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Diet Soda Giacomo Rimoldi Gutiérrez CBE 555 November 13, 2007.

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1 Diet Soda Giacomo Rimoldi Gutiérrez CBE 555 November 13, 2007

2 Where does come from?! In the US 64% of adults are overweight 24.5% of American adults are obese 16% of active duty US military personnel are obese Economic cost attributable to obesity in the US is estimated to be $100 billion/yr


4 Products that come from obese numbers Diet Soda Artificial Sweeteners Popcorn Mayonnaise Beer Candy Etc

5 History of Diet Soda 1952 Kirsch Bottling in Brooklyn launches a sugar free ginger ale called No-Cal. Only distributed locally 1958 Royal Crown Cola comes up with Diet Rite 1963 Coca-Cola Company joins the market with Tab (sweetened with cyclamates and saccharin). Late 1960’s Pepsi releases Patio Diet Cola 1982 Coca-Cola puts Diet Coke in the market (study states saccharin is a possible carcinogen) 1980’s Beer companies join the “diet beverage” market 1990 Tab makes a comeback after replacing some of the saccharin with NutraSweet 2002 Diet Vanilla Coke, Diet Pepsi Vanilla etc.

6 Diet Soda Facts The main difference is due to the artificial sweetening in it. Aspartame (NutraSweet) is used instead of sugar. Sweeteners used before Aspartame: Cyclamates (banned in 1970 by FDA) Saccharin (banned in 1987, lifted in 1991)

7 Aspartame aspartyl-phenylalanine-1-methyl ester Although it has roughly the same number of calories per gram as table sugar (sucrose), it is around 200 times sweeter Discovered by accident by James Schlatter,in 1965 while testing an anti-ulcer drug Approved in 1983

8 Aspartic Acid: Amino acid that creates a high of aspartate and glutamate in blood plasma (neurotransmitters in the brain). Excess of these neurotransmitters kills certain neurons by allowing too much calcium in to the cells. Phenyalanine: Amino acid found in the brain. People with the genetic disorder phenylketonuria (PKU) cannot metabolize it. A very high levelhas proven to be harmul. Methanol: Toxic

9 National Cancer Institute linked in 2006 aspartame with leukemia, lymphomas and brain tumors. Ramazzini Foundation found a direct relationship between aspartame and tumors in kidneys and peripheral nerves National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences states that exposure in the fetal life has carcinogenic effects

10 FDA suggests drinking soda instead of regular soda A study found that when a can a diet soda is stored at room temperature, the aspartame in the soda can break down into the chemical formaldehyde (birth defects and cancer). According to a study by the Children's Hospital and Research Center Oakland in California, women who drink light beverages do not lose as much weight as women who just drink water


12 Diet Soda drinkers are….. Compared to regular soda drinkers 37% more likely to agree that “I always think of the number of calories in the food I’m eating” 34% more likely to read the Wall Street Journal 27% more likely to be in the top socio-economic quintile 24% more likely to read Newsweek magazine 23% more likely to be obese 19% more likely to agree “I would like to be able to lose weight” 17% more likely to be concerned with their cholesterol level 13% more likely to be female 13% more likely to be married 10% more likely to be Caucasian American

13 Bibliography b815-4844-a92c-7d488baa05fe%40sessionmgr109 b815-4844-a92c-7d488baa05fe%40sessionmgr109 b815-4844-a92c-7d488baa05fe%40sessionmgr109 b815-4844-a92c-7d488baa05fe%40sessionmgr109 year2=&year1=&tcit=0_1_0_0_0&locID=wisc_madison&rlt=2&origSearch=true&t=RK&s=1&r=d&it ems=0&secondary=false&o=&n=10&day2=&day1=&l=d&sgPhrase=true&month2=&month1=&c=8 &bucket=per&SU=aspartame DA9L9MJ558CU2LRRSRX12-45046?func=quick-3&short- format=002&set_number=049773&set_entry=000003&format=999 DA9L9MJ558CU2LRRSRX12-45046?func=quick-3&short- format=002&set_number=049773&set_entry=000003&format=999

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