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Aeneas Myth, Legend, or History?.

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1 Aeneas Myth, Legend, or History?

2 Aeneas was a Dardanian prince from north of Troy
He helped the Trojans hold off the Greeks for 10 years during the Trojan War

3 Aeneas’s Father Anchises - A Trojan who had a love affair with Venus
At the time of the story, he is an old, lame man

4 Aeneas’s Mother Venus (Aphrodite), the goddess of love.

5 Aeneas’s Wife Creusa, the daughter of Priam, king of Troy

6 Aeneas’s Son Ascanius in the Iliad.
Julius in the Aeneid (same kid - different name)

7 In the 10th year of the Trojan War, Ulysses ( Odysseus to the Greeks), with the help of Athena, constructed the Trojan Horse.

8 The Greeks are killing the Trojans in their sleep.
The ghost of Hector comes to Aeneas in a dream. Hector had been killed earlier by Achilles Hector tells Aeneas to wake up and defend Troy

9 Aeneas rallies his men to fight the Greeks

10 While fighting, Venus tells Aeneas that the Fates have sealed the doom of Troy.
Venus tells Aeneas his destiny is to take his followers and found a new cityand found a new city.

11 Aeneas carried his father on his back and led his small son by the hand as they fled the burning city. Creusa is separated during the escape and is killed

12 20 shiploads of Trojans meet outside the city and begin their quest for a new Troy
Aeneas will settle in Italy and his ancestors will found Rome.

13 Is the story of Aeneas fact or fiction?
Some dates to ponder: * Trojan War - about 1184 B.C. * The Iliad and the Odyssey were written about 800B.C. * Virgil, a Roman, writes the Aeneid in A.D.

14 Is the story of Aeneas fact or fiction?
A fact to ponder: Most people believed that Troy was purely fictional until a German archeologist, Heinrich Schliemann discovered it in the late 1800’s

15 Schliemann at the Lions’ Gate

16 Some other facts to ponder:
Augustus Caesar was attempting to return Rome to their ancient values of work, home, and family He wanted a Roman Epic

17 Another fact to ponder:
Augustus and his friend, Maceneas, were Virgil’s patrons

18 Aeneas - Episode 2 Aeneas & Dido

19 Aeneas and his followers wander for many years
Anchises dies After a storm, Aeneas and his men wash ashore in North Africa, near Carthage

20 The queen of Carthage, Dido, is a recent widow.
Her husband and she had come to Africa from Phoenicia to establish a colony.

21 At the time of Aeneas’s arrival, Dido is being pressured to marry the king of neighboring Libya.
She offers the Trojans sanctuary and citizenship in return for their protection.

22 Venus and Juno (Dido’s protector) do some matchmaking.

23 Cupid disguises himself as Aeneas’s son Julius.
He climbs into Dido’s lap and sticks her with a golden arrow. She falls madly in love with Aeneas.

24 The next day, during a hunting trip, Juno causes a storm.
The couple is separated from the hunting party. They seek shelter in a cave where their love blossoms.

25 Aeneas remains in Carthage for a year.
He helps Dido build Carthage. Finally, Jupiter sends Mercury to tell Aeneas that Carthage is not the new Troy. He must leave Dido and sail to Italy

26 Dido sees the Trojan ships leaving Carthage.
She kills herself.

27 Why did Virgil include this episode?
A fact to ponder: * In the 2nd and 3rd centuries B.C. - Rome and Carthage fight 3 wars for the supremacy of the Mediterranean. * These were called the Punic Wars.

28 Aeneas - Episode 3 Aeneas in Italy

29 Aeneas is about to give up hope!
He has lost: a wife a father a girlfriend two cities and most of his followers

30 Anchises comes to him in a dream and tells him to come to the Underworld.

31 Aeneas finds the Sibyl of Cummae who is to be his guide.

32 Aeneas and the Sibyl travel to the underworld.
Aeneas is one of few mortals who travel to the underworld and back! (also Odysseus, Orpheus, and Hercules.)

33 Anchises gives Aeneas encouragement and shows him the future of his offspring - the Romans.

34 Aeneas finally arrives in Italy with a few friends.
With the help of the Latins, he defeats Turnus, a local king.

35 The king of the Latins rewards Aeneas with his daughter Lavinia.
Lavinia and Aeneas are married and they found a city named after the new queen.

36 More marriage, murder,and divine intervention in future episodes!
No Rome yet!!! More marriage, murder,and divine intervention in future episodes!

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