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Diabetes Prevention Pursuing the Fountain of Youth Month 1; Class 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Diabetes Prevention Pursuing the Fountain of Youth Month 1; Class 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Diabetes Prevention Pursuing the Fountain of Youth Month 1; Class 2

2 Fountain of Youth

3 Physical Activity 10,000 Steps Each Day > Walking 10,000 steps/day > Swimming > Taking the Stairs > Weight Resistance Training > Riding a bike

4 Smoking > Assess your Readiness to Change > Set a quit date > Talk to your Doctor > Smoking Cessation Class

5 Good Nutrition 5 A Day

6 Alcohol in Moderation If you drink alcoholic beverages only drink in Moderation. For optimal health: Men no more than 2/day Women no more than 1/day

7 Flossing > Floss Daily > Brush your teeth > Visit your Dentist

8 Healthy Weight >The best strategy for weight loss is to reduce total calorie intake. > The best strategy for preventing weight gain is keeping physically active.

9 What is your BMI?

10 Avoiding the Sun > Use Sunscreen > UV Absorbent - Sunglasses > Limit Sun Exposure > Wear a hat > Wear clothing that protects

11 Preventing Infections < SARS < Flu Break the Chain of Infection < Practice strict hand washing < Be considerate of others, use tissues when you cough or sneeze.

12 Setting Your Personal Goals


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