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OPAC/Holdings Tutorial Rolande St-Gelais DRA Information Stockholm, August 10, 1999.

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Presentation on theme: "OPAC/Holdings Tutorial Rolande St-Gelais DRA Information Stockholm, August 10, 1999."— Presentation transcript:

1 OPAC/Holdings Tutorial Rolande St-Gelais DRA Information Stockholm, August 10, 1999

2 August 10, 19992 What is OPAC/Holdings ? A proposed, unique, agreed-upon method to: –request –retrieve & –exchange holdings and circulation information between implementations

3 August 10, 19993 Ultimate Goals INTEROPERABILITY + CONSISTENCY (IC)

4 August 10, 19994 Background Started out in 1997 Original needs: –retrieve location and copy information –retrieve summary and detailed holdings –obtain related circulation info –obtain lending policies, reservation info

5 August 10, 19995 Background (cont..) Issues: –Multiple implemented ways to request/retrieve holdings Bib records 852/9xx fields MARC holdings records Version-1 OPAC, Unimarc, etc.

6 6 Background (cont..) Issues: –Multiple data formats, different levels of details –Missing information from existing formats (MFHL and OPAC-1) Conclusion: –New OPAC/Holdings Schema using GRS-1 MFHL: MARC for Holdings and Locations FOR MORE INFO...

7 August 10, 19997 O/H Components 1) Form: O/H Retrieval Mechanism 2) Content: O/H Schema 3) Outcome: O/H Profile

8 8 O/H Retrieval Mechanism Specifies how to ask for and retrieve holdings from any system Promotes one unique retrieval mechanism Makes use of GRS-1 and O/H Schema See “The Copenhagen Proposal” at: FOR MORE INFO...

9 August 10, 19999 O/H Schema Generic definition of a ‘holdings record’ Provides for record segmentation Provides for holdings data indirection Includes several holdings reporting levels Each level defines extent of information required

10 10 O/H Schema (cont.) Key Concepts Site: Unique physical location within an institution Copy: Copy of a bibliographic item Bib unit: Distinct portion of a bib item Phys.unit: Part of a bib unit Piece: Circulating item See “O/H Schema: Definitions & Examples (Draft 4)” at : FOR MORE INFO...

11 August 10, 199911 O/H Schema (cont.) DRA NLC-BNC FCLA LC DanZIG Stowe Computing GEAC Collaborators & Participants

12 12 O/H Profile Working paper for implementors Defines behavior of origins and targets implementing the ZIG OPAC/Holdings Retrieval Mechanism and Schema To be completed FOR MORE INFO...

13 August 10, 199913 Current O/H related work O/H Schema Draft-4 out for final review (July 99) Definition of an O/H tagset Proposed espec-q: Ability to filter holdings data upon retrieval Holdings attribute set: Ability to search directly on holdings data

14 August 10, 199914 In Summary... Still work to do, but... Interoperability & consistency will outweigh by far the cost of our efforts We will have strong basis for growth (ILL, Circulation, Database Update, etc.)

15 August 10, 199915 OPAC/Holdings Tutorial Q & A

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