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Yuan Chen The Story of “Springfield”

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1 Yuan Chen The Story of “Springfield”

2 Six signs 1. We build, they will come(use) 2. What we offer is exactly what they want! 3. There is no “I” in the “team” 4. We will use [n-tire/soap/insert other buzzword here] to construct this calculator in one week 5. I seldom estimate the schedule or manage the priority correctly 6. The situation you mentioned will never happen

3 Bingo, Catch one?  “I build a [YOUR PROJECT] that nobody use”  Yep, you are right, but it’s out of my expectation  Anyway, think about the success of Youtube, Google, Microsoft Empire…

4 What’s “Springfield”  Codename of “Microsoft Intern Application Tracking System” aka. MIATS  A project developed by Compass team in MS^2 training version 3.0  3 Devs, 2 Testers, 1 PM  2 months, We rock & roll

5 Our Vision  To provide a platform where talents can be exposed, discovered and managed effectively and efficiently  我们要建立一个能够有效并高效地发现、 管理天才的平台


7 1. We are always right…  We build, they will come(use) Your software is here

8 “Springfield” fact  Solve real problems but not rise new problems…  Yet another IATS in MS?  We have workflow tracking, report, more effective search  Conclusion: Different is far not enough, we should explain what’s NEW & BETTER!

9 2. Communicate with customers  What we offer is exactly what they want

10 “Springfield” fact  Misunderstand customer’s workflow  The requirement change frequently  Feature spec change frequently  Revise the code painfully each time…  Conclusion: Reach clear and common agreements with you customer, put them down into documents

11 Teamwork  There is no “I” in the “team”

12  We have daily meeting but make ineffective decisions

13  I don’t agree with you…

14  People need motivation

15 “Springfield” fact  Not everyone put all efforts on the project  Discuss a lot, but each one on their own way  Forming -> Storming -> Norming -> Performing  Conclusion: There is “M” & “E” (ME) in the “team”

16 3. No plan, no gain  I seldom estimate the schedule or manage the priority correctly

17 “Springfield” fact

18  The schedule estimated never work well  Development is in chaos…  Conclusion: Each project has its implicit schedule, try to catch it!  Tip, My estimation formula: 1.5 * estimation + 1 time unit

19 4. Technologee…  We will use [n-tire/soap/insert other buzzword here] to construct this calculator in one week SDK APIs Framework Tech Components Soft ware


21 “Springfield” fact  We plan to use 3-tire/Ajax at the beginning…  However, we found time is not enough  So we do a lot of “work around”  A buggy system, debugging sucks…  Conclusion: KISS

22 5. Quality assurance  We code complete, let’s begin the test Smoking as soon as “plug in”

23 “Springfield” fact

24  Show-stop bugs during each review  Some bugs require design modification  No assurance for bug regression & the quality of new code  Conclusion: Accompany testing with coding

25 6. Murphy’s law  The situation you mentioned will never happen Sometimes things go badly when internet connection is slow…

26 “Springfield” fact  We assume all developers will not be absent during the project  We assume all scenarios works well in release mode  However, they didn’t…  Conclusion: If something can be wrong, it will!

27 Already failed? Don’t worry!  How we rescue “Springfield” Clear the requirement Scheduling / Planning / Buffering Risk management Implement features “KISS” New intern comes for testing Refer other site’s professional design

28 Good words for Springfield  Springfield (http://springfield ) is an excellent tool for interns recruiting. It’s simple but helps streamline the intern recruiting process which is so important to the lab! --Lolan Song( DIRECTOR-UNIVERSITY RELATIONS )  Springfield started to show her strength to MSR Asia’s intern recruitment! --Wen Chen(UR PROGRAM LEAD)  I love Springfield! Very nice tools. Congrats! --Harry (CVP - RESEARCH)

29 Things really matter  It depends on your expectation!

30 Reference  lt.aspx lt.aspx  aspx aspx   

31 Thank you

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