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WELCOME BACK MEMBERS! Student education association first meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME BACK MEMBERS! Student education association first meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME BACK MEMBERS! Student education association first meeting

2 SOCIAL MEDIA Websites     Go over PayPal for less congestion at the end - Still need to fill out paper membership form! Facebooks  IEASP  Student Education Association ISU Twitters – livestream for questions?  Twitter handle Instagrams  Ieasp  ISU account coming soon!

3 INTRODUCTIONS President – Kaleigh Soumar President elect – Megan Pratt Vice president – Lyndi Schiff Treasurer – Amanda Johnston Secretary – Sarah Kalis Service chair – Hannah Bobrytzke Social chair – Kristina Austin Recruitment chair – Andreas Otil Public relations chair – Amanda Ciss 2 iea representatives – Jillian Issacson and Julia Egan 2 advisors – Ken Fansler and Sandra Osorio

4 WHAT IS IEA-NEA? Who are we? How do we do this? Why do we do this? Prezi about iea and nea

5 SEA AT ISU Who are we?  One of the largest education rsos on campus for pre-service teachers  Student program of iea-nea – largest in the state How do we do this?  Focus on teacher quality, political action, community outreach  Monthly meetings  Socials and volunteer hours  Multiple benefits – in the coming slides!  Member dues Why do we do this?

6 FUTURE MEETINGS – MAY MISS 1 MEETING Monday, October 12 th Monday, November 9 th Monday, November 30 th All are in stv 101 from 7-8 p.m.

7 FUTURE SOCIALS – 3 REQUIRED Sign up for retired mentors Post on social media for a credit

8 FUTURE VOLUNTEER – 3 REQUIRED Partners in Reading - meet weekly with an elementary aged student and practice reading skills -sign up at Boys & Girls Club -must attend training session -must apply

9 IF YOU MEET REQUIREMENTS BOTH SEMESTERS… You receive a Professional development certificate! Life happens – talk to an exec

10 CORDS! Join and pay dues your senior year During senior year, attend either fall or spring conference – this is where you receive the cords Free!!! – royal blue and white

11 CONFERENCES T21  Friday, September 18 th from 9 to 5 p.m. in bone student center  3 sessions = pd certificate Advisory board  Sunday, September 20 th from 11 – 3 p.m. (?) Fall conference  Friday, November 20 th – Saturday, November 21 st in lisle  Scholarships and mini resumes due  Pd certificate

12 WRAP UP Small groups for questions by majors Don’t forget to pay your dues and fill out membership form Show an exec your post on social media for a social credit Sign up for retired mentors and t21 con Thank you for coming – see you October 12 th !!!!

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