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1 Commissioned by PAMSA and German Technical Co-Operation National Certificate in Paper & Pulp Manufacturing NQF Level 3 Develop learning strategies and.

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1 1 Commissioned by PAMSA and German Technical Co-Operation National Certificate in Paper & Pulp Manufacturing NQF Level 3 Develop learning strategies and techniques

2 2 Commissioned by PAMSA and German Technical Co-Operation National Certificate in Paper & Pulp Manufacturing NQF Level 3 US: Develop learning strategies and techniques Notional Hours Total Notional Hours ModulesTopics TF311.04 Evaluating the effectiveness of selected learning resources, techniques and methods TF311.02 Understanding learning methods, techniques and styles TF311.03 Selecting appropriate learning techniques and methods TF311.01 Identifying and selecting learning resources 7 10 7 6 30 ModulesTopics P&P3FM Learning resources P&P3FM Techniques and methods P&P3FM Evaluating effectiveness

3 3 Commissioned by PAMSA and German Technical Co-Operation National Certificate in Paper & Pulp Manufacturing NQF Level 3 TF311.01 Identifying and selecting learning resources Critical Cross-field Outcomes Identify and solve problems Work effectively with others Communicate effectively Organise and manage myself and my activities Collect, analyse, organise and critically evaluate information Use science and technology effectively and critically Demonstrate an understanding of the world as a set of related systems Use mathematics Learner and societal development Understand the use of learning resources Understand the types of learning resources Be able to identify learning resources in the workplace Be able to identify learning resources outside the workplace Be able to identify and select learning resources appropriate to the specific learning activities/assignments and enter into a “database” US: Develop learning strategies and techniques

4 4 Commissioned by PAMSA and German Technical Co-Operation National Certificate in Paper & Pulp Manufacturing NQF Level 3 Topic Specification: TF 311.01 Identifying and selecting learning resources Collect Information Use Multi media Self Study Plant investigation Media search Interview experts Attend lectures Analyse, plan and make decisions Group Discussions Sketch Case studies Compile lists Evaluate and select Execute, test and evaluate Job assignment Make presentation Complete documents Draft a report Prepare a database Learning ActivitiesTopic assessment criteria The assessor will observe and confirm that learners: Are able to explain the different types of learning resources and relevance to study Are able to identify the different learning resources in and outside the workplace Are able to select appropriate learning resources for the unit standard to be completed Are able to prepare a learning resource “database” Assignment Description WHATWHAT HOW Notional Hours 7 An individual and group exercise to select the most appropriate learning resource for a specific assignment from available resources and a group exercise to compile a “database” of possible learning resources 1.Individually, select a specific unit standard that the learner must complete 2.Study the constructs and topic specifications 3.In consultation with the education and training provider, evaluate available learning resources and select appropriate learning resources for the topics to be covered 4.As a group exercise prepare a learning resource “database” for the different unit standards

5 5 Commissioned by PAMSA and German Technical Co-Operation National Certificate in Paper & Pulp Manufacturing NQF Level 3 TF311.02 Understanding learning methods, techniques and styles Critical Cross-field Outcomes Identify and solve problems Work effectively with others Communicate effectively Organise and manage myself and my activities Collect, analyse, organise and critically evaluate information Use science and technology effectively and critically Demonstrate an understanding of the world as a set of related systems Use mathematics Learner and societal development Understand the basic learning methods Understand basic principles of the different study techniques Understand the different styles of learning Be able to apply basic study techniques and methods Be able to identify you own preferred learning style Understand the self assessment methods US: Develop learning strategies and techniques

6 6 Commissioned by PAMSA and German Technical Co-Operation National Certificate in Paper & Pulp Manufacturing NQF Level 3 Topic Specification: TF 311.02 Understanding learning methods, techniques and styles Collect Information Use Multi media Self Study Plant investigation Media search Interview experts Attend lectures Analyse, plan and make decisions Group Discussions Sketch Practical exercise Compile lists Develop recommendations Execute, test and evaluate Job assignment Feedback session Complete documents Draft a report Complete a questionnaire Learning ActivitiesTopic assessment criteria The assessor will observe and confirm that learners: Understanding of different techniques, styles and methods of study Application of techniques and methods Determination of learner’s preferred style of learning and reason for preferences Assignment Description WHATWHAT HOW Notional Hours 10 Individual exercises to apply different study techniques and an individual study and evaluation of the different learning styles and methods to determine the learner’s preferred learning style 1.Facilitator to provide learner with various practical exercises where the different study methods and techniques could be applied by the learner 2.List the different methods and techniques used in the exercises 3.An in-depth one-on-one session with the facilitator to discuss the learner’s application of the different techniques and methods, to reflect on the learner’s experience and to determine the learner’s preferred learning style

