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Predit 3 contribution to energy savings in transport systems Sylvie Niessen Predit Permanent Secretary.

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Presentation on theme: "Predit 3 contribution to energy savings in transport systems Sylvie Niessen Predit Permanent Secretary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Predit 3 contribution to energy savings in transport systems Sylvie Niessen Predit Permanent Secretary

2 Future of Energy Varsaw-oct 2004 Sylvie Niessen - a five years program for research and innovation in the field of surface transport - funded by four ministries and two state agencies : ministries for research, transport, environment and industry national agency for innovation (ANVAR) national agency for energy and environment (ADEME) What is Predit?

3 Future of Energy Varsaw-oct 2004 Sylvie Niessen - Predit 1 ( 1990-1994) was mainly dedicated to technology : TGV, clean and safe cars, automatic underground system - Predit 2 (1996-2000) had a broader scope including urban transport, goods transport, strategic research

4 Future of Energy Varsaw-oct 2004 Sylvie Niessen * Predit 3 ( 2002-2006) started in march 2002, with three main issues: * to ensure the sustained mobility of people and goods * to increase the safety of transportation systems *to reduce environmental impacts and greenhouse effect * Budget: around 300 millions € of public funds

5 Future of Energy Varsaw-oct 2004 Sylvie Niessen Transport research in France Public sector: 1500 researchers (including postdocs), 300 M€ /y Private sector: 7500 researchers, 2600 M€ /y Predit 3: 300 M€ over 5 years (FP6 transport= 800 M€)

6 Future of Energy Varsaw-oct 2004 Sylvie Niessen

7 CleanVehicles: the french situation 220 000 over 26 millions of light vehicles 210 000 LGP + 4500 NGV 5000 electric+ 200 hybrids 1500 electric scooters 900 NGV buses, 20 electric or hybrid buses, 70 gas refuse dump trucks, 50 electric dumps

8 Future of Energy Varsaw-oct 2004 Sylvie Niessen Predit 3 and Clean Vehicles 34 M€ of public funds in 2002-2003 (35% of available budgets) 10 M€/y probably in 2004 and 2005 + 40 M€ (clean vehicle specific budget) in 2004-2005 More than 90 M€ from 2002 to 2005

9 Future of Energy Varsaw-oct 2004 Sylvie Niessen -reduce engine consumption : : efficiency of classic engines, downsizing, -auxiliaries consumption -alternative fuels -Electric and electronic devices (power electronics, electric and hybrid vehicles) -reduce pollutants emission ( new combustion process) From Technologies….

10 Future of Energy Varsaw-oct 2004 Sylvie Niessen To new knowledge and tools…. -action to develop public transport, rail, inland waterways -public behaviour in front of clean and /or energy saving vehicles And how the type of fuel can influence the choice of the vehicle -efficiency of the actual and expected energy-production systems -prospective researches : transport energy patterns in 50 years

11 Future of Energy Varsaw-oct 2004 Sylvie Niessen -DEUFRAKO Rail-freight- urban transport-telematics new groups –noise - rail Predit and international cooperation -Era-net Transport

12 Future of Energy Varsaw-oct 2004 Sylvie Niessen

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