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BOB GELDOF We chose Bob Geldof because he is worldwidely known for his charity work. Robert Frederick Zenon 'Bob' Geldof is an Irish singer, songwriter,

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Presentation on theme: "BOB GELDOF We chose Bob Geldof because he is worldwidely known for his charity work. Robert Frederick Zenon 'Bob' Geldof is an Irish singer, songwriter,"— Presentation transcript:

1 BOB GELDOF We chose Bob Geldof because he is worldwidely known for his charity work. Robert Frederick Zenon 'Bob' Geldof is an Irish singer, songwriter, actor and political activist. Geldof was born Robert Frederick Zenon Geldof in County Dublin, in the Republic of Ireland.

2 He became the lead singer of the Irish band The Boomtown Rats, a rock group closely linked with the punk movement. In 1978, The Boomtown Rats had their first No. 1 single in the UK with "Rat Trap", which was the first New Wave chart- topper in that country. In 1979, the group shot to international fame with their second UK No. 1, "I Don't Like Mondays.’’ Geldof quickly became known as a colourful spokesperson for rock music.

3 Geldof's first major charity involvement occurred in September 1981, when he performed as a solo artist for Amnesty International's benefit show. Geldof went on to organise the massive charity concert Live Aid, which raised unprecedented sums for the cause. Geldof realised that more people were at risk of starvation there than had died in the terrible famine of 1984/85 which had prompted Live Aid.

4 Angry, he rang the British prime minister Tony Blair from Addis Ababa. According to the Live 8 programme notes by Geldof's biographer and friend, Paul Vallely, the prime minister responded: “Calm down Bob... And come and see me as soon as you get back.” The result was the Commission for Africa.

5 Geldof decided to create a new international lobby for Africa with eight simultaneous concerts around the world to put pressure on the rich nations. Geldof announced the Live 8 project, to raise awareness of issues that burden Africa, such as government debt, trade barriers, and AIDS issues. The concerts were free, and were scheduled just days before world leaders gathered in Scotland for the G8 economic summit, on July 6. 'The boys and girls with guitars will finally get to turn the world on its axis,' Geldof said in a statement.

6 After Live Aid, Geldof became one of the world's most recognisable people. He also became particularly known for his use of strong language in conversation, regardless of his target audience Geldof has received many awards for his fund-raising work, including an honorary knighthood from Queen Elizabeth II; as he is not a citizen of a Commonwealth realm, Geldof is precluded from using the title 'Sir'. Regardless, the nickname 'Sir Bob' has stuck, and even media reports will frequently refer to him as 'Sir Bob Geldof'.

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