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John 3: 1-21 Jesus teaches Nicodemus. Overview Nicodemus: who was he and why did he want to speak to Jesus? (Verses 1-2) The importance of spiritual birth.

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Presentation on theme: "John 3: 1-21 Jesus teaches Nicodemus. Overview Nicodemus: who was he and why did he want to speak to Jesus? (Verses 1-2) The importance of spiritual birth."— Presentation transcript:

1 John 3: 1-21 Jesus teaches Nicodemus

2 Overview Nicodemus: who was he and why did he want to speak to Jesus? (Verses 1-2) The importance of spiritual birth (Verses 3-8) The importance of faith (Verses 9-15) Jesus mission and the worlds response (Verses 16-21) So what?

3 Nicodemus: who was he and why did he want to speak to Jesus? (Verses 1-2) Pharisee He was a member of the ruling council (Sanhedrin) Came to Jesus at night Called Jesus Rabbi –Teacher sent from God –Recognised miracles as signs He wanted to learn from Jesus

4 So what? Everyone needs Jesus –Jesus was there not only for the poor and weak but also for the powerful and educated We need to humble ourselves before God We need to listen to what God is saying to us, regardless of who he uses to say it We need to test all things

5 The importance of spiritual birth (Verses 3-8) Jesus identifies Nicodemus’ need: –a relationship not more knowledge –Without the relationship, you can’t really see things as they are Jesus meets Nicodemus “where he was” –Even so – Nicodemus didn’t get it Born of water and the spirit –Difficult phrase –Ezekiel 36:25

6 The importance of spiritual birth (Verses 3-8) You should not be surprised –Nicodemus knew his scriptures but didn’t understand them The wind / spirit (Greek word pneuma) –God works where He chooses –We see what He is doing

7 So what? We need to meet people at their real point of need We need to really understand scripture thoroughly and accurately –It’s not enough just to be able to quote it Are we looking for where God is moving by His spirit –Are we being “carried along” by the Spirit?

8 The importance of faith (Verses 9-15) We need life not religion Who is the “we”? –Jesus? Disciples? Prophets? Simple and deep truths – the need to build on sound foundations –The only sound foundation is God’s revelation The importance of faith –Look and live

9 So what? Hold onto what God reveals not human tradition Discern the truth Lay good foundations then build on them Look only to Jesus and believe Him

10 Jesus mission and the worlds response (Verses 16-21) Nicodemus the judge needs to understand God’s great love an mercy God has gone to great lengths to save us All who believe escape condemnation –All who refuse Him are condemned Evil men hate the light Those who live by truth confess their sin and come into the light

11 So what? Are you trusting in Jesus alone as your Saviour? Are we rejoicing in God’s love and grace? Do we expect people to recoil from the light?

12 Today’s take away Are our lives rooted in a living relationship with Jesus as Saviour? Are we holding Jesus up for all to see so that they can “look and live” Are we praying that God will reveal this truth to those around us Are we looking for where God is working and doing the things He wants us to do

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