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Name _______________________________ Date ________ Per. ____ Remember to use QTIPS when solving! 1. __/20 2. Question: what you need to find out Thought:

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Presentation on theme: "Name _______________________________ Date ________ Per. ____ Remember to use QTIPS when solving! 1. __/20 2. Question: what you need to find out Thought:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Name _______________________________ Date ________ Per. ____ Remember to use QTIPS when solving! 1. __/20 2. Question: what you need to find out Thought: what math operations can be used to write an expression or equation and/or solve Information: which numbers you need to solve Plan: write an equation or number sentence Solution: write your correct answer in a complete sentence # CorrectScoreLetter Grade 18 – 20ES4A 16 – 17AS3B 14 – 15NS2C 5 – 13BLS1D 0 – 4NE0F You MUST do the QTIPS problems to earn a “4!”

2 3. 4. 5. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 6. 7. 8. Set up a proportion and solve the following problems. Calculators are on sale at a price of $1,000 for 20. How many can be purchased for $1,250? Set up a proportion and solve to get your answer. Ms. Kalbrener jogs about 8 miles in 2 hours. How long will it take her to jog 12 miles? Find the mean, median, mode and range of the data set: 46, 35, 23, 37, 29, 53, 43 Mean: _____ Median: _____ Mode: _____ Range: _____ The numbers game: if I said, 24 = h. in a d., you would say "hours in a day." See if you can figure out this one: 206 = b. in the h.b.

3 18. 17. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24.25. _________________________________________________________________________ Solve. Show all your work. Think: What math operation(s) do I see in the equation? What math operation(s) will “undo” each one? What math operation should be done first?

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