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Inventions and Innovations Objectives: Upon successful completion of this activity, the student will learn: Name the major categories of the designed world;

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Presentation on theme: "Inventions and Innovations Objectives: Upon successful completion of this activity, the student will learn: Name the major categories of the designed world;"— Presentation transcript:

1 Inventions and Innovations Objectives: Upon successful completion of this activity, the student will learn: Name the major categories of the designed world; Identify selected inventions and innovations and their relationships to the designed world.

2 Warm Up Activity: 7 minutes Innovation - occurs when something new is introduced (a new way of doing something) – Example - Toilet: Innovation – a new way of disposing of human waste. Invention - the process of designing new products (an improvement of an older product) – Example - Toilet paper: invention – a newly designed product used to replace leaves

3 Group Quiz In groups of two’s:  Write your name, your partner’s name, and the period at the top of a sheet of paper;  Write the period  Number the paper from one to ten. 13 Minutes!

4 Warm Up

5 Quiz #2: Explain how each is either an invention or innovation. 1.Gasoline 2.Electricity 3.Calculator 4.Digital Camera 5.Wheelbarrow 6.Table fork 7.Plastic Bottles 8.Wheel 9.Automatic Handgun 10.Home Computer (Desktop) 13 Minutes!

6 12 595857565554535251504948474645444342414039383736353433323130292827262524232221201918171615141312111009080706050403020100 Quiz #2: Explain how each is either an invention or innovation. 1.Gasoline 2.Electricity 3.Calculator 4.Digital Camera 5.Wheelbarrow 6.Table fork 7.Plastic Bottles 8.Wheel 9.Automatic Handgun 10.Home Computer (Desktop)

7 11 595857565554535251504948474645444342414039383736353433323130292827262524232221201918171615141312111009080706050403020100 Quiz #2: Explain how each is either an invention or innovation. 1.Gasoline 2.Electricity 3.Calculator 4.Digital Camera 5.Wheelbarrow 6.Table fork 7.Plastic Bottles 8.Wheel 9.Automatic Handgun 10.Home Computer (Desktop)

8 10 595857565554535251504948474645444342414039383736353433323130292827262524232221201918171615141312111009080706050403020100 Quiz #2: Explain how each is either an invention or innovation. 1.Gasoline 2.Electricity 3.Calculator 4.Digital Camera 5.Wheelbarrow 6.Table fork 7.Plastic Bottles 8.Wheel 9.Automatic Handgun 10.Home Computer (Desktop)

9 9 595857565554535251504948474645444342414039383736353433323130292827262524232221201918171615141312111009080706050403020100 Quiz #2: Explain how each is either an invention or innovation. 1.Gasoline 2.Electricity 3.Calculator 4.Digital Camera 5.Wheelbarrow 6.Table fork 7.Plastic Bottles 8.Wheel 9.Automatic Handgun 10.Home Computer (Desktop)

10 8 595857565554535251504948474645444342414039383736353433323130292827262524232221201918171615141312111009080706050403020100 Quiz #2: Explain how each is either an invention or innovation. 1.Gasoline 2.Electricity 3.Calculator 4.Digital Camera 5.Wheelbarrow 6.Table fork 7.Plastic Bottles 8.Wheel 9.Automatic Handgun 10.Home Computer (Desktop)

11 7 595857565554535251504948474645444342414039383736353433323130292827262524232221201918171615141312111009080706050403020100 Quiz #2: Explain how each is either an invention or innovation. 1.Gasoline 2.Electricity 3.Calculator 4.Digital Camera 5.Wheelbarrow 6.Table fork 7.Plastic Bottles 8.Wheel 9.Automatic Handgun 10.Home Computer (Desktop)

12 6 595857565554535251504948474645444342414039383736353433323130292827262524232221201918171615141312111009080706050403020100 Quiz #2: Explain how each is either an invention or innovation. 1.Gasoline 2.Electricity 3.Calculator 4.Digital Camera 5.Wheelbarrow 6.Table fork 7.Plastic Bottles 8.Wheel 9.Automatic Handgun 10.Home Computer (Desktop)

13 5 595857565554535251504948474645444342414039383736353433323130292827262524232221201918171615141312111009080706050403020100 Quiz #2: Explain how each is either an invention or innovation. 1.Gasoline 2.Electricity 3.Calculator 4.Digital Camera 5.Wheelbarrow 6.Table fork 7.Plastic Bottles 8.Wheel 9.Automatic Handgun 10.Home Computer (Desktop)

14 4 595857565554535251504948474645444342414039383736353433323130292827262524232221201918171615141312111009080706050403020100 Quiz #2: Explain how each is either an invention or innovation. 1.Gasoline 2.Electricity 3.Calculator 4.Digital Camera 5.Wheelbarrow 6.Table fork 7.Plastic Bottles 8.Wheel 9.Automatic Handgun 10.Home Computer (Desktop)

