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Earth from space ( © NASA) The earth is dynamic. The processes that have shaped the earth as we know it today are perpetual on a geologic time scale.

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Presentation on theme: "Earth from space ( © NASA) The earth is dynamic. The processes that have shaped the earth as we know it today are perpetual on a geologic time scale."— Presentation transcript:

1 Earth from space ( © NASA) The earth is dynamic. The processes that have shaped the earth as we know it today are perpetual on a geologic time scale.

2 Earth cross-section

3 Geologic history Continental drift

4 Geologic history Plate tectonics

5 Divergent boundaries

6 Convergent boundaries

7 Transform boundary

8 Hotspots

9 Lithospheric (tectonic) plates

10 Earthquakes Defined as the shaking of ground caused by a sudden release of energy from rocks underneath A fault is a break between two rock masses

11 Earthquakes Average length of time: 10-30 seconds Measured using the Richter Scale May cause tsunami wavestsunami waves – Submarine earthquakes – Explosive volcanic eruptions – Submarine landslides – Terrestrial landslides that enter water bodies – Impacts of large extraterrestrial objects (e.g. asteroids or comets) in the ocean

12 Tectonic Setting of Earthquake of 26 December 2004 from United States Geological Survey ( Earthquake caused by subduction of Indian plate beneath the Burma microplate Relative motion of Indian plate to Burma microplate = 0.06 m per year (2.4 inches per year)

13 Areas potentially affected by tsunami inundation and run-up in yellow (i.e. shore zones < 20 m above sea-level) Areas Potentially Affected by Tsunami of 26 December 2004 from UNOSAT (

14 Volcanoes

15 Ring of Fire

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