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Instructions for using this template. Remember this is Jeopardy, so where I have written “Answer” this is the prompt the students will see, and where.

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Presentation on theme: "Instructions for using this template. Remember this is Jeopardy, so where I have written “Answer” this is the prompt the students will see, and where."— Presentation transcript:


2 Instructions for using this template. Remember this is Jeopardy, so where I have written “Answer” this is the prompt the students will see, and where I have “Question” should be the student’s response. To enter your questions and answers, click once on the text on the slide, then highlight and just type over what’s there to replace it. If you hit Delete or Backspace, it sometimes makes the text box disappear. When clicking on the slide to move to the next appropriate slide, be sure you see the hand, not the arrow. (If you put your cursor over a text box, it will be an arrow and WILL NOT take you to the right location.)

3 Choose a category. You will be given the answer. You must give the correct question. Click to begin.

4 Click here for Final Jeopardy

5 Hanukkah Kwanzaa Christmas in England Christmas in Italy Christmas in France 10 Point 20 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points 10 Point 20 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points Christmas in Mexico

6 People who celebrate Hanukkah

7 Who are Jewish people?

8 The traditional colors of Hanukkah

9 What are blue and white?

10 The month that Hanukkah begins

11 What is November or December?

12 The special candle holder that holds nine candles

13 What is a menorah?

14 A top used to play games

15 What is a dreidel?

16 The traditional colors of Kwanzaa

17 What are red, green, and black?

18 People who celebrate Kwanzaa

19 Who are African- Americans?

20 The Continent many Kwanzaa traditions come from

21 What is Africa?

22 The number of days Kwanzaa lasts

23 What is 7?

24 The special candle holder that holds seven candles

25 What is a kinara?

26 How to say “Merry Christmas” in Mexico

27 What is “Feliz Navidad”?

28 Something filled with candy and toys that they break open

29 What is a piñata?

30 Flowers used to decorate

31 What are poinsettias?

32 What nativity scenes are called in Mexico

33 What is a nacimientos?

34 What is left for children who have misbehaved

35 What is coal?

36 How to say “Merry Christmas” in England

37 What is “Happy Christmas”?

38 How people send holiday greetings to each other

39 What are Christmas cards?

40 A special log burned for 12 hours

41 What is a yule log?

42 He fills the stockings with treats

43 Who is Father Christmas?

44 What people decorate homes, stores, and churches with

45 What is holly and ivy?

46 How to say “Merry Christmas” in Italy

47 What is Buon Natale?

48 Trees used to decorate

49 What are olive trees?

50 What nativity scenes are called in Italy

51 What is a presepio?

52 The basket or jar used to keep gifts in

53 What is “The Urn of Fate”?

54 The special name given to January 6th

55 What is Epiphany?

56 How to say “Merry Christmas” in France

57 What is Joyeux Noel?

58 What nativity scenes are called in France

59 What is a creche?

60 Songs that are sung at Christmastime

61 What are Christmas carols?

62 He brings gifts for the children

63 Who is Pere Noel?

64 A cake made with a bean inside

65 What is the “Cake of the Kings”?

66 Make your wager

67 The continent that England, Germany, Italy, and France are on

68 What is Europe?

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