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What’s new with FIADB 4.0: Carbon, biomass, and trend analysis Mark H. Hansen NRS – St. Paul, MN.

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Presentation on theme: "What’s new with FIADB 4.0: Carbon, biomass, and trend analysis Mark H. Hansen NRS – St. Paul, MN."— Presentation transcript:

1 What’s new with FIADB 4.0: Carbon, biomass, and trend analysis Mark H. Hansen NRS – St. Paul, MN


3 FIA biomass estimates Tree level estimates of the biomass of all live (and some formerly live) trees 1” diameter and larger on forest land. Used to report total biomass at various levels. Indirectly used to compute total carbon at various levels. Not currently used to compute the growth, removals and mortality of biomass or carbon.

4 Volume components in both FIADB3 & FIADB4 Rotten or missing cull Form cull or sound defect Gross volume (VOLCFGRS) >= Sound volume (VOLCFSND) >= Net volume (VOLCFNET) Trees < 5” have zero volume

5 Biomass components in FIADB3 Rotten or missing cull Form cull or sound defect Total gross biomass ( DRYBIOT ) minus Merch. Biomass ( DRYBIOM ) = Tops, limbs and stump Trees < 5” have zero DRYBIOM

6 Biomass components in FIADB4 Rotten or missing cull Form cull or sound defect --------------------------Trees 5”+ DBH --------------------------- Saplings Woodland species DRYBIO_BOLE DRYBIO_TOP DRYBIO_STUMP DRYBIO_SAPLING DRYBIO_WDLD_SPP All trees 1” diameter and larger DRYBIO_BG REGIONAL_DRYBIOM and REGIONAL_DRYBIOT are in a new tree level table by themselves.

7 Tree biomass components in FIADB4 1” 2” 3” 4” 5” 6” 7” 8” ….

8 Carbon components in FIADB4 Forest carbon on tree records (carbon/tree) CARBON_AG CARBON_BG Forest carbon on condition records (carbon/acre) CARBON_DOWN_DEAD CARBON_LITTER CARBON_SOIL_ORG CARBON_STANDING_DEAD CARBON_UNDERSTORY_AG CARBON_UNDERSTORY_BG

9 Other Biomass components in FIADB4 REGIONAL_DRYBIOT AND REGIONAL_DRYBIOM The REF_SPECIES table contains all the coefficient values (stored at the species level) that are needed to compute biomass using the Component Ration Method (CRM) (as used to compute DRYBIO_BOLE … ) and also the coefficients need to compute biomass based on Jenkins.

10 2007 Forest-type group – (thousand acres) 2002 forest type groupR/W/JS/FERCScotsO/PO/HE/A/CM/B/BA/BExNSTotal R/W/J845.938.,034.4 S/F32.23,286.70.0 74.124.4148.40.068.73,634.5 ERC0.0 20.9 Scots0.0 2.90.0 2.9 O/P55.810.50.0 O/H5.34.20.0 22.8885.15.2102.,079.2 E/A/C0.048.60.0 34.0908.272.3106.50.020.61,190.1 M/B/B0.,390.2133.21.15.31,701.8 A/B31.0205.50.0 50.6111.8177.2176.25,834.10.055.06,641.3 Ex0.0 NS1.051.20.0 Total971.23,647.913.05.0302.61,127.41,261.61,801.46,419.21.1228.115,778.6 Example change matrix analysis MN 1999-2002 plots remeasured in 2004-2007 Forest land both measurements

11 Previous measurement Current measurement Cond 1 Aspen Cond 1 CC

12 Previous measurement Current measurement Cond 1 Aspen Cond 1 CC PREVCONDCONDIDSUBPTYP_PROP_CHNG 111.00

13 Previous measurement Current measurement Cond 1 Aspen Cond 2 Balsam fir Cond 1 BFCC

14 Previous measurement Current measurement Cond 1 Aspen Cond 2 Balsam fir Cond 1 BFCC PREVCONDCONDIDSUBPTYP_PROP_CHNG 110.65 210.35

15 Previous measurement Current measurement Cond 1 Aspen Cond 2 Balsam fir Cond 1 BFCC Cond 2 Nonforest

16 Previous measurement Current measurement Cond 1 Aspen Cond 2 Balsam fir Cond 1 BFCC Cond 2 Nonforest PREVCONDCONDIDSUBPTYP_PROP_CHNG 110.54 120.11 210.17 220.18

17 85,000 remeasured forest subplots in NRS, 1999-2007 91.3% one condition both measurements. 3.4% two conditions both measurement, no change in the mapping. 3.7% mapping eliminated or added. 1.3% three conditions on the subplot. 0.3% mapping was moved but not eliminated.

18 Million Acres2006 or 7 2001 or 2forestnon-forNC-waterC waternot sampTotal forest114. nonforest6.2375. non-census water0. census water0. not sampled0.10.0 0.2 Grand Total120.9379. Percents2006 or 7 2001 or 2forestnon-forNC-waterC waternot sampTotal forest94.6%0.6%4.4%0.2%62.6%22.8% non-for5.1%99.0%30.5%7.0%21.5%74.8% non-cen wat0.1%0.2%52.2%6.7%1.0%0.6% census water0.1%0.2%12.8%86.1%0.6%1.8% not sampled0.1%0.0%0.1%0.0%14.3%0.0% Total100.0% Total23.6%74.1%0.4%1.8%0.1%100.0% Lake States, Plains States and Central States 2007+ Maine and Pennsylvania 2006 Increase in forest land from 116.9 to 120.9 million acres (3.4%) over 5 years

19 The change matrix will enable easy construction of: Growth, removals and mortality reporting by either initial or final conditions. Empirical yield tables (volume per acre by age class) linked to observed growth over past remeasurement period. Good input for growth and yield research. Allocation of component of growth to land use changes.

