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As we all know traveling is going from one place to another. Others may look at it as a huge expense, if you ask me traveling is an opportunity to see.

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3 As we all know traveling is going from one place to another. Others may look at it as a huge expense, if you ask me traveling is an opportunity to see the world. I would love to see the world for myself and it is something I'm looking forward to. The places I would really love to visit are Spain, Africa, China, and Canada.

4 The Pros of traveling The great thing about being able to travel is to gain experience, being able to see other parts of the world. This experience can be on where you can gain knowledge. It is also good to get away. If you are lucky, you can find affordable prices when searching for plane tickets and hotels.

5 * Even if traveling allows you to be able to escape, it can lead to temporary depression where you will begin to feel homesick. * The excuse of traveling for some people is that they want to escape from a situation whether it’s personal or not, then you begin to question yourself if moving miles away is a good idea. * Last but not least traveling can cost you a lot of money if you do not choose the right sources. There are many countries that have high costs of living.

6 * Plan ahead!!! When you plan ahead this gives you time to be able to save and book flights early. Even if you book a flight early keep your eyes open for any discounts. * Pack a lunch when your ready to travel, a quick snack or small lunch can make a big difference on your budget. * Avoid over packing, when you over pack airlines will charge you for oversized baggage fees.

7 * When traveling you have to be ready for your desired location. * You have to be prepared for the weather. * You should make your you are up to date with all your vaccinations.

8 * * * * These websites will help you find great deals on flights, hotels, and rental cars. * What most people do are compare the prices of all the websites that leads them to their destination and pick the cheapest.

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