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Dermatology & Oral Disease Laith Akkash M.D Consultant Dermatologist, Dermasurgeon & Allergist Assistant professor of Dermatology Jordan University Hospital.

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Presentation on theme: "Dermatology & Oral Disease Laith Akkash M.D Consultant Dermatologist, Dermasurgeon & Allergist Assistant professor of Dermatology Jordan University Hospital."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dermatology & Oral Disease Laith Akkash M.D Consultant Dermatologist, Dermasurgeon & Allergist Assistant professor of Dermatology Jordan University Hospital University of Jordan

2 Dermatology Its relationship with oral diseases Histology of the Skin Histology of the mucous membranes Functions of mucous membranes Types of mucous membranes in the oral cavity


4 Stratified squamous epithelium May or may not be keratinized Lamina propria is the underlying C.T. layer Submucosa Salivary glands

5 Oral mucosa can be subdivided into: 1-Masticatory mucosa: keratinized stratified squamous epithelium, found on the dorsum of the tongue, hard palate and attached gingiva.keratinizedstratified squamous epitheliumdorsumtonguehard palategingiva 2- Lining Mucosa: non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium, found almost everywhere else in the oral cavitystratified squamous epithelium 3- Specialized mucosa: specifically in the regions of the taste buds on the dorsum of the tonguetaste buds

6 Relatively common disorders that may affect the mucous membranes 1) Infections 2) Bullous diseases 3) Connective tissue diseases 4) Allergic conditions 5) Benign & Malignant tumors 6) Genodermatosis 7) other skin diseases

7 1) Infections A)Viral infections: - Herpes Simplex - Herpes Zoster - Hand foot & mouth disease - Warts –HPV - HIV- Oral hairy leukoplakia

8 Cold sores



11 1ry herpes simplex

12 Oral warts

13 Oral hairy leukoplakia

14 Hand foot & mouth disease



17 1) Infections contd. B) Bacterial: - 1ry Syphilis - 2ry Syphilis - Gonococcal pharyngitis & Tonsillitis - Actinomycosis - TB - Leprosy

18 1ry syphilitic chancre

19 2ry syphilis – mucous patch

20 Gonorrhea

21 Gonoccocal pharyngitis

22 1) Infections contd. C) Fungal infections: - Candidiasis - Histoplasmosis

23 Oral Thrush - Candidiasis

24 Relatively common disorders that may affect the mucous membranes 1) Infections 2) Bullous diseases 3) Connective tissue diseases 4) Allergic conditions 5) Benign & Malignant tumors 6) Genodermatosis 7) other skin diseases

25 2) Bullous diseases -Pemphigus vulgaris -Bullous pemphigoid -Cicatricial pemphigoid -Linear IgA disease

26 Pemphigus vulgaris


28 Relatively common disorders that may affect the mucous membranes 1) Infections 2) Bullous diseases 3) Connective tissue diseases 4) Allergic conditions 5) Benign & Malignant tumors 6) Genodermatosis 7) other skin diseases

29 3) Connective tissue diseases -Systemic lupus erythematosus -Progressive systemic scleroderma

30 Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

31 Relatively common disorders that may affect the mucous membranes 1) Infections 2) Bullous diseases 3) Connective tissue diseases 4) Allergic conditions 5) Benign & Malignant tumors 6) Genodermatosis 7) other skin diseases

32 4) Allergic conditions -Fixed drug eruption -Allergic contact stomatitis -Angioedema

33 Angioedema

34 Relatively common disorders that may affect the mucous membranes 1) Infections 2) Bullous diseases 3) Connective tissue diseases 4) Allergic conditions 5) Benign & Malignant tumors 6) Genodermatosis 7) other skin diseases

35 5) Benign & Malignant Tumors Benign -Naevi -Fibromas -Granular cell tumor -Hemangiomas -Lymphangiomas -Leiomyomas -Pyogenic granulomas Malignant -Squamous cell ca. -Malignant melanoma -Sarcomas -Lymphomas

36 SCC lip

37 SCC -Ventral tongue

38 Relatively common disorders that may affect the mucous membranes 1) Infections 2) Bullous diseases 3) Connective tissue diseases 4) Allergic conditions 5) Benign & Malignant tumors 6) Genodermatosis 7) other skin diseases

39 6) Genodermatosis -Epidermolysis Bullosa -Darier’s disease

40 Epidermolysis Bullosa



43 Relatively common disorders that may affect the mucous membranes 1) Infections 2) Bullous diseases 3) Connective tissue diseases 4) Allergic conditions 5) Benign & Malignant tumors 6) Genodermatosis 7) other skin diseases

44 7) Others -Lichen Planus -Behcet Disease -Aphthous ulcers -Fordyce disease -Mucocele -Angular cheleitis -White sponge naevus -Tongue diseases

45 Lichen Planus

46 Oral LP


48 Aphthous ulcers




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