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Tonight’s HW: Practice Presentations, Check website for War Game Rules and Quiz!

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Presentation on theme: "Tonight’s HW: Practice Presentations, Check website for War Game Rules and Quiz!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tonight’s HW: Practice Presentations, Check website for War Game Rules and Quiz!

2 Fire & Manuever War Game The Battle of Kursk War is never equal or fair between 2 opponents. War is not about who kills their enemy the most. It is about solely accepting what you have at the moment and using it as strategically as possible to achieve your objective.

3 General Rules 2 simple orders to give your units EITHER Green Chip = move Red Chip = fire Moving: certain # of inches for each unit (Imperialism game outside was 1 yard per turn) Firing: choose an enemy unit to fire upon that is within your unit’s sight and range.

4 Unit Types and Firing Infantry: Riflemen, Light Machine Guns (LMG) Armored: Tanks, Anti-Tank Guns Support: Heavy Machine Guns (HMG), Mortars Other: Off-board artillery When firing, shots fired are based on dice rolls. “Hits” are when you roll 4/5/6. Each “Hit” on an enemy can be cancelled by a save roll of a die w/ 5 or 6. Failed saves = casualty of war.

5 War Strategy Consider Probability into your strategic decisions. Saves: Open land- Roll 5 or 6 Cover: Hills, Forests, Wheat fields = (+1 Save) Roll 4/5/6 Unit Type Effective Range Roll: 4/5/6 Long Range Roll: 5/6 # of Shots (per guy) Movement Rifleman18”24”18” Heavy MG24”36”36”

6 Practice Example 1 unit of Riflemen (8 guys) vs. 1 unit of HMG (3 guys) They’re 24” apart. Unit Type Effective Range Roll: 4/5/6 Long Range Roll: 5/6 # of Shots (per guy) Movement Rifleman18”24”18” Heavy MG24”36”36”

7 Your Roles Overall Commander: Command coins, off-table artillery & gives orders to Platoon Commanders Platoon Commanders: Infantry Commander, Armor Commander, Support Commander Each commander on each side will be controlling their given amount of units. Achieving your objective depends upon you and your team’s abilities of strategy and teamwork combined.

8 How Turns Work 3 Simple Phases 1. Initiative Roll: Who attacks first (advantage in battle) gets possibly more command coins. 2. Orders Phase: Place Green or Red chips on your units, “spot” artillery 3. Action Phase: FIRE FIRST, THEN MOVE, roll for your firing orders, move units

9 Firing Artillery Artillery is usually far away and needs coordinates. Use an infantry unit to “spot” your target. Relay the “coordinates” to whoever will fire the artillery and so they can fire away! Artillery has a blast radius depending on how explosive the shells are. The wind also plays a factor in where artillery lands. We fire artillery by using a command coin and rolling a “scatter dice” & regular 6-sided dice

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