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Typhoons By: Lucas Perry.

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1 Typhoons By: Lucas Perry

2 Intro to Typhoons Tropical cyclone can be named many different things based on were they are formed and how strong and fast the wind is blowing. Typhoons are formed in the western part of the North Pacific and have the fastest wind speed of tropical cyclones. In the North Pacific most of the storms are in June to November but there is no Typhoon season because typhoons can form all year long. Most of these storms affect the Philippines, China, Taiwan, Korea and Japan.

3 How they are Formed There are six very important factors for a typhoon to form. There has to be warm sea surface temperatures, atmospheric instability, high humidity in the middle levels of the troposphere, a low pressure center, a pre- existing low level focus or disturbance and a low vertical wind shear.

4 How they work

5 Categories of Typhoons
There are three categories of cyclones that are weaker than a typhoon. The weakest is a tropical depression with winds under 61km/h. The second category is a tropical storm and it has wind speeds up to 88 km/h and once it is over that it is a severe tropical storm with winds up to 117km/h. Once the wind speed is over 117km/h than it is called a typhoon and it is the highest category. Mostly all of the storms no matter the category will have rain fall.

6 Predicting Typhoons Meteorologists can predict when typhoons are coming by studying were they form and the paths that they usually go. Then when they study that area they look for differences in the weather when a typhoon happens. There are four main things that meteorologists look for, temperature, air pressure, moisture and wind. Wind is the most destructive thing in typhoons. Meteorologists try to be as accrete as they can because if they are right and people take the right precautions than it can save many lives.

7 Typhoon Yolanda Typhoon Yolanda was formed on November The typhoon hit mostly in south Asia and parts of the Philippines. When it hit land it was classified as a category 5 super typhoon. The Typhoon was one of the most deadly with winds up to 310 km/h. With winds that fast it makes it the fourth most intense typhoon ever recorded. At the end of the storm there were over 5500 people killed. The storm lasted until November 11.

8 How to get ready for a Typhoon
1-Start getting ready by boarding up winds, If that can not be done than just get something in front of the windows to stop glass from flying in the house. 2-Check out side to see if there is any lose things that could get caught in the wind 3-Turn off everything except for the freezer and turn it to high 4-Turn on a battery powered radio and wait for weather updates

9 What to do while in a Typhoon
1-Stay calm and listen for weather reports 2-Stay away from windows because the wind can always through things right through and hit you 3-Stay in side even if the storm looks like it is over because you will usually just be in the eye of the storm and it will get worse later 4-allways stay on the opposite side of the house that the wind is blowing

10 What to do after a Typhoon
1-Look around at your house and yard and see if there is anything dangerous that could hurt people 2-When around the roads watch out for downed power lines 3-If the power is still of than if you could find a neighbor or some place to cook food the is in the freezer before it goes bad

11 References

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