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Sexual Transmitted Diseases and Prevention Amelia Lewis.

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1 Sexual Transmitted Diseases and Prevention Amelia Lewis

2  The average age people are starting to become sexually active is 16 – 17 years old  Single Sex Ed classes are voluntary to take in public school systems  Most teens choose not to take the class for fear of embarrassment or shame.

3  There are five different types of STD’s  Bacterial, Fungal, Viral, Parasites, and Protozoal  Some are curable, while others will be with you for the rest of your life  Transmitted though mucous membranes in the penis, vulva, urinary track, mouth, throat, respiratory tract, and eyes

4  Chancroid  Chlamydia  Granuloma Inguinale  Gonorrhea  Syphilis  Tinea cruris  Candidiasis  Trichomoniasis BacterialFungal & Protozoal

5  Viral Hepatitis (B)  Herpes simplex  Retrovirus  Human Papilloma Virus  Molluscum contagiosum  Crab louse  Scabies ViralParasites

6 Prevention There are other contraception methods that do not prevent against STD’s but against pregnancy  STD’s and pregnancy can both be prevented with protection/condoms  Male condom 94%  Female condom 94%  Diaphragm 85%  Cervical cap 87%  Sponge 90%


8  This is the only 100% way of preventing any STD’s and/or pregnancy.  Even if you are extremely careful with precautions, something can always happen.

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