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6-10-2004Venice seminar1 ICT in professional development Pieter Hogenbirk Dutch Educational Inspectorate.

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Presentation on theme: "6-10-2004Venice seminar1 ICT in professional development Pieter Hogenbirk Dutch Educational Inspectorate."— Presentation transcript:

1 6-10-2004Venice seminar1 ICT in professional development Pieter Hogenbirk Dutch Educational Inspectorate

2 6-10-2004Venice seminar2 General framework for professional teachers compentencieswith pupilswith colleagueswithin the environment with themselves interpersonaltaking care of a good relational atmosphere in the classroom taking care of a coherent curriculum in co-operation with other colleagues tuning their own actions with the people outside the school: parents, institutes reflective and developing professionally pedagogicalproviding a safe learning environment subject orientated & didactical providing a powerful learning environment organisationalproviding an orderly and task oriented atmosphere

3 6-10-2004Venice seminar3 Pedagogical computer driving licence 1. Handling the computer 2. Word-processing 3. Information and communication 4. Processing data and presentation 5. ICT in education

4 6-10-2004Venice seminar4 Pedagogical computer driving licence The module ICT in Education consists of 7 areas of educational application: 5.1 Personal use of ICT 5.2 Using ICT with and by children 5.3 Using ICT in the school 5.4 Didactics of ICT 5.5 Digital learning materials 5.6 ICT and organisation 5.7 Educational Digital Learning Environments

5 6-10-2004Venice seminar5 Benchmarks for best practices benchmark 1 - personal ICT-competencies handling office applications, resource tools, communication tools benchmark 2 - ICT as a mind tool using ICT for co-operation between teachers, students and collaboration on pedagogical projects benchmark 3 - Educational / pedagogical use of ICT using ICT in both asynchronous and synchronous learning environments benchmark 4 - ICT as a tool for teaching for better teaching, planning learning activities, preparing learning materials and special ICT-subjects benchmark 5 - Social aspects of ICT use in education be models of good ICT practice, realise impact ICT on society

6 6-10-2004Venice seminar6 Professional development: a framework for description and assessment teacher’s characteristics professional development successfull ict-practice

7 6-10-2004Venice seminar7 Professional development (1) Successful ict-practice: more effective more motivating more differentiating more varied more efficient more collaborative less costly than before

8 6-10-2004Venice seminar8 Professional development (2) Teacher characteristics: level of involvement (CBAM) competencies view on education learning style of the teacher (!) man/woman, age, history, subject, etc.

9 6-10-2004Venice seminar9 Professional development (3) Personal development: technically policy-driven supply-drivendemand-driven reproductionproduction incidentalstructural genericspecific individualcollaboration trainingcoaching exercisingexperimenting

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