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Marketing Essentials pgs 722-726 Preparing for the Interview Created by Teresa E. Anderson March 12, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Marketing Essentials pgs 722-726 Preparing for the Interview Created by Teresa E. Anderson March 12, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marketing Essentials pgs 722-726 Preparing for the Interview Created by Teresa E. Anderson March 12, 2008

2 Marketing Essentials pgs 722-726 Dress and Grooming Many stores and office have adopted “dress casual.” Your clothes should be neat, clean, and wrinkle-free for every interview. Dress one step above what you would wear to the job. Your hair should be clean and neat.

3 Marketing Essentials pgs 722-726 Dress and Grooming Cont. Hands need to be clean and nails neatly manicured. Wear only a small amount of jewelry. Ladies should not wear too much make- up. Do not wear too much perfume or cologne.

4 Marketing Essentials pgs 722-726 What you should know... Do research on the company you are interviewing with. Read company brochures and catalogs. Look at company’s web-site. Talk with family and teachers. Before the interview, carefully review your resume. Practice answering common questions found on Regent and Virginia Tech’s web sitesRegentVirginia Tech’s

5 Marketing Essentials pgs 722-726 How to act during the interview Always go alone to the job interview. Arrive five to ten minutes early. Be courteous and polite to whoever you meet before and after your interview. Be prepared with blue or black ink to fill out an application if necessary. Bring at least two copies of your resume. One copy to leave with employer and one copy to help you complete the application.

6 Marketing Essentials pgs 722-726 How to act during the interview cont. Shake hands firmly. Never chew gum during the interview. Place your purse or briefcase on the floor. Never put anything on the interviewers desk, not even your hands. Look the interviewer in the eye and listen to him carefully. Finally, act confidently and be yourself.

7 Marketing Essentials pgs 722-726 What to say during the interview. Answer each question honestly. Wages - “What wages do you expect?” A question like the one above needs to be turned into a question similar to “What do you usually pay someone with my experience?” Do not request too large a salary.

8 Marketing Essentials pgs 722-726 Tell me about yourself Be sure to cover all your qualifications for the job. Why should the employer hire you over another candidate?

9 Marketing Essentials pgs 722-726 Make sure you ask the employer questions... Lack of asking questions may appear that you are not really interested in the position. Please refer to Regent’s ev/mock_interviewdistance.cfm Or Virginia Tech’s Web sites for potential interview questions. /questions.htm

10 Marketing Essentials pgs 722-726 Closing the interview At the close you may be offered a job or told they have more candidates and will get back with you. Make sure you act enthusiastic and assure the interviewer that you are truly interested in the position. If offered the position, you usually have 24-48 hours to accept the position.

11 Marketing Essentials pgs 722-726 Closing cont. Shake hands, thank them for the interview and GO. Be sure to thank the receptionist or administrative assistant on your way out.

12 Marketing Essentials pgs 722-726 Follow Up on the Interview With a phone call or a short thank you note sent a day or two after your interview. The letter should be brief and to the point. You may clarify any information further. Reiterate any information that will make you stand out to the interviewer. Unless asked not to call, it is ok to call five to six days after the interview to insure that the interviewer knows you are interested.

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