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By: Andres Perez “Access to safe water is essential in order for a child to survive & successfully develop the ability to learn, earn, & thrive” -Clarissa.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Andres Perez “Access to safe water is essential in order for a child to survive & successfully develop the ability to learn, earn, & thrive” -Clarissa."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Andres Perez “Access to safe water is essential in order for a child to survive & successfully develop the ability to learn, earn, & thrive” -Clarissa Brocklehurst

2 Why is Clean Water so Important? Water is a major part of our body’s health. Many benefits come with drinking the right amount Helps with hydration of the human body.

3 Benefits of Drinking Water 1 st -Lose Weight 2 nd -Better Productivity 3 rd -Better Exercise 4 th -Feel Healthy 5 th -Helpful with Digestion & Constipation 6 th -Less Cramps & Sprains 7 th -Relieves Fatigue

4 Harmful Effects & Symptoms of Dehydration Harmful Effects Tiredness Migraine Consumption Muscle Cramps Irregular Blood Pressure Kidney Problems Dry Skin 20% dehydrated-Risk of Death Symptoms Dark Urine- – Dark Yellow or Orange – Strong Smell Dry Skin- – Skin requires share of water Thirst- – An obvious sign that your body needs more water intake. Hunger- – Dehydration can cause a feeling of hunger. Fatigue- – Energy is decreased when the body is dehydrated.

5 How Much Is REALLY ENOUGH? Is 8 Glasses really enough? A common approach is drinking 8 Glasses of water a day. Many individualistic factors, such as your health condition, physical size, your weight, your environment, etc. A more accurate estimation is to drink half your body weight (in pounds), in ounces of water. – For example: I weigh 140lbs 140 ÷ 2 = 70 ( amount of water to drink in ounces per day ) I should drink 70oz ounces of water per day. Tips: Spread the water consumption out evenly throughout the day.

6 Videos u8 33secs u8 UA 1:09 UA

7 Contamination of Water Water is a vital part of everyone’s lives. Water should be the most precious element in the world. Only about 1% of Earth’s Water is good for human consumption.

8 Types of Contamination Toxic Substance: – Herbicides, Pesticides, & Industrial Compounds. Organic Substance: – Excess of Organic Matter – Nitrogen & Phosphates Accumulation Thermal Pollution: – Industrial Plant. Ecological Pollution: – Nature

9 Business: Clearing of land Waste Heat Homes: Sewage Fertilizers, Herbicides, & Pesticides. Improper Disposal Oil & Anti-freeze Farms: Herbicides & Pesticides. Livestock Defecation


11 Legionella Bacteria Risk Factors Chronic Lung Disease Other Chronic Long-Term Conditions Alcohol Dependence Cancer Conditions or Situations Affecting Natural Human Body Immune Responses. Smoking Aged over 50 Symptoms Typical 1 st Symptoms- Cough, fever(high temp), sweats, shivers… Yellow/Green or Bloodstained Sputum Common Non-Lung Symptoms: Confusion, Nausea, Vomiting, Diarrhea, & Loss of Appetite

12 Legionella Bacteria Diagnosis A Chest X-Ray can confirm pneumonia. Blood Tests & Sputum Tests Urine Test Spinal Tap Treatment Normally admitted to hospital 10- to 14-day course of Antibiotics Erythromycin IV Fluids Intensive Care

13 Legionella Bacteria Prognosis 1 in 10 chance of dying Respiratory Failure Renal (Kidney) Failure Septic Shock Symptoms after Recovery: – Tiredness – Poor Concentration – Cough or Mild Shortness of Breath *Outlook is best if illness is diagnosed as early as possible. Prevention Employers & Landlords must ensure all water systems are properly maintained. Follow manufacturer’s advice for cleaning & maintenance. 3 in 10 cases occur abroad. No vaccine exists at present

14 Respiratory System Legionella in Respiratory System The Legionella bacteria affects the Respiratory System drastically. The intracellular bacterium infects, & multiplies from within the Respiratory tract, eventually killing “immune- competent” white blood cells(macrophages) They are able to avoid being attacked & destroyed by the White Blood Cells This bacteria causes Pneumonia-like symptoms to the person infected. Effects: The Legionella Bacteria causes shortness of breath as one of the symptoms. Another effect, that is rarely contracted, is Lung Failure. These affect the Respiratory system by lowering the amount of oxygen that normally goes in. The lungs have trouble collecting the normal amount of oxygen because they become swollen & the alveoli begin to fill with liquid. The Lungs begin to lose their natural function over time.

15 Cardiovascular System Legionella in Cardiovascular System With lower oxygen levels in the body, the Cardiovascular System also begins to get affected, since both systems are connected to each other. The Legionella bacteria can also lead to a life- threatening complication known as Septic Shock. Septic Shock: A medical condition as a result of severe infection and sepsis. Effects: The blood in the body is now unable to receive the required oxygen from the alveoli through the capillaries. This causes organs throughout the body to slow down due to the low oxygen levels in the blood. Also, with Septic Shock, the blood would have trouble traveling through the body & fail to provide organs with the necessary blood to function properly. Eventually, this would lead to complication of organs slowing down throughout the body, & a weakened heart that would eventually fail to work properly as well.

16 Questions?

17 Works Cited Benefits of Water: – 8-glasses-of-water.html 8-glasses-of-water.html – of-drinking-water.html of-drinking-water.html Water Pollution: – Legionella: –'- Disease.html'- Disease.html –

18 The Functions of Water in the Human Body Helps transport nutrients & oxygen into cells Moisturizes air in lungs Protects vital organs Helps organs absorb nutrients easier Regulates body temperature Protects & moisturizes our joints Detoxifies all other human body systems

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