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Information Systems Session 2 LBSC 690 Information Technology.

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1 Information Systems Session 2 LBSC 690 Information Technology

2 Agenda Questions Convergence: computing and communications What is the Internet made of? –Computer processors –The storage hierarchy –Networks –Software

3 The Development of Computing: An Example of Industrial Policy Hardware: all developed for the government –Mechanical: essentially a big adding machine –Analog: designed for calculus, limited accuracy –Digital: early machines filled a room –Microchips: designed for missile guidance Software: initial applications were military –Numeric: computing gun angles –Symbolic: Code-breaking

4 History of Telephone Networks Connecting central offices –Initial connections passed analog signals on wires –Digital signals allow several signals to share a wire –Microwave avoids the cost of laying the wire –Satellites avoid the cost of the microwave towers –Fiber optic cables have nearly unlimited “bandwidth” “The last mile” –Step/crossbar: Analog connection, mechanical control –ESS: Analog connection, digital control –DSL/Cellular: Digital connection, digital control

5 Commercial Developments 1960’sMainframesTeletypes –IBM 1970’sMinicomputersModems –DEC 1980’sPersonal computersLANs –Apple, Microsoft 1990’sInternetInternet –AOL, Search Engines 2000’sConvergence with television?

6 Hardware Processing Cycle Input comes from somewhere –Keyboard, mouse, microphone, etc. The system does something with it –Processor, memory, software, network Output goes somewhere –Monitor, speaker, robot controls, etc.

7 The Big Picture Processor Memory Network

8 Computer Hardware Central Processing Unit (CPU) –Intel Pentium, Motorola Power PC, … Internal communications “Bus” –PCI, ISA, … Storage devices –Cache, RAM, hard drive, floppy disk, … External communications –Modem, LAN, …

9 Thinking About Speed Speed can be expressed two ways: –How long does it take do something once? Memory speed is often measured as access time –How many times can you do it in one second? Processor speed is measured in instructions per second Convenient units are typically used –“10 microseconds” rather than “0.00001 seconds” When comparing speeds, convert units first!

10 Converting Units Speed Unit AbbrFraction of a sec second sec1 millisecond ms1/1,000 microsecond  s1/1,000,000 nanosecond ns1/1,000,000,000 picosecond ps1/1,000,000,000,000 Size UnitAbbrBytes bitb1/8 byteB1 kilobytekB1,024 megabyteMB1,048,576 gigabyteGB1,073,741,824 terabyteTB1,099,511,627,776

11 Two Aspects of Speed Time to get from one place to another –California is 1/80 of a second (at speed of light) –Routing delays can slow this down The amount of information sent each second –“Fat pipes” are “faster” in this sense –Typically measured in bits per second The total transfer time is what counts –Each bit’s travel time + time from first bit to last –For large files, the second factor dominates

12 Speed vs. Cost The problem: –Fast memory devices are expensive So large memory devices are slow! –But fast access to large memories is needed The solution: –Keep what you need often in small (fast) places Keep the rest in large (slow) places –Copy quickly between the two

13 The Storage Hierarchy CPU RAM Disk Cache Internet

14 Types of Memory Random-Access Read-Only Memory (ROM) –Bytes can be read in any order –No power needed to retain the contents –Used to store the Basic Input/Output System (BIOS) Random Access Read-Write Memory (RAM, disk) –Static RAM (SRAM) is very fast, but expensive –Dynamic RAM (DRAM) is cheap, but too slow for P III –Video RAM (VRAM) is shared by CPU and display chip Sequential-Access Read-Write Memory (tape) –Bytes must be read in the order they were written

15 CPU  “Memory” The CPU is the fastest part of a computer –500 MHz Pentium III = 250 MIPS One operation every 4 ns Cache memory is fast enough to keep up –32 kB of 4 ns level 1 (L1) cache on chip, 32 kB –512 kB of slower L2 cache also on chip RAM is larger, but even slower –100 Mhz now common, typically at least 64 MB

16 Converting Units Speed Unit AbbrFraction of a sec second sec1 millisecond ms1/1,000 microsecond  s1/1,000,000 nanosecond ns1/1,000,000,000 picosecond ps1/1,000,000,000,000 Size UnitAbbrBytes bitb1/8 byteB1 kilobytekB1,024 megabyteMB1,048,576 gigabyteGB1,073,741,824 terabyteTB1,099,511,627,776

17 Types of Disks Fixed magnetic disks –May be partitioned into multiple volumes In Windows, referred to as C:, D:, E:, … In Unix, referred to as /software, /homes, /mail, … Removable magnetic disks –3.5 inch floppy disks, zip drives,... Read-only optical disks –CD-ROM, DVD-ROM Writable optical disks –CD-Recordable (CD-R), CD-Rewritable (RW)

