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Yemen founded May 22, 1990 -Red stands for the bloodshed of martyrs and unity - White for a bright future - Black for the dark past - Also it symbolizes.

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Presentation on theme: "Yemen founded May 22, 1990 -Red stands for the bloodshed of martyrs and unity - White for a bright future - Black for the dark past - Also it symbolizes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Yemen founded May 22, 1990 -Red stands for the bloodshed of martyrs and unity - White for a bright future - Black for the dark past - Also it symbolizes Pan-Arabism, like the flags of Egypt, Syria, Iraq etc.

2 Clothing- Men wear sport coats with anything, also men carry Jambiyas (daggers)

3 Yemen - Overview

4 Sanaa- the capital

5 Aden – Port City

6 Salta- A Delicious Stew- the national dish of Yemen 010/07/salta.jpg&imgrefurl= - salta/&usg=__vOFNuaDtkITNLoKAL2rB1TMcI8I=&h=431&w=720&sz=58&hl=e n&start=16&zoom=1&itbs=1&tbnid=- rE5WUE_SPvLLM:&tbnh=84&tbnw=140&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dyemen%2Bsa lta%26hl%3Den%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:1&ei=xClbTdbLMJGdgQeUkrnm DQ

7 Yemen- Fishing

8 Yemen- Housing

9 Yemen – Repairing Architecture

10 People working at a wells project in Yemen

11 Yemen- Market

12 Qat- A plant you chew (a mild stimulant)

13 Adult literacy class in Yemen Arab Republic, 1983

14 Elections- Yemen

15 Yemen –Moving to America From a Reading Rainbow!

16 _protests _protests _mode=true&persist_safety_mode=1 _mode=true&persist_safety_mode=1 blog_exclusive/anti-government-protests-spread-key- questions-and-answers blog_exclusive/anti-government-protests-spread-key- questions-and-answers protester-hugs-policeman-during-clashes-government- backers-Sanaa- February/photo//110218/ids_photos_wl/r1026995536.jpg //s:/nm/20110217/ts_nm/us_yemen_protests#photoView er=/110218/481/urn_publicid_ap_org0c4cc64c96e146c8 99dd5208c4bcd544

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