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Ancient Egypt Intellectual Life. Egyptian Creation Story Believed that the earth was created when a hill emerged from the waters of chaos. This made sense.

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Presentation on theme: "Ancient Egypt Intellectual Life. Egyptian Creation Story Believed that the earth was created when a hill emerged from the waters of chaos. This made sense."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ancient Egypt Intellectual Life

2 Egyptian Creation Story Believed that the earth was created when a hill emerged from the waters of chaos. This made sense to them because they often saw islands of mud appearing in the Nile, especially during the flood season.

3 Atum The creator-god emerged from the waters standing on this hill. The “perfect one” Self-begotten Ejected from himself: Shu - the air Tefenet - the moisture

4 Next… Atum separated the sky from the earth Geb = the earth Nut = the sky Geb and Nut joined and had children: The gods Osiris, Isis, Seth, and Nephthys These gods formed the first level in the hierarchy of gods.

5 Beliefs About Birth Infants were placed in the mother’s womb after being created on a potter’s wheel by the god Khnum.

6 Existence Ka Spiritual duplicate Stored in heart At death, separated from body Inhabit tomb Required food, clothing, perfume, furniture Ba Character/personality Entered body at birth Akh Mummy that would transform into a form that could exist in the afterworld upon death Magic spells

7 Afterlife Duplication of best moments on earth Activities enjoyed the most such as hunting, fishing, feasting, sailing. Death not an end but a beginning.

8 Upon Death… Transition into the afterlife. Series of judgments and obstacles they had to pass to enter. Weighing of the Heart Book of the Dead -> survival guide

9 Preparation for the Afterlife 1. Body must be preserved in lifelike form 2. Body must be provided with items necessary for afterlife

10 Burial Practices Earliest people to settle in the Nile Valley buried their dead in pit-graves, which were dug in the hot desert sands. The dry sand absorbed the bodily fluids and kept the body from decaying.

11 As Egyptian burials became more elaborate, the bodies were placed in lined tombs. Bodies decomposed because there was no sand to keep them dry. Needed a method of preservation. Mummification was the answer!

12 When a person died… Female relatives (and paid mourners) would bare their breasts and walk through the streets crying Male relatives, bare to the waist would follow, pounding on their chests

13 Process Procession  body taken to purification tent for cleansing and new clothes Taken to embalming tent for preservation (mummification). Embalming priests wore mask of Anubis (god of embalming) Recited prayers and spells.

14 Mummification Began in Old Kingdom -> pharaohs By New Kingdom -> everyone Different levels according to wealth. Whole process took ~70 days. 4 Basic Steps

15 Step One All internal organs (except heart) removed. Heart seatbed of intelligence/emotion Brain removed through nose and discarded. Other organs put in canopic jars.

16 Canopic Jars Hapy baboon-headed god protected the lungs Duamutef jackal-headed god protected the stomach Qebehsenuef falcon-headed god protected the intestines Imsety human-headed god protected the liver

17 Step Two Body packed and covered with natron - a salty drying agent. Left to dry for 40 days. After 40 days only hair, skin and bones remained.

18 Step Three Empty body cavity stuffed with resin, sawdust or linen Body re-shaped to restore the deceased form and features.

19 Step Four Body tightly wrapped in linens. Amulets wrapped between layers. objects to bring good luck. Scarab beetle over heart Priests recited spells and prayers at each layer. Lasted ~15 days

20 Procession to the Tomb Mummy on sledge Canopic jars on sledge Servants who carried objects the deceased would need


22 At the Tomb Opening of the Mouth ceremony ability to speak and eat Mummy placed in coffin, then sarcophagus, then burial chamber. Goods lowered into place Sealed Banquet

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