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Presentation on theme: "DISSECTING YOUR SYLLABUS: HOW TO MAKE SENSE OF IT Anna Karapetyan September 8 2015."— Presentation transcript:


2 Syllabus: What is a syllabus? Your instructor hands you a syllabus on the first day of class (or posts it on Moodle), what is the first thing you do? Hopefully not this.

3 Your instructor hands you a syllabus on the first day of class (or posts it on Moodle), what is the first thing you do? Some responses: Review the methods of evaluation (how will I be graded in this course)? Try to find a schedule of assignments (when are assignments due) Try to find the reading list

4 What is a syllabus? G A good communication tool between you and your instructor

5 What exactly is a syllabus? A syllabus is the blueprint to your course, which tells you about  course basic information  expectations and requirements  foundation for measuring learning experience These aims are underscored by the components contained in the syllabus.  ground rules

6 What exactly is a syllabus? There is a lot of information in there. Do I have to read it all? What is really in your syllabus: Course description: What is this course all about? Required materials: What materials do I need to succeed in this course? Course structure: How is this course set up? Method of evaluation: How is my learning in this course going to be evaluated? How am I going to be assessed in this course? How is my grade in this course going to be determined. Program Goals & Student Learning Outcomes: What should I expect to be able to do when I finish this course and how does this course fit into my program and the university? Policies and stuff: What else will be expected of me? What if I need help? Contact information: Who is my instructor? Where can I find him/her? How can I contact him/her?


8 Let’s try an exercise * What is your instructor’s name, office location, contact information? * What are your instructor’s office hours? * What should you be able to do when you complete this course? * How will you be evaluated in this course? How will you earn your grade in this course? * Do you have to attend class? If your syllabus is missing any of this information, make sure to ask your instructor to provide it.

9 Components of your syllabus: Basic Information  Course Number and Title:  Number of Credits:  Instructor Name:  Instructor’s Email Address:  Instructor’s Telephone Number:  Instructor’s Office Location:  Instructor’s Office Hours:  Term/Year:  Class Schedule:

10 Components of your syllabus: About this course  Course Description:  Required Materials: [Note: This should include all required materials: i.e. textbooks, readers, calculator.]  Schedule & Topics: [Note: A schedule of topics, assignments, readings, exams, review for exams] Remember: Assignments may be supplemented to address student needs identified through assignments and exams.

11 Components of your syllabus: Learning Outcomes Learning Outcomes (what am I supposed to learn in this class anyway) should show alignment between course- specific and program learning outcomes and goals as identified in Program Curriculum Map. For example: Program Goals Program Learning Outcomes At this end of this program, students will be able to: Course-Based Student Learning Outcomes At the end of this class, students will be able to: Program Goal 4: Develop articulate, conscientious leaders and problem solvers who are committed to contributing to their fields and society. 4.1 Produce and deliver written and oral presentations, and communicate with specialists and non-specialists using appropriate media and technology. (B) a.Recognize and adhere to AUA’s standards for academic excellence and integrity. b.Express ideas and opinions orally and in writing with increased confidence, fluency, and accuracy. c.Produce writing including well-structured paragraphs, summaries, letters, and short essays (expositive and narrative) using the different stages of the writing process, including choosing a topic, brainstorming, outlining, drafting, soliciting feedback, revising, and editing. 4.2 Think critically and creatively, conceptualizing real- world problems from different perspectives. (B) a.Identify perspectives and values of author, speaker, or oneself and intended audience(s). 4.3 Work productively in diverse teams and solve problems collaboratively. (B) a.Contribute to class discussions by actively and respectfully listening and sharing ideas and opinions. b.Reflect upon one’s own work and contribution to the class and identify action steps for improvement. c.Provide constructive feedback on written work and class participation.

12 Components of your syllabus: Method of Evaluation Method of Evaluation (How will I be evaluated in this course?) [Note: The methods of evaluation should be fully described. Rubrics may be attached or supplemented before the assignment is due. Assessment measures link to both course- based student learning outcomes and program learning outcomes. Information regarding how you will receive feedback on assignments or evaluation methods should be noted as appropriate. Student learning will be evaluated on the basis of the following weighted components: (#%)

13 For more information, contact Your instructor Garine Palandjian, Center for Student Success Manager Sharistan Melkonian, Director of Accreditation Anna Karapetyan, Assessment and Compliance Coordinator Thank You

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