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MobilePA Challenge Penn State-Harrisburg October 14, 2015 Jen Reiner Director, GO-TIME Amy Zecha Project Manager, GO-TIME.

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Presentation on theme: "MobilePA Challenge Penn State-Harrisburg October 14, 2015 Jen Reiner Director, GO-TIME Amy Zecha Project Manager, GO-TIME."— Presentation transcript:

1 MobilePA Challenge Penn State-Harrisburg October 14, 2015 Jen Reiner Director, GO-TIME Amy Zecha Project Manager, GO-TIME

2 Overview Introduction – GO-TIME MobilePA Challenge Program (The Basics) Past Projects Project Proposals for 2015-16 Questions

3 GO-TIME Governor’s Office of Transformation, Innovation, Management & Efficiency (GO-TIME) Jen Reiner, Director

4 Program Introduction Partnership program between state government and higher-education, launched in 2013 Focuses on solving government challenges using mobile-friendly technology solutions Projects benefit citizens, businesses, employees, and/or local government

5 Program Goals Helping state government gather new insights and learn about new technology from Pennsylvania’s best and brightest students and faculty Exposing students to state government as a potential employer, while allowing them to build their resumes and gain valuable work experience

6 How it Works Agencies Prepare Proposals GO-TIME Reviews & Prioritizes Proposals sent to Students for Selection Project Work & Development Prototype Presentation at the end of the semester Project Work Licensed

7 Roles and Responsibilities Students Project Team Students Project Team Agency Staff Project Sponsor Agency Staff Project Sponsor Professor Advisor & University Liaison Professor Advisor & University Liaison GO-TIME Program Management GO-TIME Program Management Project teams consist of four key groups…

8 Deliverables & Closeout Deliverables Class Requirements (set by university) MobilePA Challenge (end of semester) –Project Requirements Document –Navigational Map –Presentation Slide Deck (if applicable) –Programming Codebase (as submitted to professor) Closeout Student Presentation of Prototypes Final Transfer of Student Work (licensing agreement)

9 Past Projects Book a Space Mobile-responsive site for Office of the Budget Screenshots of MobilePA Challenge project created by Zach Schultz, Michael Toole, and Yasmine Williams BluePlate Mobile-responsive site for General Services Screenshots of MobilePA Challenge project created by Sujay Kallamadi, Kyle Melton, and Matt Houseman Spring 2015

10 Past Projects Get Help Now Mobile-responsive site for Drug & Alcohol Programs Screenshots of MobilePA Challenge project created by Brad Bell, Sara Forry, and Chris Mumma Fall 2014 DEP Recycling App Screenshots of student storyboards from Teams A and E State Library App Screenshots of student storyboards from Teams C and D

11 Project Proposals Project #1Visiting the PA DOC SponsorPA Department of Corrections (DOC) SummaryA mobile app to provide state correctional institution (SCI) visitors with driving directions, facility updates (ex: if it is on lockdown), and details about items which can / cannot be brought to a facility (varies by location) End UserCitizens (visitors to SCI facilities) Project #2PA Forest Careers App SponsorPA Department of Agriculture (PDA) SummaryCreate a mobile website with information about PA forestry-related careers to support current community outreach activities with the PA Woodmobile, primarily targeting high school vo-tech students and colleges with forestry programs End UserCitizens (high-school and college students)

12 Project Proposals Project #3Child Support SmartCourt Solution SponsorDepartment of Human Services (DHS) SummaryMobile-friendly solution to improve efficiency of processing child support court orders (electronic orders which can be electronically signed in the courtroom; optional payment feature) End UserCitizens and Employees (court staff and case workers) Project #4Mobile Media Release Form SponsorDepartment of General Services (DGS) SummaryElectronic “media release” form which could be used to collect individuals’ releases at events – reducing the need to carry and store paper forms End UserCitizens and Employees

13 Project Proposals Project #5InformPA SponsorPA Emergency Management Agency (PEMA) SummaryCreate a mobile app that empowers citizens to share with PEMA real-time information and photos during an emergency situation End UserCitizens and Employees Project #6Redesign SponsorPA Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC) SummaryRedesign of marketing website for Fish & Boat Commission with an emphasis on responsive design and social media tie-ins End UserCitizens

14 Thank you Questions? Amy Zecha Project Manager, GO-TIME PA Office of Administration 717.317.5027 MobilePA Challenge GuidelinesMobilePA Challenge Guidelines | Project ProposalsProject Proposals

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