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Probability I can predict appropriate probability of a given event using words and numbers.

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Presentation on theme: "Probability I can predict appropriate probability of a given event using words and numbers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Probability I can predict appropriate probability of a given event using words and numbers

2 Essential Question What is probability?
How do we represent probability?

3 Let’s review some words:
Certain Equally likely Impossible Unlikely Likely Using each word, come up with events that would have that specific outcome.

4 Tell me... Impossible 1/2 Equally Likely 1 Certain Unlikely Likely What is the probability that the school bell will ring at 2:15 pm? What is the probability of getting heads or tails on a coin? What is the probability of getting a 7 on a 6 - sided game cube? Likely Equally likely Impossible

5 Outcomes What are outcomes?
What are all the outcomes for this spinner? Red, Orange, Purple, Yellow, Green (5)

6 More outcomes... What are all the outcomes for a coin? Heads, Tails
What are all the outcomes for a 6-sided game cube? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

7 One more... What are the outcomes for this bag of marbles?
Red, red, red, red, red, blue, blue, purple, purple, green, and green. What is the probability of pulling a red marble. 5/11

8 Writing Probability... There are three (3) different ways to write out probability... What are they??? Think-Pair-Share 5 to : /7

9 Let’s practice - use all ways
Write out the probability of getting a 3 when you roll the game cube one time. 1 to 6, 1:6, 1/6 Write out the probability of rolling an even number when you roll the game cube one time. 3 to 6, 3:6, 3/6

10 Closure - Popcorn! What is probability?
Give me an example of something that is likely. What are outcomes? What are the three ways to write probability?

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