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Questionnaire design Zikmund,W.G. 9632024 蘇怡今 指導教授:任維廉教授 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Questionnaire design Zikmund,W.G. 9632024 蘇怡今 指導教授:任維廉教授 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Questionnaire design Zikmund,W.G. 9632024 蘇怡今 指導教授:任維廉教授 1

2 自我介紹 蘇怡今 交大運管四年級 台北人 興趣:看棒球 2

3 大綱 What should be asked? Phrasing questions The art of asking questions What is the best question sequence? What is the best layout? How much pretesting and revising is necessary? Designing questionnaires for global research Summary 3

4 What should be asked? A good questionnaire need to have a good problem definition and clear objectives –Problem definition –Communication medium Telephone interview Personal interview Self-administered survey 4

5 What should be asked? Questionnaire relevancy –No unnecessary information is collected –The information that is needed is obtained Questionnaire accuracy –The information is reliable and valid 5

6 Phrasing questions Open-ended response –Pose some problem or topic and ask the respondents to answer in his or her own words Fixed-alternative question –Closed question –Given specific, limited alternative responses and asked to choose one 6

7 Phrasing questions Open-ended response Fixed-alternative question Interviewer skill > Time > Cost > Interviewer bias > Tabulatehardereasier 7

8 Phrasing questions Data collection –Mail –Telephone –Personal interview 8

9 The art of asking questions Avoid complexity Avoid leading and loaded questions –Counterbiasing statement –split-ballot technique Avoid ambiguity 9

10 The art of asking questions Avoid double-barreled items Avoid making assumptions Avoid burdensome questions that may tax the respondent’s memory 10

11 What is the best question sequence? Warm up Order bias –Funnel technique –Filter question –Pivot question 11

12 What is the best layout? Neat, attractive, and easy to follow Never to be overcrowded As brief and small as possible Avoid negative influence 12

13 How much pretesting and revising is necessary? Pretesting process –Difficult to understand –Ambiguous or biased questions Preliminary tabulation Usually a questionnaire goes through several revisions 13

14 Designing questionnaires for global research Take cultural factors into account Language –Back translation 14

15 Summary Good questionnaire design is a key to obtaining good survey results Relevance and accuracy are basic criteria Knowing how each question should be phased Leading or loaded questions suggest answers to the respondents 15

16 Summary Question sequence can be very important to success of a survey The layout of a mail or self-administered questionnaire can affect the response rate International business researchers must take cultural factors into account 16

17 Q&A 17

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