18 How Disks Work Rotation Seek Sector

19 Memory  Disk Hard disk is larger than RAM but much slower –10 ms access time and 8 GB is now typical 1 hundred times larger than RAM 1 million times slower than RAM! The initial access is the slow part –Subsequent bytes sent at 17 MB/sec (60 ns/byte) As “virtual memory,” makes RAM seem larger –But things slow down beyond physical RAM

20 System  Network Network file system: use disks on nearby machines –OK for small files, not good for disk-intensive operations Wide area networks are far slower than disks –Ethernet runs at 10 or 100 Mb/sec –12 ms each way to California using fiber optics 250 ms each way using a satellite –Sharing the circuit adds more delay Two solutions –Use local disk to store some network data Called “temporary Internet files” in Internet Explorer –Transfer files using FTP and then work locally

21 Digital Signals: The Last Mile Analog modems –No faster than 56 kb/sec (typically slower) –Each byte (B) takes 10 bits (not 8!) Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) –Up to 128 kb/s (two 64kb/s channels) Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) –640 kb/sec (down), slower upload, dedicated line Cable modems –10 Mb/sec (down), slower upload, shared line

22 System  User People are usually the slowest component –Fast typists produce 10 characters per second –Human perception time is about 100 ms Batch processing lets machine run fast –Type everything in, then process it all at once –Very common when computing was expensive Networks are sometimes slower than people –Use a “type-ahead” buffer for congested periods

23 Tape Backup Tapes store and access data sequentially –Very fast transfer –But not “random access” Used as backup storage for fixed disks –Disks rotate, and mechanical devices will fail –Weekly incremental backup is a good idea With a complete (“level zero”) monthly backup –Best thought of as a batch process CD-RW provides an affordable alternative

24 Networks sam kim joe ann ttclass teal www glue rac4rac3wwwrac2 wam

25 Some Network Vocabulary Hosts –The computers that share the network Communications links –Essentially modems with dedicated phone lines Routing –Find a path from one host to another

26 Local Area Networks Within a campus or an office complex –Short-distance lines are fast and cheap –Fast communications makes routing simple Ethernet is a common LAN technology –All computers are connected to the same cable Ordinary “twisted pair” can carry 10 Mb/sec –Every host broadcasts everything to all others Collisions limit throughput to about 50% utilization

27 Local Area Networks sam kim joe ann teal www rac4rac3wwwrac2

28 Wide Area Networks Regional, national, or global scale –Expensive communications must be used well Limiting to two hosts to allows 100% utilization –Routing is complex with point-to-point circuits Which path is shortest? Which is least busy? … Internet routers exchange routing tables –Which routes seem fast, which seem slow?

29 A Simple Wide Area Network sam kim joe ann ttclass teal www glue rac4rac3wwwrac2 wam

30 Packet Switching Break long messages into short packets –Keeps one user from hogging a line Route each packet separately –Number them for easy reconstruction Request retransmission for lost packets –Unless the first packet is lost

31 Domain Names IP addresses are 32 bit numbers –Part of every packet, designed for easy routing People prefer to use names for things –Need to covert “domain names” to numbers Each name server knows one level of names –WAM’s name server knows rac1, rac2, … –UMD’s name server knows wam, glue, ttclass, … –.edu name server knows umd, umbc, stanford, … –“Top level” name server,.com,.mil, …

32 Types of Software Application programs (e.g., Powerpoint) –What you normally think of as a “program” Compilers and interpreters (e.g., Java) –Programs used to write other programs Operating system (e.g., Windows 95) –Manages display, CPU, memory, disk, tape, … Embedded program (e.g., a disk controller) –Permanent software inside some device

33 Trends Moore’s Law and related laws –processing capacity doubles every 18 months –disk capacity, networking speed, pixels on displays all increasing –miniturization (television camera and transmitter on an artificial insect) –More information in more places: Ubiquitous information - wireless Personalized services but loss of privacy –“de-massification” of mass media

34 Summary Speed, cost, and size (or distance): –You can easily get any 2, but not all 3 –Computers use cache as a compromise strategy The Internet includes LAN’s and WAN’s –Each contributes unique characteristics Hardware and software work synergistically –Our focus will be on software and the Internet –But understand hardware capabilities and limitations

35 Obtaining Recordings of Class RealVideo is available over the Internet –Click the appropriate icon on the syllabus page Videotapes go from here to CLIS Library –Available for viewing there (not for check out) –You can hand carry it to IDSC to get a copy Allow 24 hours (for IDSC to schedule tape machines)

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