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AP Information for Parents AP Information for Parents Welcome!

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Presentation on theme: "AP Information for Parents AP Information for Parents Welcome!"— Presentation transcript:

1 AP Information for Parents AP Information for Parents Welcome!

2 Why Take an AP Exam?

3 WHY #1?  To receive college credit Colleges award credit differently, check their web sites for credit information.

4 AP Credit Information  For Information about AP credit in college go to  Click on “Students” link  Click on “Learn about AP”  Under “Tools” Click on “AP Credit Policy Info”

5 WHY #2?  Experience a comprehensive exam –Most students gain from experience –Helps prepare for college level exams

6 Dates and Deadlines  Limited time to order  Be aware of and meet deadlines  Registration – 2 week window  Opens February 23 and closes March 6  NO ORDERS after window closes

7 Exam Dates May 4 thru May 15, 2015  May 4 thru May 15, 2015  Contact Bulletin or for complete calendar  These dates are not flexible

8 “Late” Exams  Not everyone is eligible for a late exam approved  There are late exams scheduled only for approved reasons, i.e. IB exam conflict  Some late exams are free and some carry a fee of $45  Late exams: May 20-22

9 Ordering Tests  Must order on line through Total Registration 2/23 through 3/6  Link from Broughton website on 2/23/15   Exam is free if you are enrolled in AP class  Not enrolled in AP Class- $91 per exam  All Students need to register for exam- whether they are in the class or not  Make checks payable to Broughton HS  All Students, whether they pay or not- Print registration confirmation form and turn in (with payment or proof of payment if they pay) to Mr. Rudder in Guidance Resource Center or Mrs. Wapner, Mrs. Wall or Mrs. Tollison before school, during student lunches or after school by 3:00 pm.  Exams ordered only if payment & confirmation has been received.

10 Fees  Each exam costs $91 (not enrolled in class)  There is no reduction in price for multiple exams  There is a reduced cost for low income families who qualify based on tax return or F/R lunch status  There will be a $15 fine for a student that orders an exam and does not take the exam (College Board Restocking Fee). Goes on Student Fines  For Full Refund, must cancel by Fri., 3/13

11 Forms of Payment  Cash  Checks payable to Broughton HS  Money order

12 Extended Time?  No student, including students who have an IEP or a 504 plan, may receive extended time for an AP exam unless they have been pre- approved by College Board.  Approved students must provide their College Board SSD # when registering for exams.

13 Other Accommodations  Sign Language  Reader  Large Print  Be certain to let us know when ordering your exam(s) if College Board has approved your student for accommodations.

14 Timing for Exams  Approximately 3 hours +/-  Morning exam @ 8:00am arrive by 7:45am  Afternoon exam @ 12:00pm arrival usually 11:45am  For 2 AP exams scheduled on same date and time, one must be taken as a late exam

15 Location of Exams - TBD  Highland United Methodist Church  Broughton  Wade Edwards Learning Lab =W.E.L.L.  NCSU – Centennial Campus  Some exams will require 2 locations

16 What to Bring to Exams  No. 2 pencils (not mechnical)  Black or blue ink pens  Calculator (if allowed for your test) and extra batteries  Leave cell phones and electronic devices in car/locker  Bag lunch if taking two exams

17 Score Reports  Scores range from 1-5  Students can check their scores online in mid July  Scores can be sent directly to colleges through  At pre-registration meeting Seniors should request scores be sent to the college they will attend  It is important that students keep their AP student number

18 What Scores Mean  5 = Extremely well qualified  4 = Well qualified  3 = Qualified  2 = Possibly qualified  1 = No recommendation

19 Scholar Distinctions  National AP Scholar – students who receive an average grade of at least 4 on all AP exams taken and grades of 4 or higher on 8 or more of these exams  AP Scholar with Distinction – average grade of 3.5 of all AP exams taken and grades of 3 or higher on 5 or more of those exams  AP Scholar with Honor – average grade of 3.25 on all AP exams taken, and grades of 3 or higher on 4 or more of those exams  AP Scholar – students who receive grade of 3 or higher on 3 or more AP exams

20 Handouts  AP Exam Important Info Handout  Register for exams from the Broughton website beginning February 23, 2015

21 Important Reminders  Exam locations are subject to change based on numbers after registration  Students are not allowed to have cell phones or electronic devices at testing locations  All students must attend one mandatory pre- administration session in April  4/14 at 6:45am (before school)  4/20 and 4/21 at 2:20pm (after school)  Students arriving late to testing locations will not be admitted if testing has begun

22 Questions ??

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