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Conflict in the Colonies 6.1 Trouble on the Frontier.

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1 Conflict in the Colonies 6.1 Trouble on the Frontier

2 Trouble on the Frontier  METACOMET- Compared himself to King Charles of England Doesn’t trust the colonists because they don’t show respect and take his land  Conflicts arise  600 colonists and 3,000 Indians die including Metacomet  Indians work with the French, they are not seen as a threat.

3 Conflict with France  3 wars between England and France from 1689-1713  Competition for the Ohio Valley region  France builds forts to stop England from expanding west

4 Conflict with France  THE ALBANY PLAN Written by Ben Franklin Called for the colonies to unite under one leader Everyone rejected it, too independent!

5 The French and Indian War  The British, led by George Washington, are run out of the Ohio Valley by the French  Fighting erupts, especially in Europe, thus beginning the SEVEN YEAR’S WAR

6 The French and Indian War  French and Indians fight behind trees and kill many British soldiers  England finally defeats France

7 The Treaty of Paris  British get Canada and all land east of the Mississippi except New Orleans  They also get Florida from Spain  England is the only major power in North America.

8 Conflict in the Colonies 6.2 Consequences of the French and Indian War

9 The Frontier  PIONEERS  First Europeans to settle the frontier  Fear of Indian attacks kept settlements isolated and small

10 Conflict in the Ohio River Valley  British move into the Ohio valley and the Great Lakes region  Indians refuse to give up their land  PONTIAC’S REBELLION 1760’S, The Indians unite against the British 7 forts are destroyed, but many Indians go home when the battle at fort Detroit takes too long Pontiac surrenders

11 Proclamation of 1763  No colonist could settle west of the Appalachian mountains  Ordered all colonist in the Ohio valley to leave  Colonists disregard the Proclamation

12 Conflict in the Colonies 6.3 Trouble over Colonist’s Rights

13 Raising Taxes  England wins the war with France, but still has to pay for it  SUGAR ACT  Tax on all imported molasses and sugar  Colonies couldn’t print their own money  Courts came down on smugglers They were guilty until proven innocent

14 Taxation Without Representation  Colonies had no representatives in England  Many said the tax was unfair and violated the colonist’s rights  SAMUEL ADAMS- Starts the COMMITTEES OF CORRESPONDENCE  Kept towns in contact with each other  BOYCOTT- Refuse to buy certain goods

15 The Stamp Act  Tax on all paper goods sch as legal documents, licenses, newspapers, and playing cards  SONS OF LIBERTY Organization to scare tax collectors and colonial courts  PATRICK HENRY Says the Stamp act violates the colonists rights

16 Repealing the Stamp Act  Tax is removed, but not without some hard feelings  English Parliament declared they made the laws not the colonies

17 Conflict in the Colonies 6.4 New Taxes and Tensions

18 The Townsend Acts  Taxes on imported goods to pay for military costs and salaries  WRITS OF ASSISTANCE Search warrants to look for smuggled goods Everyone protest

19 The Boston Massacre  British soldiers are sent to the colonies  Tensions rise  Mob starts throwing snowballs and shots are fired

20 The Tea Tax  All the Townsend Acts are repealed, except the tea tax  BOSTON TEA PARTY Colonists dressed as Indians dump 342 boxes of tea into Boston Harbor

21 The Intolerable Acts  Boston Harbor closed until the tea is paid for  Massachusetts charter is cancelled  Those accused of crimes are sent to England for trial  Colonist must house British soldiers  A new governor for Massachusetts

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