15 3 595857565554535251504948474645444342414039383736353433323130292827262524232221201918171615141312111009080706050403020100 Quiz #2: Explain how each is either an invention or innovation. 1.Gasoline 2.Electricity 3.Calculator 4.Digital Camera 5.Wheelbarrow 6.Table fork 7.Plastic Bottles 8.Wheel 9.Automatic Handgun 10.Home Computer (Desktop)

16 2 595857565554535251504948474645444342414039383736353433323130292827262524232221201918171615141312111009080706050403020100 Quiz #2: Explain how each is either an invention or innovation. 1.Gasoline 2.Electricity 3.Calculator 4.Digital Camera 5.Wheelbarrow 6.Table fork 7.Plastic Bottles 8.Wheel 9.Automatic Handgun 10.Home Computer (Desktop)

17 1 595857565554535251504948474645444342414039383736353433323130292827262524232221201918171615141312111009080706050403020100 Quiz #2: Explain how each is either an invention or innovation. 1.Gasoline 2.Electricity 3.Calculator 4.Digital Camera 5.Wheelbarrow 6.Table fork 7.Plastic Bottles 8.Wheel 9.Automatic Handgun 10.Home Computer (Desktop)

18 0 595857565554535251504948474645444342414039383736353433323130292827262524232221201918171615141312111009080706050403020100 Quiz #2: Explain how each is either an invention or innovation. 1.Gasoline 2.Electricity 3.Calculator 4.Digital Camera 5.Wheelbarrow 6.Table fork 7.Plastic Bottles 8.Wheel 9.Automatic Handgun 10.Home Computer (Desktop)


20 Grading Time! 1.Switch papers with a partner. 2.Mark an “X” next to incorrect answers. 3.Count ten points for each correct answer. 4.Write the score at the top of the page.

21 Answers 1.Gasoline: Innovation– A cleaner source of energy. Coal and oil 2.Electricity: Innovation– A new source of energy. Gas, coal, and oil. 3.Calculator: Innovation– A new way to count. Quicker with less mistakes than a human. Abacus 4.Digital Camera: Innovation – a better way to store an image. Film camera or polaroid 5.Wheelbarrow: Invention – a way to carry large loads with half the effort. Better than dragging and quicker.

22 Answers Table Fork: Invention – A new way to pick up food and eat. Cleaner and neater than your hands. Plastic Bottles: Innovation– A new way to store liquid and recycle the container. Glass Wheel: Invention – A new way of moving heavy loads over long distances. Dragging/Pulling/Pushing Automatic Handgun: Innovation – A better way to shoot bullets without reloading. More bullets than the six shooter or the pellet gun. Home Computer (Desktop): Invention – A new way to store information.

23 Designed World Categories

24 Introduction Humans live in three worlds, the natural world, the social world, and the designed world. The designed world consists of all the modifications that humans have made to the natural world to satisfy their own needs and wants. To help you study the designed world, it is useful to break it up into “technology related categories.”

25 Designed World Categories 1. Medical technologies – vaccines, artificial limbs, wheelchairs, X-Ray machines, and genetic engineering. 2. Agricultural and related biotechnologies – artificial ecosystems, automatic milking machines, improved pesticides, and improved food storage processes. 3. Energy and power technologies – electricity, the internal combustion engine, portable generator, and energy conservation. 4. Information and communication technologies – television, radio, digital cameras, printing, the Internet, and magnetic waves. 5. Transportation technologies – planes, automobiles, guidance systems, and conveyor systems. 6. Manufacturing technologies – cutting, sawing, gluing, welding, durable goods, and mining. 7. Construction technologies – building codes, foundations, building materials such as bricks, glass, and wood, and subsystems in a building such as the water, electrical, and climate control systems.

26 Inventions and Innovations There are many important inventions and innovations that have occurred in the designed world. For example, without the invention of electricity (an energy and power technology), think how hard life would be. Listed below are various inventions and innovations that have occurred in relation to the designed world.

27 Inventions and Innovations 1. Internet11. Jet engine 2. Space shuttle12. Jet airplane 3. X-ray machine13. Suspension bridge 4. Plastic soft drink bottle 14. Television 5. Genetically modified food 15. Cell phone 6. Space station 16. Test-tube baby 7. Concrete17. Cloned sheep 8. Escalator18. Wind generator 9. Kevlar19. Artificial leg 10. MP3 Player20. Nuclear power station

28 Designed World Categories Match the invention or innovation listed to the designed world category that you feel it “best belongs in”. Place the letter of the designed world category on the line next to the invention or innovation shown. A. Medical technologies B. Energy and power technologies C. Transportation technologies D. Construction technologies. E. Agricultural and related biotechnologies F. Information and communication technologies G. Manufacturing technologies

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