20 Other changes Added two new POP tables –POP_EVAL_TYP –POP_EVAL_TYP_DESCR Renamed POP_ATTRIBUTE to REF_POP_ATTRIBUTE Added and removed some reference tables and added documentation for the reference tables that will be available with FIADB 4.0 Changed the name of a few attributes that had the same name on two different tables but different definitions. Example: changed STATUSCD on SUBPLOT to SUBP_STATUS_CD Dropped some attributes, many of which were noted in Version 3.0 as “to be dropped


22 Questions ?????? Comments Thank you

23 Relationships among phase 1 tables and the phase 2 plot data tables in FIADB.

24 Volume estimates have been one of our primary products for many years.

25 Regional biomass computation DRYBIOT = f b1 (DIA,…) DRYBIOM = f b2 (DRYBIOT,…) or DRYBIOM = f b3 (VOLCFGRS,…) DRYBIOT = f b4 (DRYBIOM,…) Biomass and volume equations take different forms and were developed at different times from different data sets.

26 Issues National consistency. Biomass-volume consistency. Errors in application of biomass equations. Realistic estimates of components.

27 Consistent - reasonable estimates Select red oak, 10.0” dia, live, growing stock trees, 60-70’ HT DRYBIOM / VOLCFSND (DRYBIOT- DRYBIOM) / DRYBIOT FIA Region Pounds of wood and bark per cubic foot of sound wood Percent of total biomass in tops, limbs and stumps NRS-West40.929.8% NRS-East53.511.3% SRS41.421.8%

28 Jenkins et al. – total above ground biomass (including foliage)



31 Biomass data sets All the boles are strong All the trees are good looking All the SI are above average





36 Component Ratio Method (CRM) Based on the assumption that FIA volume estimates are pretty good. Sound wood has biomass. Rotten and missing wood has no biomass. If we get the bole right, we are about 75% done.

37 Biomass in the bole DRYBIOM in FIADB v3 DRYBIO_BOLE in FIADB v4 VOLCFSND (cf) x wood density (lbs/cf) + VOLCFSND (cf) x bark ratio (cf bark/cf wood) x bark density (lbs/cf)


39 Bole Bole biomass = (volume of sound wood in the bole) x (density of sound wood) + (volume of bark on the bole) x (density of bark)

40 Biomass in the stump part of (DRYBIOT-DRYBIOM) in FIADB v3 DRYBIO_STUMP in FIADB v4 DRYBIO_BOLE (lbs) x Jenkins biomass in stump (lbs)  Jenkins biomass in bole (lbs)

41 DRYBIO_STUMP DRYBIO_STUMP = VOLCFSND * (WOOD_SPG + BARK_PCT * BARK_SPG) * 62.4 * ( raile_stump_b1*dia*dia / (((exp(jenkins_stem_bark_ratio_b1 + jenkins_stem_bark_ratio_b2 /(dia*2.54)) + (exp(jenkins_stem_wood_ratio_b1 + jenkins_stem_wood_ratio_b2 /(dia*2.54)))) * (exp(Jenkins_TOTAL_b1 + jenkins_TOTAL_b2 * ln(dia*2.54))))) )

42 Stump Stump biomass = Bole biomass x Stump ratio

43 Biomass in the tops and limbs part of (DRYBIOT-DRYBIOM) in FIADB v3 DRYBIO_TOP in FIADB v4 DRYBIO_BOLE (lbs) x Jenkins biomass in branches (lbs)  Jenkins biomass in bole (lbs)

44 Tops and limbs Top and limb biomass = Bole biomass x Branch ratio

45 Saplings (trees < 5.0” diameter) CRM is Jenkins adjusted to meet national average CRM biomass of a 5.0” diameter tree by species group. Smooth transition over the 5” threshold is important for growth estimation. DRYBIOT in FIADB v3 DRYBIO_SAPLING in FIADB v4

46 Below ground – coarse roots (all trees) Not in FIADB v3 DRYBIO_BG in FIADB v4 Computed directly using Jenkins (no adjustments)

47 What follows are Regional vs CRM vs Jenkins estimates for each FIA region by state All estimates are based on the latest/greatest public version of FIADB (as of Oct 2008). All estimate are total above ground biomass of live trees 5” diameter and larger on forest land. Annual estimates for 47 states, mostly 2007 and 2006, a few 2005. New Mexico – 1999 periodic inventory is include. Oklahoma and Hawaii are missing.










57 Hardwoods 4.0” to 6.0” diameter

58 Softwoods 4.0” to 6.0” diameter

59 CRM estimates Select red oak, 10.0” dia, live, growing stock trees, 60-70’ HT DRYBIOM / VOLCFSND (DRYBIOT- DRYBIOM) / DRYBIOT FIA Region Pounds of wood and bark per cubic foot of sound wood Percent of total biomass in tops, limbs and stumps NRS-West 42.726.5% NRS-East 42.726.5% SRS 43.626.5%



62 What next – the future of CRM All the species level coefficients used to compute components will be stored in FIADB v4. Better (taper based) volume estimates will improve the CRM estimate of biomass. Taper based estimates of stump volume. Improved estimates of bark volume. Other estimates of the biomass in tops and limbs.

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