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FINAL JEOPARDY $100 $200 $400 $300 $400 AirWaterEarthFire $300 $200 $400 $200 $100 $500 $100.

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3 $100 $200 $400 $300 $400 AirWaterEarthFire $300 $200 $400 $200 $100 $500 $100

4 This layer of the atmosphere is where ozone is concentrated. What is the stratosphere?

5 Water that falls to the ground as snow, sleet, hail, rain, mist… What is precipitation?

6 Formed over hundreds of years this mixture of silt, sand and clay is idea for supporting plant growth. What is soil?

7 A reaction that occurs in the sun and converts hydrogen to helium. What is nuclear fusion ?

8 Sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, volatile organic compounds, carbon monoxide What are major ground level air pollutants ?

9 Rotating currents in the ocean that have accumulated plastic debris. What is the Pacific Gyre?

10 Made by using sulfuric acid to dissolve calcium phosphate this substance is used in agriculture. What is phosphate fertilizer?

11 Coal, oil and natural gas. What are fossil fuels?

12 Increased incidence of skin cancer and retinal damage. What are the dangers of too much ultraviolet radiation?

13 The decrease in pH that is occurring in the ocean due to increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. What is ocean acidification?

14 The downward movement of soil and regolith (rocks) under the influence of gravity. What is mass wasting ?

15 This device uses differences in air pressure to turn a magnet and generated electricity. What is a wind turbine?

16 Ocean acidification, increased hydrological cycle, increased ocean levels, melting of glaciers and permafrost, changes in rainfall, drought What are some effects of climate change?

17 A boundary between the zone of saturation and the zone of aeration. What is the water table?

18 Often labeled N-P-K with percentages of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium indicated. What is plant fertilizer?

19 This vehicle does not use gasoline but relies on an array of lithium batteries. What is the electric car?

20 Increased levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere trap infrared radiation in our atmosphere. What is global warming?

21 This process describes how water circulates on our planet from the oceans to the atmosphere to the rivers and back to the oceans What is the water cycle?

22 Rapid growth of algae due to excessive nutrients in the water. What is an algae bloom?

23 This process pumps water and chemicals underground to break up shale and release natural gas. What is fracking?

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