elodea + Tinfoil Elodea + Light Color Before Experiment Color After Experiment Conclusions and Post-Lab Analysis – You have 20 minutes to complete it. What you do not finish is homework.

37 Record data in YOUR ROW only.
Factor Affecting Respiration Measurement of Respiration None – Control Group (warm water, neutral pH) High (Hot) Temperature Low (Cold) Temperature Acidic (Low) pH Basic (High) pH Different Food Source (Starch not Sugar) No Food Source Finish answering the analysis questions and write a conclusion. Conclusions should be collaborated on as a group this time. You have 25 minutes to complete this lab. I will collect 1 per group (at random) to grade.

38 WARM-UP 3rd Block – Complete the osmosis practice problems
4th Block – Cell Respiration Lab You have 10 minutes to finish it up with your group!

39 Table Talk Where does the food for this process come from?
Are FOOD and ENERGY the same thing? Why or why not? What organelle is this? How do you know? What process is occurring here?

40 A________________ T____p____________
This is: _______ A________________ T____p____________ It is ________ energy.

41 How is the energy from this molecule released?
Once the ATP is broken, what molecule is left? This is ADP: Adenosine Diphosphate

42 How is ATP like a full battery?

43 It’s a Cycle!

44 So what do cells/organisms use ATP for? (brainstorm)
Active Transport – to get rid of wastes or toxins Energy for movement – to escape a predator or find food/water/mates Synthesize needed molecules – like proteins, enzymes

45 What’s the BIG IDEA? Summarize the role of photosynthesis in living things. Summarize the role of cellular respiration in living things. In your groups, write a summary for your assigned questioned on the white board. Write neatly!

46 Let’s Review!

47 Unit 3 Test Qualifier Tomorrow’s test is going to be a big one  All things Cells! Cell Comparison Microscopes Cell Organelles Cell Transport (and Membrane) Photosynthesis Cellular Respiration Complete the Qualifier worksheet to prepare for tomorrow.

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