7 7 Commissioned by PAMSA and German Technical Co-Operation National Certificate in Paper & Pulp Manufacturing NQF Level 3 TF311.03 Selecting appropriate learning techniques and methods Critical Cross-field Outcomes Identify and solve problems Work effectively with others Communicate effectively Organise and manage myself and my activities Collect, analyse, organise and critically evaluate information Use science and technology effectively and critically Demonstrate an understanding of the world as a set of related systems Use mathematics Learner and societal development Understand the different assessment methods Understand the learning outcomes, goals and assessment criteria and how it relates to assessment methods Be able to determine the purpose, outcomes and assessment criteria from a selected qualification and/or unit standard/topic Be able to select appropriate learning methods and techniques for a selected qualification and/or unit standard US: Develop learning strategies and techniques

8 8 Commissioned by PAMSA and German Technical Co-Operation National Certificate in Paper & Pulp Manufacturing NQF Level 3 Topic Specification: TF 311.03 Selecting appropriate learning techniques and methods Collect Information Use Multi media Self Study Plant investigation Media search Interview experts Attend lectures Analyse, plan and make decisions Consultations Sketch Case studies Compile lists Evaluate and select Execute, test and evaluate Job assignment Make presentation Complete documents Draft a report Complete a questionnaire Learning ActivitiesTopic assessment criteria The assessor will observe and confirm that learners: Learning outcomes, purpose and assessment criteria are determined and understood in relation to the required learning methods and techniques Understanding of the different assessment methods Select appropriate methods and techniques to be applied for a specific unit standard Assignment Description WHATWHAT HOW Notional Hours 7 An individual exercise to determine the appropriate learning techniques and methods for a specific unit standard 1.Select a unit standard that the learners must complete 2.Determine the learning outcomes, purpose and assessment criteria for the specific unit standard (this can be done per topic) 3.In consultation with the facilitator, evaluate and select the appropriate techniques and methods to be used, taking into consideration the outcomes, assessment criteria, assessment methods, learning resources and preferred learning style 4.Prepare a document listing the relevant techniques and methods as discussed with facilitator

9 9 Commissioned by PAMSA and German Technical Co-Operation National Certificate in Paper & Pulp Manufacturing NQF Level 3 TF311.04 Evaluating the effectiveness of selected learning resources, techniques and methods Critical Cross-field Outcomes Identify and solve problems Work effectively with others Communicate effectively Organise and manage myself and my activities Collect, analyse, organise and critically evaluate information Use science and technology effectively and critically Demonstrate an understanding of the world as a set of related systems Use mathematics Learner and societal development Understand the techniques for evaluating the effectiveness of selected learning resources, techniques, methods and assessment methods Be able to evaluate the effectiveness of the selected learning resources, techniques, methods and assessment methods after using them Be able to determine the benefits and draw-backs of selected methods and techniques Be able to compile a feedback report on your progress in the learning process Be able to develop your personal strategies US: Develop learning strategies and techniques

10 10 Commissioned by PAMSA and German Technical Co-Operation National Certificate in Paper & Pulp Manufacturing NQF Level 3 Topic Specification: TF 311.04 Evaluating the effectiveness of selected learning resources, techniques and methods Collect Information Use Multi media Self Study Plant investigation Media search Interview experts Attend lectures Analyse, plan and make decisions Consultation Sketch Case studies Compile lists Develop solutions Execute, test and evaluate Job assignment Make presentation Complete documents Draft a report Complete a questionnaire Learning ActivitiesTopic assessment criteria The assessor will observe and confirm that learners: Are able to correctly apply techniques and methods Are able to use appropriate techniques to evaluate effectiveness of selected learning methods, techniques and necessary changes made to address problem areas Are able to develop personal learning strategies Assignment Description WHATWHAT HOW Notional Hours 6 A one-on-one consultation with the facilitator to report back on the learner’s learning experiences and to evaluate the learner’s progress with the learning process 1.Learner to report back on the effectiveness of the methods and techniques selected for the specific unit standard after using them 2.In consultation with the facilitator evaluate the learner’s progress and discuss draw backs and benefits of the methods and techniques and learning resources selected and solutions to the draw backs 3.Compile a short report on the progress and way to address the problem areas 4.Develop personal learning strategies 5.Progress to be monitored by facilitator/coach

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