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Social Issues in the UK Health and Wealth Inequalities National Qualifications.

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Presentation on theme: "Social Issues in the UK Health and Wealth Inequalities National Qualifications."— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Issues in the UK Health and Wealth Inequalities National Qualifications

2 Social Issues in the UK Starter Task ‘Where you live can severely affect your health’ Give three reasons to back up this statement.

3 Today we will Identify how economic status can affect your health.

4 I can… Give reasons as to why low income can affect your health. Define the meaning of social class.

5 Poverty and Health

6 Brief Introduction to Social Class Involves factors such as wealth, income, occupation as well as status, lifestyle, values, beliefs, levels of education etc. Very complex- to make it more manageable occupation has been used. Class A or IProfessionalSolicitor, HT Class B or IITechnical or middleRadiologist lower managerial Superstore manager Class C1 or IIISkilled ManualTradesman Class C2 or IIISkilled Non-manual Computer operator Class D or IVSemi-skilledTechnician Class E or VUnskilledLabourer, Driver

7 Poverty As you watch, take notes on any interesting points.

8 Poverty and Health Inequalities Lots of studies have shown that if you live in poverty then you are more likely to have more incidences of poor health than someone who doesn’t live in poverty. Various reports have highlighted this link. They make the link with social class and ill health.

9 Task 1 Using your group resource sheet answer the questions on one piece of paper, the teacher will give you the questions in turn. Each person in your group should take responsibility for writing at least one answer. Nominate ‘a runner’ in your group.

10 Task 1 1.When was the Black Report published? 2.What were its main findings? 3.Outline the cycle of poverty. 4.Explain, in, detail why income can have a negative affect on your health. 5.Why do people with a lower income take less exercise?

11 Lowincome Unemployment Sub standard housing housing Poorenvironment Pooreducation The Cycle of Poverty Task: To make sure that you have good revision notes on this topic, make a mind map by using your groups answers to the questions from the previous tasks. Copy this diagram:

12 Was I successful? I can give reasons as to why low income can affect your health. I can define the meaning of social class.

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